RE: The IPCC Exposed

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The IPCC Exposed

in climate •  6 years ago 

Watch "How Big Oil Conquered the World" and "Why Big Oil Conquered the World". I think it will help you get a bigger picture on who's to profit by pushing the "Climate Change" agenda.

These "Climate Change" movements are all funded and backed up mainly by Rockefeller-associated companies and personalities. The people who are behind oil are the same people behind renewable energies.

This is not an argument of renewable>oil. It's unquestionable the fact we should leave fossil fuels and move to renewable energies. The thing is, the way it's being implemented, it's the New World Order. Smart Grid + 5G + IoT + Carbon Tax = Full Spectrum Dominance.

Watch the documentaries, I really think they will help.

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damantanor -

Spot on, however this is not an argument of Tesla Free Energy>renewable as it should be.

Regarding the collapsing biosphere it's foolish to engage the dysfunctional mouthpieces of collective egos namely statists and the owners of central banking. There exists zero benevolence in any of their actions. The renewable energy faction of this statist perception deception is of zero utility given the destruction of the ozone layer. There is no escape from Smart Grid + 5G + IoT + Carbon Tax = Full Spectrum Dominance implementation as it is built upon geoengineering which is excluded from discussion(s).

Fight the delusion of "safety in numbers" and move ahead of the herd. The cult of statism is enemy of freedom, enemy of life, enemy of truth. Do not be deceived to carry the enemy on your back.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA


You are right, it's not the discussion we should be having, but Tesla-based Free Energy is never going to happen, unfortunately.

As far as statism and "herd'ism" I am neither. I am an extremist anarchist. I do not believe in man-made law at all and I would rather see all man law abolished tomorrow (even if it means my demise) than keeping up with this charade.

Regarding geoengineering, the truth is if the chemtrails are indeed infused with nano-particles (which are composed by Archaea-Bacteria-Eukarya) [Sofia Smallstorm research] then there really is nothing we can do. These nano-particles are already inside our bodies/brains and they can be "activated" at any point. I tend not to believe this per-say as I tend not to believe in any doomsday scenario (aka scenarios where there is no hope left so to speak).

Btw, checked out your website, seems we are in synch on many things. Keep up the good work.

damantanor -

Thank you for the encouragement on my website, there is always common ground where individuals commit to the pursuit of infinite truth.

Thank you for mentioning Sofia Smallstorm, I have begun researching her work.

Thank you for contributing to the dialogue.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

I actually did watch both of them a while back, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch them again. Now, when I look at the data, it's ominous.

I've also reluctantly come to the opinion that the NWO one-world government may be the only way humankind will be able to marshal its resources into a cohesive monumental effort to save itself from the existential threat of climate change. Or, if the US were to take the lead with strong support from the rest of the world, that might be enough, but lots of luck there.

Right now, the 190+ governments of the world have many competing interests, which makes it tough to produce a viable plan in time to avoid global catastrophe. In fact, it's probably already unavoidable and only a question of time. Thanks for the input.

"I've also reluctantly come to the opinion that the NWO one-world government may be the only way humankind will be able to marshal its resources into a cohesive monumental effort to save itself from the existential threat of climate change."

In this we cannot agree. Is there division? Yes. Does humanity need unity? Yes. Does a central (worldwide) government fulfill this need? No. Proof? No country (even ultra-nationalist ones) ever managed to become self-suficient in the history of the world. Why? Because that goes entirely against the institution of Government. Government exists to produce scarcity and never abundance. Thought this would be clear just by living life and seeing the lies all around us (all manufactored by government).

Just to conclude by saying that this "Climate Change" problem exists ONLY to make people like you and me come to exactly that point you say. To come to a point where a person says "the problem is so big that only someone in charge of everything can solve it". This is exactly what the "Elite" want and you need to look deep within yourself and see that the solution is in Unity of Souls, not more systems of control/government/management/dictatorship. The earth needs You, not for you to be assigned a number and a function in order to serve the establishment.

Don't know if I made myself clear but I tried. Much love to you.

damantanor -

You've made the description of the "Problem-Reaction-Solution" process perfectly clear. However I am unsure what you consider is adequate catalyst to motivate the herd to reject the pyramid above it supplying the entitlement cash flow? I can see no motivator less than complete collapse of the state and all corresponding activities primarily funded through theft by taxation.

Only the most severe pain and suffering can induce any mass movement from their comfort zone of suffering. The eldest generations were conquered long ago by simply writing them a check and they grew up in a world without a welfare state. So much said for self esteem as they traded everything for socialism security checks and the opportunity to worship the state.

I don't see how your paradigm of "Unity Of Souls" has any collective utility unless it refers to the afterlife as the eldest sector intends nothing but to run out the clock defending "their" socialism security checks stolen from the paychecks of the presently working poor. Thus there can be no unity of souls honestly postured between eldest and youngest generations because the former is busy eating the latter.

In reality I'd say 99.99% of the human race is pure scum by choice. They don't have to remain scum but they aren't likely to grow a conscience as long as they are paid by the state to stay willfully indoctrinated into a perpetual environment characterized by the frustration aggression principle.

What am I missing from your Unity Of Souls paradigm that can reconcile these elements I present to you?

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA


Don't know if I'm going to be able to explain myself succinctly but I'll try.

There are 2 things here I think we "need".

First - Anarchism relating to man-made law. As long as we live in a system of rule that is based upon hierarchy to man (meaning, that there is some man/woman who rules over me, or I rule over them) then we have no chance for freedom and peace. Anarchy between mankind is an absolute must.

Second - After anarchy towards man has been estabilished, mankind can unite in the same desire which is to bring contentment to our Maker (call it Creator, God, Nature, Consciousness, it's all the same).

This is my path. Now, to be clear, Anarchy towards man-made law is inevitable. However, there's a 99,9% chance that Anarchy will come alongside destruction because mankind is not going to accept Anarchy in any way, shape or form. What I see as being most likely to happen is a "final revolution" where the Establishment/Government/System of Rule can no longer be sustained (because of the inherent corruption) and mankind will "lose their minds" and it will be a "free-for-all". In this "free-for-all" there will be a moment of pure and complete Anarchy, and this is where mankind will make it's choice of repeating the cycle (another 13000 years or whatever of more Government) or to break the cycle and "evolve"/"develop".

But, this is my opinion, which is born out of my mind and reason, which is nothing more than Materialistic/Corporeal/Psychological conclusions.

I can't live my life this way. So I live my life on the path of Faith above Reason. And on this path, I live my life with the idea/hope/goal/purpose that it doesn't have to be this way (you can call me naive for this). I live my life knowing that there's a 99,9% chance that things are going to get "fucked up", but my actions and intentions are only towards the 0,1% chance that it will not get "fucked up".

When I speak of Unity of Souls, I speak of an idea where there is the possibility of uniting mankind not because we all agree that this is the best mode of government, or because we all agree we are polluting the planet or whatever but because we are in fact all the same, we are in fact all at the same stage of development, and that we are in fact all the same Soul and there is no "Other", there is only an illusion created by our minds and senses that tells us "look, there's another person" instead of the Truth which is "look, there's another myself".

I know that on this planet we must be "rational" and look at our problems in a "rational" way. But the Truth is that this is what we have been doing all along and it has brought us nothing but pain/misery/suffering/etc
What I do see is that there have been (and still are) some people which have followed the path of Faith above Reason and those people are responsible for every drop of Good that mankind has enjoyed.

To conclude, you asked me what sort of catalyst I think would be necessary for "change". My response is there is no such catalyst. This is an ongoing process and the time for "abrupt" social changes has come to an end. We will be slowly swallowed up by the new system of rule based on technology (with the consent of the overwhelming majority of the population) and only the inevitable "saturation" and "breakdown" of the system itself will cause the so called "change". But even then, it's very likely the cycle will just repeat itself and we will go back to the "stone age" to try and get it right this time around.

I just try to get people to look behond Corporeality into Spirituality where you are indeed Imortal and Eternal so that at least some people may get some peace of mind (which leads to them living more "conscious" lives overall I think).

Sorry for the wall of text btw =) and I know this is kind of a "silly" talk and I went off-track a bit. But these things can't be separated and I can no longer live in a world that only exists in the interpretations that my brain makes of my five senses.

damantanor -

Thank you for affording me insight to your Unity Of Souls paradigm. I apologize for the length of time between my replies but I am homesteading and I can't manage enough time away from my farm to engage on steemit as much as I need.

I did speed read your reply but will copy it and take it back to my farm to study closely tomorrow. I wanted to briefly state that nothing you wrote is silly and one should always feel entitled to write extensively when sharing meaningful ideas. Even at sharp glance I found your post to be of great value to consider and I have immediate synergistic thoughts arising from it as it entwines with my perceptions and closely held beliefs.

Enjoy your evening.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

damantanor -

Thank you for the opportunity to share identification of common ground. Discussions of "consciousness" have been crucial in my personal development for many years. And yes I embrace "consciousness" rather than deity. I rarely need to make any formal statement of the interchangeability when responding to religious paradigms offered to me in sincerity.

I have never written anything that wasn't foremost a conversation with myself. It seems reasonable that art enacted in purpose of truth will always reward those engaged. In kind those engaged in sophistry despise the flow and conviction of truth in art as their deception requires far more labor to maintain a static facade. That is why statism is the realm of psychopathy and incompetence where initiation of aggression is traded like currency.

I embrace anarcho-capitalism and have worn an ancap flag t-shirt 24/7 for many years now. I don't embrace collective action period. Many people have been awakening to the Hopi Elder saying: "We are the ones we have been waiting for." However I recognize that the wisdom in that statement when channeled toward progression reveals "I am the one I have been waiting for." It is my vision that the answers mankind need are only found and accepted at the individual level. Anarchy is as anarchy does.

Regarding your expression "look there goes another me", I know the interconnection you are experiencing and that realization did not come to me through faith. I sense that your definition of faith isn't exactly textbook as "belief in something despite no evidence to support that belief". I suspect that what you enjoy calling faith is in my best practices called "conscious intuition".

Consciousness in my case affords synchronicity which makes things happen when they need to happen. Where some folks give thanks to a creator for blessings received through faithful practice I instead recognize confirmation of the path in pursuit of infinite truth. I can't and won't steer from this path. Once enlightened I suspect there's just no way to go back to the darkness. Furthermore I can't imagine any force that can drag me back.

I'd like to say that I share your perspective of immortal and eternal, as I have never seen any evidence that ever-lasting life is avoidable. Therefore the common ground you've identified confirms you've constructed not a "wall" of text but rather a bridge of dialogue which hopefully others are sharing even in silence.

All individuals are unique however nobody is special. There is no separateness no matter how much that scares those that are consumed in their ego-misidentification. If you have read the work of Eckhart Tolle you may share the insight of suffering as unnecessary. Mankind demands collective suffering. I'm through with mankind's hell and those who demand everyone must attend.

The closest thing I have to a religion is music, and this track arises in my mind per our discussion so I'm sharing it with you now. The lyrics have always resonated with me.

Thank you for being here on steemit.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

hulabugger -

You and I aren't anywhere near common ground in your perception of benevolence as core construct of statism. If you want to see what so-called "competition" between nations looks like just find the videos showing the endlessly repetitive standing ovations by Congress during Netanyahu's speeches. Then remember the USS Liberty false flag bombed by Israel.

Are you really as naive as your post advocating NWO suggests or are you playing on the intelligence of others? I upvoted you again per sincerity but it actually feels like charity at this point. Reason can't lower the bar to NWO tolerance.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

First of all, I believe the threat of climate change is real and an existential threat to humanity. That's where I'm coming from. If you believe climate change is a fraud, well then, we definitely don't see eye-to-eye.

But, I'm definitely not saying the globalists are benevolent. They have committed monstrous crimes against humanity, including many false flag attacks which have led to wars like Vietnam and the conflicts in the Middle East. Millions of innocents have perished as a result, of which the globalists are quite content. The more, the better, as far as they are concerned.

My point is that the globalists believe in the threat of climate change as well and are acting decisively to deal with it. The NWO one-world government and Agenda 21/30 is their plan to save their own hides and enough of humanity to build a sustainable civilization that they can rule over. This plan includes depopulating the planet by roughly 6 to 7 billion people. Nothing benevolent about that!

The plan would also require a monumental effort by the major countries of world to mitigate carbon emissions, switch to renewable energies, and deploy massive infrastructure to remove carbon from the atmosphere. The industrial transition to a wartime footing during WWII would look like childs-play in comparison.

However, if enough of humanity wakes up to the threat of climate change, we may, just may, be able to stabilize and eventually eliminate the threats of both climate change and the globalist NWO. We would have to launch into a similar carbon mitigation and capture plan and do it pronto. We wouldn't need to forcibly depopulate the planet like in the globalist plan because it's probably too late to avert a global climate catastrophe that would wipe out a good part of the population - if that's any consolation. Population controls would need to be put in place, but countries would retain their sovereignty.

The globalist NWO plan appears to be falling apart and may never happen. Now is the chance for the rest of humanity to wake up and get their asses in gear. If we fail, we face near-term extinction.

hulabugger -

Thank you for your detailed reply.

However I must state that your endorsement in writing stating "population controls would need to be put in place" violates individual sovereignty and the non-aggression principle.

I must also state that your discussion also contains zero recognition or reference of ozone depletion caused by global geoengineering programs despite evidence that it has been ongoing for 70+ years. Neither did you aknowledge that the statist "solutions" that you leap in faith to embrace include geoengineering that will continue the collapse of the biosphere not reverse it.

These two statements I made reveal you've already acknowledged that your paradigm of "rescue" can't be sold. Of course it follows that you feel entitled to magically allocate a right of aggression you don't have as an individual to a collective whom you would petition to initiate your/their agenda upon me at gunpoint.

I'm going the other way thanks.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Well, I agree that the 'statists' are probably behind the massive geoengineering program that's been going on since the end of WWII. I'm sure the goal was to slow down global warming, but it's causing more harm than good. That's a whole story in itself.

I do follow the GeoengineeringWatch channel led by Dane Wigington. Although I can't say I agree with him 100%, I think he's a very important voice in humanity's fight against the threat of climate change and the NWO agenda.

I certainly don't like the NWO agenda. It just seems to be the only viable alternative to human extinction. Humanity is moving too slowly to address the threat of climate change. A global catastrophe of massive famine, flooded coastal cities, pandemics, and possible human extinction is now inevitable, IMO.

I think the countries of the world would be more than willing to sign, let's say, a 'Population Control Treaty' after going through a horrendous global climate catastrophe. It's not a question of space. There's plenty of space. It's the production of goods and services (buildings, vehicles, electricity, food, etc) in support of the population that's using up the Earth's limited resources and destroying it's biosphere. The size of the population is not sustainable.

The treaty would set population targets, but each country would have to decide how it would address its target. Some might adopt a 'one child per family' policy, for example. I think an effective approach would be to adopt policies designed to increase educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for women. I have heard more than one scientist say that such policies to empower women would lead to lower birth rates.

In any case, if we don't get going, the coming global catastrophe will become the Earth's sixth mass extinction.

hulabugger -

What you call a "Country" exists only in your mind and the delegation of rights you don't have as an individual unto a collective is magical thinking. The entire facade of statism is a dance of madness within the minds of the indoctrinated that refuse to be self reliant, refuse to be free, refuse to respect freedom of others.

You can't shed your accountability for initiating aggression against others through magical thinking. In a dystopia chickenshit conformity is no achievement.

Why would you make a leap of faith that the global engineering programs ongoing since WWII were implemented to combat global warming? If you follow surely you've noticed that every video starts with an excerpt by Lyndon Johnson lamenting like a madman how "he that controls the weather will control the world".

Your magicians are destroying the world on purpose. Cuddle up close to them if you want. I don't care. I'm going the other way thanks.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Mr Wigington states in this very video (5:30) you provided that the globalists are conducting the geoengineering program with the objective of mitigating climate change. He repeats that in almost every video, I think.

He also says that the program is backfiring disastrously and needs to be stopped. It's damaging the ozone layer, disrupting weather patterns, and contaminating the water, soil, and air we breathe. As I understand it, Mr Wigington does not feel these detrimental effects were planned, but are the result of gross and reckless incompetence (my words).

However, the statists are definitely planning and executing programs to weaponize the weather as well. Mr Wigington states that five major hurricanes since 2017 (Harvey, Irma, Maria, Florence, and Michael) were steered onto the coasts of Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Carolinas, and the Florida panhandle respectively, with the goal of causing maximum damage. They can't start the hurricane, but they can push it in a certain direction and strengthen it. They can also cause droughts or floods in a given region.

So, the statists, as you call them, (I prefer to call them 'the globalists or psychopaths') are happy to kill innocents - American, Syrian, Vietnamese, and so on, it doesn't matter; they hate all humanity equally. And I certainly do hate them back. In no way, shape, or form do I advocate for a NWO type of government.

hulabugger -

Dane Wigington consistently explains:

  1. That the globalists deny conducting global geoengineering programs.

  2. That geoengineers advocate programs that claim a stated agenda of geoengineering to combat climate change and are traitors, honor-less order followers acting only to collect a paycheck and protect their pensions knowing full well that they are destroying the biosphere.

  3. That geoengineering was implemented initially to control the weather as a weapon and remains a form of weather and biological warfare against all populations.

Are you deliberately being deceitful in correlation to advocating technocratic eugenics? Is your income primarily funded through theft by taxation?

I'm going the other way thanks.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

You've got it spot on