(Swastika + Star of David) × (Max Spiers + Joseph P. Farrel + General Milley) × (Imperial Germans + Agartha) = (Aryan-Zionist-Jewish Breakaway Civilization + Vatican + King of the World + Hitler) = Motherlibertynow + Quran = Hollow Earth?

in civilization •  3 years ago 

"German-controlled Dark Fleet in Antarctica"

"The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin.

The Imperial Germans are responsible for most UFO sightings on Earth"

"Max says that a lot of the jews that claim to be hardcore jews are in fact Nazis!!!"

"While discussing the theory of a Fourth Reich, Mr Spiers said Nazis and Zionists are now “working in alignment”"


"Corey Goode explains that the breakaway civilization began in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany where some secret societies were channeling –- trying to contact groups from other worlds. The German secret societies were also scouring the Earth for ancient texts from the East that talked about Vimana and other ancient craft. The Germans hoped to could get information to engineer space craft"

"A third theory that is beginning to see some popularity among paranormal/conspiracy theorists is the idea that the Nazis took control of part of Antarctica and built underground bunkers where they would experiment with creating new technology (Soniak, 2012). This theory originates from a story about a Nazi expedition to Antarctica. The story says that while exploring and mapping the area, they uncovered a multitude of underground caves and rivers. One of the caves was particularly large and was turned into a large city that would be home to both Nazi’s and other powerful groups"

"A second whistleblower has come forward to claim that Nazi flying saucers flew over Washington D.C. and other major U.S. cities in the early 1950s. These events allegedly led to secret negotiations with a surviving Nazi SS breakaway group based in Antarctica, and agreements resulting in their infiltration of a secret U.S. space program."

"Farrell delves into the creation of a breakaway civilization by the Nazis in South America and other parts of the world. He discusses the advanced technology that they took with them at the end of the war and psychological war that they waged for decades on America and NATO."

"According to Tompkins, the U.S. Navy learned of the existence of these secret Antarctic bases from their spies embedded in Nazi Germany, who found that the Nazis/Germans used these remote bases to launch space missions to the Moon, other planets in our solar system, and, most remarkably, to distant interstellar locations."

"Second World War, the Nazi SS ruthlessly pursued its dream of creating a parallel industrial empire that would use millions of slaves to build super weapons of war and space travel. As the war approached its fateful climax, the Nazi SS devoted its rapidly dwindling resources to relocating what it could of its industrial infrastructure to secret bases in South America and Antarctica with the hope of one day achieving its dream.

According to a Corey Goode, who claims to have worked on several secret space programs for 20 years, the Nazis SS used their new bases to continue building advanced weapons and space craft. Goode revealed that the surviving Nazis progressed very quickly and were able to defeat Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump, a 1947 punitive Naval expedition designed to locate and destroy the secret Nazi SS Antarctic base(s). Only a few years later, in the early 1950s, the Nazis pressured the Truman and Eisenhower administrations to sign secret agreements. Nazi assets then infiltrated and took over much of the U.S. military industrial complex, and an emerging corporate run space program that Goode described as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)."

"After World War II, thousands of Nazis fled to South America along so-called ratlines — often with the help of Catholic clergy. The Vatican is now opening its archives from the time. Will it be a moment of truth?"

"one of the ratlines actually ran through the Vatican itself, and escaping Nazis were disguised as priests to faciliate their relocation to South America, the United States and elsewhere around the globe."

"It is -the role of Vatican in protecting many Nazi War Criminals by allowing them to escape to South America through its “Ratlines” that is slowly being uncovered."

"Now, 75 years later, with the June 23 decision to leave the European Union, Great Britain has issued a clear challenge to a secret ‘Fourth Reich”, covertly established by breakaway Nazi groups in South America and Antarctica, who during WWII had established an advanced space program, and later exerted an increasingly powerful hidden influence over the European Union.

The roots of the infiltration of the European Union and its predecessors by breakaway Nazi groups after WWII can be traced to a decision taken by Deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann on August 10, 1944 soon after the Allied armies landed on the beaches of Normandy"

"The more secret part of the German space program was led by Hans Kammler. Kammler was cooperating with the Green Men (an underground Draco breakaway civilization). Under Kammler, the Nazis have built a network of underground tunnels and bases in Greenland, Argentina and Antarctica. They have further expanded their territory by building colonies on the Moon, Mars and asteroids. Pumped with Nazi supremacy ideology"

“These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.”

"Not long ago, we discovered a map of the third Reich in which there are several secret passages depicted which were used by German U-Boats to access mysterious underground regions, as well as a complete map of both hemispheres and the mysterious kingdom of Agartha.

We have also come across a letter, supposedly written by Karl Unger, who was aboard the German U-Boat 209, commanded by Heinrich Brodda, in which he states that the crew had reached the interior of the Earth and that they did not consider coming back."

"Some Nazi maps supposedly showed directions to reach an underground land presumed to be Agartha. This has been stated in a letter from a German U-boat navigator, Karl Unger who also claims that a U-boat, U-209, made it to Agartha and confirmed that there is a kingdom within the hollow earth. The letter also names some well known german generals who were heavily involved in the hollow-Earth theory.

There is also a large amount of evidence claiming that the Nazis spent a lot of resources and conducted experiments in search of Agartha. Some experiments from the Third Reich have the assumption that the earth is hollow as a given and was supposedly a believed fact by them."

"Nazis escaped to South America on the few U-Boats remaining at the end of the war, or that they all made their own travel arrangements."

"Hitler was intrigued with the idea of Shambhala because some proto-Nazi organizations, such as the Ariosophists, speculated that Shambhalah was the birthplace of Aryan race. Heinrich Himmler was fascinated by Asian mysticism."

"And when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth a khalif"

"the king of Shambhala will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish "dark forces" and usher in a worldwide Golden Age."

Top Secret Nazi maps (declassified KGB documents) confirm the existence of subterranean breakaway civilizations

Financing a breakaway civilization: A series of scandals involving allegedly counterfeit "bearer bonds" make up the biggest and most under-reported financial story of the 21st century.

2020/10/31 – Richard Dolan – Is A Nazi “Breakaway Space Civilization” Responsible For Covid-19?

Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore

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