Civil War History

in civil •  4 years ago 

On the initiative of the governor of South Carolina, the authorities of the southern states in October 1860 secretly agreed to withdraw from the union if the Republican candidate won the election. On December 20, South Carolina was the first to leave the United States of America. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas followed suit. On February 4, 1861, they created a new state - the Confederation, whose president was a wealthy planter and a former defense minister. Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina later joined the Confederation.

President Lincoln called on the Confederates to end peace and return to the Union. But the rebels, intending to preserve slavery in their states and realizing that the Republican president would sooner or later abolish it, chose a split.

I believe that the introduction of a new amendment to the constitution would greatly affect not only the economy of the southern part of America, and culture.

With the victory of this war of the Confederation of the States of America, the southern part of the country would separate from the northern one and this would lead to a split of the state. In 2015, the United States is considered a very large and powerful state, and it is not known what would have happened to it in our time during the split in the period (1861-1865)

Conclusion: This war was not only a solution to the issues of independence of the southern part of the United States from the northern but also the issue of the culture of communication with African American immigrants and their descendants in general.

This civil war remained one of the bloodiest in the history of the United States, with nearly 360,000 casualties killed and wounded and more than 275,000 wounded on The Civil War. The Confederates lost, respectively, 258 thousand and about 137 thousand people. This episode of US history influenced the development of military art, demonstrated the capabilities of military technology. After the end of the war, the 13th Amendment Prohibiting Slavery was introduced, which entered into force on December 18, 1865.

After the military development of industrial and agricultural production, the development of western lands began to intensify in the country. Power in the country passed to the bourgeoisie of the northeastern states. Even in our time, there are still echoes of this war. Many Americans regard African Americans as the lower class of the population, although most of them are not.

I believe that this was an important episode in the development of the culture and politics of the United States, at this time the constitution was being formed, society was being formed, the foundations of the state that we see now were laid.

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