Cloning Programming Psychasec booth at CES featuring a human sleeve, cortical stack a consciousness Upload. Have you seen the Boys from Brazil? Gemini Man? Predictive Programming? They have to Tell you before they Do it to You!

in cloning •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Upload your "consciousness?" They May as well include Conscience!
Purchase a human sleeve? A booth for Altered Carbon at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas 2018. How about a Cortical Stack? Is the promise of immortality a delusional illusion? Great Deception anyone?

When they say upload your "consciousness," they may as well include your conscience because it is our Creator in whose image we were created from, hence, you give it over to a "Sleeve," or altered entity. ..what else can inhabit?

Would it Really be you or is it more dna manipulation and a hoax too many will fall for just as the fallen were tampering with DNA in biblical times before the flood?

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In the bible crossbreeding was used among the fallen.
Did it sound like Genetic Armageddon then? When the fallen saw the daughters of God (humanity was created in God's image) this is what happened. ..

Genesis 6:2-5
King James Version
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Clearly just as then. will be the same Now because. ..
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

Truly the war between Good and Evil as the followers of satan come face to face with a line drawn in the sand by the Sons and Daughters of God!

Luke 17:26
King James Version
26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

So just what was it Really like in the days of Noah?
Jasher 4:18
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.

Now if you grew up in the churches in which many of them were weakened and some of the books of the bible hidden as they were taken out by the Vatican during King James reign. may be asking What in the World is this "Book" of Jasher.
Some say. ..NOT in my Bible. Oh, but it IS mentioned in Your Bible!

Did you know the book was stated in the books that weren't taken out?

WHY? What happened to it if it is written right there in 2 Samuel 1?
So if the Book of Jasher isn't Inspired. ..why was it mentioned in a Book everyone acknowledges IS inspired?
18 (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)

See more here on the Biotech industry, tampering wth DNA and Transhumanism here,

Facebook Frames Would you upload your conscience if you could? A question presented at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018 with Genetically Homegrown Organic Sleeves.

When you research. . .you find an old movie called The Boys of Brazil.

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Very interesting as it involves a tell on cloning, Hitler, his top scientists who were abusive and quite mad.

People like Mengele and Third Reich War Criminals.

Was it signaling the coming of this?

Featured in 2018 at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show)

At the Psychasec booth at CES, what appeared to be human bodies were on display in glass cases and bags

The exhibitors introduced a plan for 'immortality,' by uploading your consciousness into lab-grown bodies

‘These are made of skin, tissue, muscle, bone, nervous system, cells, everything that we have to generate ourselves to make our movements, these are made up of,’ the Psychasec exhibitor said.

Unlike all other booths at CES, none of the exhibitors at Psychasec had name badges.

Murmurs of ‘I don’t like this,’ and ‘no, this is too much for me,’ could be heard as CES attendees crowded around the Psychasec setup, greeted by what appeared to be lifeless human forms on display in large glass cases.

During a brief tour through the booth, exhibitors dressed in all white sold the idea of immortality, through a plan to upload human consciousness to ‘human sleeves’ of whatever design you desire – before concluding around the display of ‘Joel,’ a fresh ‘sleeve' in a vacuum sealed bag, breathing and eating through a tube.

Visitors who went through the tour were presented with a trailer for a Netflix show called Altered Carbon, and gifted small Netflix branded goodie bags containing ‘cortical stack aftercare gel.’

It may be one of the most bizarre Netflix marketing schemes yet, going as far as plastering posters with ‘Boycott #Psychasec’ and ‘Immortality is Immoral’ along the outside of the booth (though an exhibitor insisted to that this had been done by anti-Psychasec protestors).

But, either way, it’s not an exhibit you’re likely to forget anytime soon.

Pointing to the disturbing ‘human sleeves’ inside the neon-backlit cases, a guide said: ‘These are 100 percent genetically home-grown organic sleeves – the sleeve is your body.’

The system relies on what the firm calls a ‘cortical stack.’

The so-called cortical stack is a small device that is inserted into the base of the spine in the ‘human sleeve.’

The stack then interacts with the nervous system, to ‘essentially download your memories, or you, onto this device like backup hard drive,’ much like iPhone users do with the cloud, the presenter noted.

‘The same thing, this will back up you – everything that makes up your personality. The emotion, every memory, everything that is you is stored onto this cortical stack.’

The downloaded information could then be transferred into the human sleeve in what’s called a ‘needle casting.’

As the sleeves are made of biological material, they’d still be susceptible to disease and injury, the exhibitors said.

But, with the needle casting, a person could just transfer their information to new bodies as needed, ‘therefore creating immortality – you let your mind live on.’

Well okay then folks. . .Nothing to see here, it's all just for SHOW said every illusionist, actor and deceiver Ever!

As stated in the Daily Mail

But, at the end of the booth, it is revealed to be a bizarre marketing stunt for the Netflix show, Altered Carbon.

In Altered Carbon they speak of technology conquering death.

With endless future. . .comes endless past.

Human sleeve anyone?

It's selling points are 100% Genetically Homegrown Organic. Don't forget. . .the Sleeve IS your body.

Does any of this bring memories of that article done by a doctor titled In the Name of Public Health- a Nazi Racial Hygiene?

Do you ever wonder why a certain group tries to say those standing for Freedom are the Nazi's as they continue to attempt to force, belittle and ridicule for Not drinking the Kool aid? Interesting how whatever They are doing. ..they blame the other side yet Very Little Self Awareness by the ardent followers of their Corporate owned Mainstream Media stream. ..It's All in the Frequencies!

Who is the Prince and Power of the air?

You know who! Now look around you, can you Just Tell by having the Eyes to see who Tunes into them?


Who out there are Slaves No More?

Fully Sourced as you click on the Frame photos.

Facebook Frames Would you upload your conscience if you could? A question presented at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018 with Genetically Homegrown Organic Sleeves.

According to the Daily Mail,

'You can have a sleeve of yourself, you can have a sleeve genetically designed to whatever you want: Taller, shorter, musclier, better vision, faster, any race or any gender, with your mind.’

The system relies on what the firm calls a ‘cortical stack.’

The so-called cortical stack is a small device that is inserted into the base of the spine in the ‘human sleeve.’

The stack then interacts with the nervous system, to ‘essentially download your memories, or you, onto this device like backup hard drive,’ much like iPhone users do with the cloud, the presenter noted.

‘The same thing, this will back up you – everything that makes up your personality. The emotion, every memory, everything that is you is stored onto this cortical stack.’

The downloaded information could then be transferred into the human sleeve in what’s called a ‘needle casting.’

They boast about Uploading your "Consciousness," but Make No Mistake. Will entail your Conscience!

As the sleeves are made of biological material, they’d still be susceptible to disease and injury, the exhibitors said.

But, with the needle casting, a person could just transfer their information to new bodies as needed, ‘therefore creating immortality – you let your mind live on.’

PSYCHASEC CES2018 Booth tour

Gemini Man also appears to be predictive programming!
They have to Tell you before they do it!
A retiring assassin, Henry Brogan, finds himself pursued by a mysterious killer that can predict his every move. Discovering that he's being hunted by a younger clone of himself, Henry needs to find out why he's being targeted and who the creator is.

Sources and Connecting Articles

So a Sim? Interesting. Where have we seen that before? Event 201?


Flip through the frames and you will get the gist of the Fifth Column. ..what it was Known to be and called out for in the time of JFK, our great father president who Stated just who they were and what they were up to along with what another Great #45 ten years after #35 {10 is God's number for Completion}. All Fully sourced and will include The CIA Speech also in Comments of Original post! #StaySafe, #StayVigilant, #WeWillPersevere

Facebook Frames What is Raelism, Clonaid and Altered Carbon.

Facebook Frames The Humanity of it all, human leather co and a bag made from designer Putra of Human Spine and Alligator Tongue Verified.

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Tom Macdonald - "Cloned Rappers"