DTube Video. New Clothes! Ropa nueva que me queda bien!

in clothes •  6 years ago  (edited)

I got some new pants the other day but they were very tight. I now have three shirts and two pants that fit well. I was going to get a hair cut today but buying clothes took too long. This was the third try and these fit me well.

I send sincere thanks to all, am really really happy to finally have good clothes. My pants were split open and I had no others. I could not go to the store. My friend went to find my size which is difficult. It is hard to express how much thanks for all your support and good wishes. We will see each other in the posts to come.

Thanks to everyone who donated Steem y Steem Dollars, I have the cash today.

Especial thanks to @xpilar who gave all winnings from his post about me and art dedicated.

Especial thanks to sultan-aceh a new friend from Aceh who shared a summary of all my story how I started on Steemit and sent the money to me.

▶️ DTube


Bueno ahora tengo la suerte de poder tener dos pantalones y una remera que gentilmente me pudieron conseguir gracias a todo el apoyo que me dieron. Tomó unos días comprando prendas que me quedaban muy ajustados y ahora me compraron una remera y un pantalón negro nuevo hoy que me quedan bien pero p tuvimos que posponer el corte de pelo por muchas vueltas intentando conseguir mi talle.

También les mando un saludo muy grande y sinceramente les digo que estoy muy contento de haber podido conseguir esta ropa que tanto necesitaba y porque realmente la situación no da para poderla comprar porque verdadmente está muy difícil, en este país, poder comprar algo. Les agradezco infinitamente a todos los que colaboraron con y los que también dan su apoyo tanto con plata como con aliento y que pasen una muy buena jornada y nos vemos en cada post y en cada video gracias.

Gracias a todos los que donaron Steem y Steem Dollars, tengo el efectivo hoy.

Gracias especialmente a @xpilar que me dio el dinero del post que hizo que ya tengo en efectivo hoy.

Otro Gracias especial para sultan-aceh un amigo nuevo de Aceh que compartió un sumario de todos los posts que componen mi inicio en steemit.

blue pants - too tight

blackpants and shirt

I cannot breath in this photo with the blue pants on. My friend went to a new store today and got bigger pants.

Two other days and today I have the clothes not too tight. Black pants and shirt feel good to wear and are clean!

A big Hug!

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hai @lvj

nice to see, you are now
I smiled in aceh
You already have new pants and shirts ...

yes, @lvj I can't wait anymore, see your handsome face
I want to see your changes for a bright future, of course with your new friends there, and the new friends you have at #steemit.

hi @lvj
you @lvj and @done

I'm @ Sultan-Aceh and other steemian friends here,
friend for life and you are now.
save your old memories, as your success now.

the presence of @done
me and you, now become friends for life.

regards @sultan-aceh

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That we are. You helped someone that had not even known about. Back out there, sleeping in the park. These things are so cold. in the cold, but now better in the clean clothes I am wearing. I can warm up with a nice hot coffee and breakfast if I wear presentable clothes. Hopefully he will even be able to go shopping with me, or get a hair cut , I have many friends to talk about . I will be learning more things I must know to have etiquette for steemit. Then I am anxious to do better on my post. Then get some friends involved.

Little by little. Next the hair and ability to travel. Then a roof over my
head. and regular showers.


Gracia por leerme es un orgullo amigo mlo de todo corazon

i don't know your language sir, please write English

Amiga gracias por tu aliento es lindo tener ropas nuevas aun a un hombre pobre que se quedo en la calle y es un luchador

Please write English sir, i don't know this language

I live in Bangladesh, my mother language is Bangla

Hi @rachel1998
maybe @lvj
is not good at translating
to mention it

@lvj tells you ....
Friend, thank you for your encouragement, it's nice to have new clothes, even a poor man who stayed on the street and is a fighter


Try this translation site so you can translate to most languages. (https://translate.google.com/)

end of post graphic.png

এই অনুবাদ সাইটটি চেষ্টা করুন যাতে আপনি বেশিরভাগ ভাষায় অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।
Ē'i anubāda sā'iṭaṭi cēṣṭā karuna yātē āpani bēśirabhāga bhāṣāẏa anubāda karatē pārēna.

end of post graphic.png

Prueba este sitio de traducción para que puedas traducir a la mayoría de los idiomas.

My photography @lvj sir
You are a good people sir for help poor man

Mr. @lvj, @done, @sultan-aceh, @xpilar I'm a child of a poverty house. My
father taught me a lot of hardships, I
dreamed that I would finish a good job
and take a good job and look after them. I
have two sisters who have married in my
marriage, they will marry them. No one
wants to give a job except this era is
coming. I'm at a lot of problems. If you
were a good man you used to be close to
me, you would have been very good for
me. And why this problem is being said
please received_199677987595394.png

I was before
also experiencing that problem


you have to wait
the process of filling Resource Credits
see below

to find out, you can open your link https://steemd.com/@rachel1998

may be useful
regards @sultan-aceh

Hi @lvj

It's nice to be able to help.

Without @done we would not be familiar with you.

Steemit is a place where we also have the opportunity to help others across our world

The Steemit platform has given many an opportunity to communicate and make new friends in addition to blogging.

Looking forward to your next post

Mr. @lvj, @done, @sultan-aceh, @xpilar I'm a child of a poverty house. My
father taught me a lot of hardships, I
dreamed that I would finish a good job
and take a good job and look after them. I
have two sisters who have married in my
marriage, they will marry them. No one
wants to give a job except this era is
coming. I'm at a lot of problems. If you
were a good man you used to be close to
me, you would have been very good for
me. And why this problem is being said
please received_199677987595394.png


You're right I'm about to open this
account about 2 months ago. My smart
phone was not good so I could not use
steemit. Sometimes people entered with
a smart phone

glad to hear
if you understand ... regards @sultan-aceh

Mr, I am 7 days to buy a smart phone for
using steemit

Thank you to help me sir
How are you sir?

Where are you chatting from?

What are you doing now?

This problem is when I comment more, @
tania12 bought me Sp today She is my fb

This is a good news about your well being, really happy to read your story here, good you got yourself some clothes and pants.

Regards to generous man Snr. @xpilar for dedicated a whole art for you and send you the Steem/Steem Dollar after the payouts and also thanks to my friend @sultan-aceh for the great mind to support as well.

Big thanks to the person who lead your way here on Steemit @done may God continue to take care of him and his family as well... His really a good example.. more blessing to.. him

Keep the good work @lvj await to for more progress about you... Amen


I draw this portrait as a gift to say welcome to @lvj and also say thanks to you @done for your support.


It's great if you feel better, so on @lvj!

Really the soul of @xpilar is clean and very much liked by many people both from work and personality. Really the two of you are amazing.

Hi @black-horse

thank you nice words about me

You're welcome @xpilar! I like your works that are full of life philosophy.


Good job @xpilar

Your @lvj is great, you can hypnotize many people, with a very short time you become a senior on this steemit platform.

you can easily raise a lot of money, slowly you have started adjusting to a new environment, yesterday you have a new cellphone, now you have new clothes, you are really great.

Thanks @done
Thanks @xpilar
Thanks @sultan-aceh

Prak aju beh

Haha yang penteng olah beu teuga 😀

Vaya amigo, estrenando ropa nueva te felicito y más que es con dinero que te has ganado por este medio lo que hace más creíble todo lo que hacemos en ella. Me imagino que fue difícil conseguir la talla adecuada pero es gratificante una vez que ya la tienes no? No hay nada mejor que estrenar algo, te hace sentir muy bien, sigue así con tus post y vas a encontrar mucha gente y amigos nuevos como @xpilar que con su buena voluntad contribuyen para que puedas crecer. Seria bueno que te pongas a hacer un poco de ejercicio, la salud siempre es importante y te ayudara a sentirte muchísimo mejor, anímate que te traerá cosas buenas, un saludo amigo y me despido hasta la proxima.

Go friend, premiering new clothes I congratulate you and more that it is with money that you have earned by this means what makes everything we do in it more credible. I imagine it was difficult to get the right size but it is rewarding once you have it no? There is nothing better than to release something, it makes you feel very good, keep up with your posts and you will find many new people and friends like @xpilar who contribute with your good will so that you can grow. It would be good to get a little exercise, health is always important and will help you feel much better, animate that will bring good things, a friendly greeting and I say goodbye until the next.

Hola @lvj I am so happy with my heart that you were able to buy clothes with the help of @done which is your true friend because he cares for you and helps you.
I wish you happiness and long life as well as prosperity and abundance and of course peace of the Lord Jesus.

I think you are the most popular new user now in Steemit. everyone curious to know who you really are.

You have many friends who can provide the best for you Mr. @lvj,
they help you voluntarily.

@xpilar and @sultan-aceh are good people.

if you are happy, everyone is happy too mr. @lvj
You are very lucky because you have a lot of fans, and also an encouragement who knows you very well, like Mr. @done ...
added support from @xpilar and @sultan-aceh, you really are amazing mr. @lvj ,,
I don't know what to say, moreover, you're really great ...
have a nice day mr. @lvj and good luck ...

Que buena juan te miras bastante bien con tu nueva ropa, que bueno que todos los steemians te pudieron ayudar con algo para que pudieras comprar tu ropa y demas cosas que necesitas, espero puedas seguir posteando y cambiar tu vida por una mas comoda. Un saludo

happy to hear it, finally, you cut your hair too, and you have new pants, and also a new shirt, the size for you is too big, so it's a bit difficult to find a big size, hopefully you, successful and happy, (how @done news)

Hello Kabil, I am fine. There are difficulties like always being outside. Several pairs of clothes will help keep little John's appearance clean and healthy. But, simple things like going to a barber become difficult because we must take all of his belongings with us or find a trusted person to leave them with for a few hours. For that reason I traveled the city to find his clothes. I got the wrong sizes several times.

As soon as we have him shaved and clean, we will be able to have lunch inside a restaurant. It is hard to teach him how to use Steemit on the sidewalk or on a park banch. He still has much to learn

It is very difficult for us, teach, we must be patient and, also always nourish the best for @Lvj, (and the problem of clothes you have to buy a very large size, and you have to buy him a belt, so if the size of the pants is large , then you use the belt on @LVJ, I'm also happy and happy with its presence @LVJ, hopefully he will be a normal person like us, and I thank you @done without you I won't know right @Lvj

hi @lvj congratulations now you have new pants.
thanks to @done @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh you really appreciate the presence of @lvj here.

love you all

We are true @liamunizar

You are a nice man

@lvj is the best

que bien que tienes ropa nueva. Esta plataforma que va a dejar dinero para eso y mucho más. Algunos la tienen como su principal fuente de ingresos y les va muy muy bien, y tu empezaste muy bien.

a struggle that is not in vain @lvj.
so get the desired thing. nice clothes @lvj.
hopefully in the future get more than that.
Good job my friend @lvj and @done.
Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steemit and dtube! So awesome for all the help it has brought you so far! Looking forward to your stories!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hola @lvj que bueno que ya tienes ropa nueva, estas recibiendo bastante apoyo en steemit, eso puede cambiar tu vida, por ahora solo me queda recomendarte que trates de administrar muy bien el dinero que ganas, para que pronto puedas alquilar al menos una habitación y poco a poco ir avanzando, espero que estés muy bien

Bravo ya todo va mejorando. Hazte un buen corte y atteglaye la batba, el exito te va a llegar. Espero tus anecdotas de vida. Animo y pa lante Juan.

(Posted with Vapor, available for iOS and Android)

Very well little by little. You think it's convenient to fix your hair, if you think it's convenient. I am happy for your heart that you continue to be very animated and with a lot of faith that everything will continue to improve. We follow your history and your daily work with enthusiasm. A big hug. @lvj

Muy bien poco a poco. Crees conveniente arreglarte el cabello, si asi lo crees conveniente. Me alegra el corazon que sigas muy animado y con mucha fe en que todo va a seguir mejorando. Seguimos con entusiasmo tu historia y tu quehacer diario. Un abrazote. @lvj

It is so difficult to go to the barber with torn clothes and carrying eighty pounds in a bag, everything he owns. We have to do things one step at a time. The new clothes allow entry on the bus and in some stores. When we can travel without the bag of things, we will get to the barber. Thank you all for you concern and warm wishes. This is happening, slowly but surely.

I understand that and step by step it seems very good. to advance a lot. Sometimes there are operatives in the churches that collaborate. It is painful that they reject him because of his appearance and that happens in many parts of the world. his transformation is extraordinary and we follow it with a lot of interest. If he can us Venezuelans we can also change our sad history and make it as beautiful as before. thank you for giving us encouragement

eso lo entiendo y paso a paso me parece muy bien. a adelantado muchisimo. a veces hay operativos en las iglesias que colaborar. es doloroso que por su aspecto lo rechacen y eso pasa en muchos lados del mundo. su transformacion es extraordinaria y la seguimos con mucho interes. Si el puede nosotros los venezolanos tambien podemos cambiar nuestra triste historia y volverla como antes bonita. gracias por darnos animo @done

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Muy contento amigo @lvj que te hayas podido comprar algo de ropa con el apoyo y las bendiciones que has recibido de las personas de esta plataforma, sigue así amigo y vendrán cosas mejores, mis saludos, mi apoyo y muchas bendiciones para ti.

Best @lvj , I'm glad you are on Dtube ... this will inspire many people.
That limitation is not an obstacle to work, I will learn about it from your life.
I love you @lvj ..

Woow woow woow que bien te queda la ropa y que alegre te veo, bueno veremos ese corte de cabello , seguro te veras más joven todavía. Bendiciones,.

Finally you can find new things, things are full of happiness and full of good people who always support you. I am happy to see you smile and thank you very much. I hope you can make your dreams come true and I'm sure there are still many people who will always support you. resteem so everyone sees it. Regards @lvj

Que alegría verte con tu ropa nueva colocada. Te deseo lo mejor de los éxitos.
Que Dios te bendiga y te guarde siempre.
Te vas a ver muy bien al cortarte el cabello, estoy seguro.
Un abrazo.

Hello @lvj, nice to hear you already have new clothes. and I'm sure if you trim your hair, it will definitely look more attractive.

Keep your spirit @lvj, we as your friends, will always support you.

Me alegra verte con ese buen semblante, sigue avanzando en tu recuperacion, otro motivo de agradecimiento a Dios por tanta bondad y misericordia.

Good job sir @lvj

Your clothes are perfect, your blue pants look very fitting and the colors are really suitable.😎

Your appearance must be very different after you cut your hair, and your new clothes look very appropriate, and look cool.

I'm happy when I see my new friend happy, you have new pants and it's really cool. You have taken your time to thank all who have supported you and it is amazing. I like the way you are and I'm sure you will be a persistent personality. have a nice, healthy and successful day.

Te ves como nuevo amigo, Juancito versión mejorada. saludos, espero sigas avanzando y mejorando, Si Se Puede"

Greeting @lvj

Happy to see you looks very good today, that how steemit community..

Thanks to @done also for bringing you here with us in this great community..

God Bless John!

Que estés bien Juan, me alegra que te esté yendo bien en steemit. Saludos

Hey, Nice to see technology has improved so much and you are able to make the right use of it. Keep using steemit.

Entiendo que fue difícil conseguir ropa de tu talle, pero lo has logrado y te queda muy bien, tu hogar lo veo tan pronto
Que feliz te veo
Saludos amigo.

That's looking perfect on you a perfect start for you keep going keep rocking :)

Tu cambio de look comenzó, que ropa tan cómoda has comprado, tu corte de cabello lo esperamos con ansias te debes ver muy bien 😊
Un abrazo amigo

Greetings @lvj time without being able to write to you, since my Rc has been very low. I always read your blog and I like that you go both on the platform and in your life.

I'm also glad you have new clothes.


It really is very much liked that the video you selected today is very much appreciated in our present society. It is rarely seen, but once again you have come back to the initial and thank you for it today.

Que alegria me da Juancito, que tengas ropa nueva y que te sientas comodo con ella, también me alegra mucho que estes encontrando en tu camino gente buena que te este ayudando, además es bueno saber que el pequeño aporte que estamos realizando, sirva para darte un poco de alegría y te permita mejorar aunque sea un poco tu vida, Dios te bendiga y proteja. Saludos @lvj cuidate mucho.

You have to tell a lot about life. so that it becomes a lesson for those of us who are young

Eso comenzó el cambio felicidades amigo, poco a poco iremos observando tu mejora, ropa limpia, ropa nueva, tu cara de felicidad es lo que cuenta aquí, el corte de cabello aun hay tiempo me alegra mucho verte así de feliz
Gracias a dios
Son las bendiciones de dios
Un gran saludo de este venezolano

Muy bien amigo, me alegro mucho por ti, se nota que realmente aprecias las cosas que los demás hacen por ti.

Ya eres todo un galan amigo john, ahora a hacer ejercicio y mover ese cuerpo para quemar grasa. Buenos resultados se van viendo

the story about your life is very interesting after I listen to the story from @done I never miss waiting for your latest post

I'm glad that your post is bearing fruit and I hope you continue to generate much more for you to invest and enjoy it, also thank you to the angels around you and are always available to help you.
We hope to see you soon with your haircut.

Hola, mi amigo @lvj. Estoy muy feliz de escuchar que sus noticias ahora están mejorando y saludos de mi parte, @hamdan12 a su verdadero amigo @done.

hai @lvj enak dilihat, Anda sekarang tersenyum di aceh Anda sudah punya celana dan baju baru, iya, @lvj saya tidak sabar lagi, lihat wajah tampan Anda saya ingin melihat perubahan Anda untuk masa depan yang cerah, dari Tentu saja dengan teman-teman baru Anda di sana, dan teman-teman baru yang Anda miliki di #steemit @lvj dan @done saya seorang @youst dan teman-teman steemian lainnya di sini, teman untuk hidup dan Anda akan menyimpan kenangan lama Anda, seperti Keberhasilan Anda sekarang kehadiran @done saya dan Anda, sekarang menjadi teman seumur hidup.

Hola, @lvj es agradable de ver, ahora estás sonriendo en Aceh. Ya tienes pantalones y ropa nuevos, sí, @lvj No puedo esperar más, mira tu cara bonita. Quiero ver tus cambios para un futuro brillante, por supuesto, con amigos. eres nuevo allí, y los nuevos amigos que tienes en #steemit @lvj y @done Soy un @permatachannel y otros amigos steemian aquí, amigos para vivir y guardarás tus viejos recuerdos, como tu presencia actual Mi @done y tú, ahora somos amigos de por vida.

we all look forward to it, your new look, honey, @Lvj

nice pants and shirts @lvj. I'm happy to see you wear new clothes.

Estamos felices y felices por ti. Un amigo siempre da algo por nosotros, solo puedo dar ánimo y apoyo.
Mantenerse emocionado @lvj

I am proud of you, my friend @lvj, and also I am very impressed with friends who have helped you to be successful like friends @done who helped you with a very sincere heart.

nice clothes @lvj.
hopefully in the future get more than that.
Good job.

I hope you will get happiness and longevity and prosperity, success is always for friends @lvj I will always follow you friends.

Hope next time you wont face this problem again.
Take care my friend. @ivj @done

I am so happy @lvj.
Good job for you and thank you for @done.
a struggle that is not in vain
so get the desired thing. nice clothes.@lvj.

happy feeling, listen you will cut my hair my dear @LVj, surely after you cut your hair and wear new pants and a new shirt, surely you look cool and handsome,

hello @Lvj, how are you happy to hear you have got new pants, and also a new shirt, surely after you use it, many people don't recognize you anymore ... in the meantime, because you look different

hello @Lvj It's great to be able to help Without @done we won't be familiar with you Steemit Looking forward to your next post

You have numerous companions who can give the best to you @lvj,
They help you willfully. And @xpilar and @sultan-aceh are great man.

Hey ivj, I'm glad you got some nice clothes man, looking good brotha! Now lets see that new hair cut :))

Anda sangat beruntung @lvj
Anda mndapatkan dukungan dari senior-senior yang luar biasa di steemit seperti @xpilar dan @sultan-aceh,,,
Baik di steemit ataupun bukan, anda juga banyak mendapat dukungan dari orang-orang sekitar anda seperti @done,,,
Good job @lvj and good luck,,,

hi @lvj congratulations now you have new pants.
thanks to @done @xpilar and @sultan-aceh you really appreciate the presence of @lvj here.

love you all

Hola @lvj I am so content with my heart that you could purchase garments with the assistance of @done which is your actual companion since he thinks about you and causes you.

I wish you joy and long life and in addition success and bounty and obviously tranquility of the Lord Jesus.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Very interesting news, I really like your news, which is dear today

Wonderful life story post @lvj sir..It's so charming to see your surroundings that we are very happy to see you work better than you, all of us like it. Hello sir. Thank you for sharing this post with us. Share your post to us Can you and your every story have a very important aspect? The shares of this issue if we learned some things that have gone without a friend just a friend and absolutely wonderful... thanks for you @done sir...

Life can always change for the better.
the main thing to believe

Welcome again @lvj happy for you congrats the new clothes, @done thank for bring this great man here a lot of love here.
By the way @done is there a way to contact you discord instagram facebook or steem chat!!

great post my dear frend i like you frend

wow amazing post rwally nice..

hope your days are fun

Cietamente tener ropa ajustada no deja respirar, que bueno ya tienes algo más cómodo para ti. Saludos

Your @lvj is incredible, you can mesmerize numerous individuals, with a brief span you turn into a senior on this steemit stage. You can without much of a stretch collect a considerable measure of cash, gradually you have begun acclimating to another condition, yesterday you have another cellphone, now you have new garments, you are extremely awesome.

Welcome to steemit and dtube! So great for all the assistance it has brought you up until this point! Anticipating your accounts

Wonderful to hear you starting at now have new pieces of clothing. also, I'm sure in case you trim your hair, it will look additionally engaging. Keep your spirit @lvj, we as your colleagues, will constantly support you.

Welcome @lvj time without having the capacity to keep in touch with you, since my Rc has been low. I generally read your blog and I like that you go both on the stage and in your life.

I am so perky @lvj. Unfathomable work for you and thank you for @done. a battle that isn't futile so get the coveted thing. beguiling clothes.@lvj.

Brilliant to hear you beginning at now have new bits of attire. likewise, I'm certain in the event that you trim your hair, it will look moreover captivating. Keep your soul @lvj

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Hola!!! Que bueno. me agrada verte sonreir. Lo bueno apenas inicia!!

Your appearance must be altogether different after you trim your hair, and your new garments look extremely suitable, and look cool.

hehee nice dress looking awesome uncle @lvj

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I trust you will get joy and life span and flourishing, achievement is dependably for companions @lvj I will dependably tail you companions.

Hola Juancito, te ves mucho mejor! Se nota el animo en las fotos, que bueno que pudise comprar ropa nueva y lo mejor de todo es que el dinero viene de personas maravillosas con esa capacidad de bondad admirable y también de la plataforma @steemit , entre esas personas maravillosas está: @xpilar , gracias por sumarte a la causa y ayudar a Juancito. A ti @ lvj te deseo que disfrutes de tu ropa nueva, y que sigas creciendo junto con nosotros en esta red social, que beneficia a tantos, como a mí que siendo estudiante de Ingeniería y que viviendo en este país(Venezuela) solo con la ayuda mi madre, steemit me a ayudado a pagar una parte de mis necesidades, a fin de ayudar a mi mamá. Espero disfrutes y administres bien el dinero que recibes, para que pronto busques un nuevo hogar. Éxitos. Te leo en el siguiente post. Abrazos.

Hello Juancito, you look much better! You can see the mood in the photos, it's good that you can buy new clothes and the best thing is that the money comes from wonderful people with that capacity of admirable goodness and also from the platform @steemit, among that that wonderful people are: @xpilar Thank you for joining the cause and helping Juancito. To you @ lvj I wish you to enjoy your new clothes, and to continue with us in this social network, to benefit from you, as an engineering student and to live in this country (Venezuela) only with the help of my mother, help me to help pay a part of my needs, in order to help my mom. I hope you enjoy and manage the money you receive well, so that you will soon look for a new home. Successes I read you in the next post. Hugs.

Youare so luck my dear Little John you meet @done in your life..how i really wish to had a friend like @done i'd been here 1 year and 2 months but i never meet a good people who always support you like @done i was a bit envy of you :))

Congratulations @lvj!
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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment