生成时间: 2017-06-07 00:00:05(UTC)
时间覆盖: 2017-05-31 00:00:00(UTC)
至2017-06-07 00:00:00(UTC)
用户范围: 近7日中文区发帖用户(cn
数据统计: 文章数197
, 发帖用户数73
Top 20 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | VP(%) | Online | Value |
1 | @sweetsssj | 73.69 | 62.62 | 307 | 69950.27 |
2 | @chinadaily | 72.91 | 85.72 | 311 | 4679.97 |
3 | @officialfuzzy | 72.76 | 99.18 | 409 | 39949.45 |
4 | @ace108 | 70.69 | 67.97 | 324 | 13526.82 |
5 | @deanliu | 69.35 | 67.61 | 327 | 17726.10 |
6 | @lemooljiang | 69.21 | 76.97 | 325 | 9916.14 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 69.06 | 79.11 | 316 | 6012.00 |
8 | @richristow | 67.78 | 98.59 | 252 | 8490.49 |
9 | @cnfund | 67.35 | 94.67 | 294 | 9740.55 |
10 | @rivalhw | 67.32 | 99.50 | 313 | 1690.43 |
11 | @yangyang | 65.42 | 99.01 | 288 | 5439.43 |
12 | @dixonloveart | 62.89 | 99.50 | 267 | 2479.32 |
13 | @skysunny | 62.70 | 99.50 | 318 | 788.35 |
14 | @blacktranquility | 62.63 | 99.50 | 202 | 580.82 |
15 | @azazqwe | 61.84 | 30.48 | 186 | 829.98 |
16 | @jeicko19 | 61.51 | 97.30 | 306 | 732.01 |
17 | @lydiachan | 60.88 | 99.50 | 211 | 1220.82 |
18 | @magicmonk | 60.82 | 97.40 | 319 | 3610.48 |
19 | @guytremat | 60.70 | 86.97 | 182 | 1304.33 |
20 | @trillex | 59.28 | 93.68 | 114 | 1656.67 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | STEEM | SP | SBD | Value |
1 | @htooms | 25814.00 | 156588.42 | 127.94 | 261145.81 |
2 | @sweetsssj | 0.00 | 48652.06 | 329.18 | 69950.27 |
3 | @officialfuzzy | 3183.12 | 21988.69 | 3928.59 | 39949.45 |
4 | @deanliu | 20.20 | 12331.70 | 50.53 | 17726.10 |
5 | @ace108 | 672.73 | 8392.49 | 554.49 | 13526.82 |
6 | @lemooljiang | 0.00 | 6928.61 | 1.30 | 9916.14 |
7 | @cnfund | 0.00 | 6806.81 | 0.00 | 9740.55 |
8 | @richristow | 0.00 | 5933.25 | 0.00 | 8490.49 |
9 | @oflyhigh | 3.75 | 4179.90 | 25.20 | 6012.00 |
10 | @yangyang | 39.62 | 3751.29 | 14.63 | 5439.43 |
11 | @chinadaily | 4.13 | 3152.02 | 163.53 | 4679.97 |
12 | @hastla | 0.55 | 2865.95 | 5.86 | 4107.82 |
13 | @magicmonk | 212.76 | 1893.95 | 595.78 | 3610.48 |
14 | @syn999 | 1.12 | 1796.98 | 0.03 | 2573.12 |
15 | @dixonloveart | 499.45 | 1125.17 | 154.49 | 2479.32 |
16 | @rivalhw | 0.99 | 1177.93 | 3.38 | 1690.43 |
17 | @trillex | 15.04 | 1137.74 | 7.04 | 1656.67 |
18 | @marcusxman | 0.44 | 1072.97 | 0.52 | 1536.55 |
19 | @lukmarcus | 0.00 | 1001.40 | 34.48 | 1467.49 |
20 | @xlfmltzh | 987.56 | 9.29 | 0.37 | 1426.87 |
Authors Sort by userID (Alphabetical order) 按用户名排序
Rank. | ID | Rep | VP(%) | Online | Value |
1 | @ace108 | 70.69 | 67.97 | 324 | 13526.82 |
2 | @ahmadhassan | 45.50 | 98.75 | 21 | 1.43 |
3 | @autonomysystem | 31.79 | 98.46 | 1 | 0.72 |
4 | @azaan | 55.76 | 98.62 | 337 | 43.94 |
5 | @azazqwe | 61.84 | 30.48 | 186 | 829.98 |
6 | @blacktranquility | 62.63 | 99.50 | 202 | 580.82 |
7 | @caiying | 25.00 | 99.50 | 24 | 12.90 |
8 | @cct1978 | 25.00 | 99.50 | 0 | 0.72 |
9 | @chickenfk | 31.82 | 90.17 | 3 | 0.72 |
10 | @chinadaily | 72.91 | 85.72 | 311 | 4679.97 |
11 | @cnfund | 67.35 | 94.67 | 294 | 9740.55 |
12 | @deanliu | 69.35 | 67.61 | 327 | 17726.10 |
13 | @deividas | 47.00 | 99.27 | 132 | 44.28 |
14 | @dixonloveart | 62.89 | 99.50 | 267 | 2479.32 |
15 | @dufe | 44.77 | 99.50 | 26 | 36.13 |
16 | @eljvidaman | 51.56 | 99.50 | 20 | 96.70 |
17 | @ercpok | 25.00 | 26.33 | 3 | 0.72 |
18 | @frankintaiwan | 44.60 | 90.83 | 19 | 18.67 |
19 | @gogotattoo | 58.31 | 99.50 | 187 | 685.83 |
20 | @guytremat | 60.70 | 86.97 | 182 | 1304.33 |
21 | @hainanren | 33.90 | 99.50 | 306 | 6.78 |
22 | @hastla | 54.31 | 94.46 | 328 | 4107.82 |
23 | @holays | 56.56 | 99.50 | 191 | 476.95 |
24 | @htliao | 43.58 | 88.37 | 28 | 19.96 |
25 | @htooms | 54.54 | 72.15 | 85 | 261145.81 |
26 | @hyangyoura | 38.23 | 99.50 | 3 | 0.72 |
27 | @ihatebanana | 46.45 | 98.20 | 16 | 27.89 |
28 | @jeicko19 | 61.51 | 97.30 | 306 | 732.01 |
29 | @jkim1285 | 45.41 | 64.01 | 4 | 110.96 |
30 | @jraysteem | 45.48 | 52.45 | 20 | 14.40 |
31 | @jsant72 | 43.48 | 99.50 | 10 | 16.16 |
32 | @kaiching77 | 25.00 | 80.88 | 0 | 0.72 |
33 | @kayonna | 5.38 | 98.11 | 18 | 4.77 |
34 | @khairul5577 | 49.18 | 81.94 | 96 | 94.62 |
35 | @kingshav | 35.35 | 99.00 | 4 | 0.72 |
36 | @kooo | 25.00 | 99.50 | 2 | 0.72 |
37 | @lazylove | 25.00 | 59.22 | 3 | 0.72 |
38 | @lemooljiang | 69.21 | 76.97 | 325 | 9916.14 |
39 | @linuslee0216 | 38.85 | 90.89 | 3 | 0.72 |
40 | @loffy1999 | 35.18 | 98.85 | 3 | 0.72 |
41 | @longnshort | 52.63 | 98.96 | 326 | 151.70 |
42 | @luckylong | 46.14 | 90.85 | 70 | 60.89 |
43 | @lukmarcus | 57.71 | 99.50 | 324 | 1467.49 |
44 | @lydiachan | 60.88 | 99.50 | 211 | 1220.82 |
45 | @magicmonk | 60.82 | 97.40 | 319 | 3610.48 |
46 | @marcusxman | 48.30 | 99.97 | 25 | 1536.55 |
47 | @meiguoarenbroad | 25.36 | 83.18 | 1 | 0.72 |
48 | @mintsauce | 36.62 | 99.30 | 1 | 0.72 |
49 | @officialfuzzy | 72.76 | 99.18 | 409 | 39949.45 |
50 | @oflyhigh | 69.06 | 79.11 | 316 | 6012.00 |
51 | @ogtcell | 25.00 | 98.52 | 30 | 12.90 |
52 | @pluswave | 44.13 | 99.50 | 77 | 59.61 |
53 | @qq553937961 | 41.67 | 98.80 | 308 | 11.34 |
54 | @realcodysimon | 44.64 | 89.52 | 6 | 27.79 |
55 | @richristow | 67.78 | 98.59 | 252 | 8490.49 |
56 | @rivalhw | 67.32 | 99.50 | 313 | 1690.43 |
57 | @skysunny | 62.70 | 99.50 | 318 | 788.35 |
58 | @steemmaster | 55.72 | 57.57 | 28 | 436.02 |
59 | @steempub | 25.00 | 99.50 | 4 | 0.72 |
60 | @sweetsssj | 73.69 | 62.62 | 307 | 69950.27 |
61 | @syibran | 55.18 | 92.91 | 121 | 213.63 |
62 | @syn999 | 39.33 | 63.77 | 29 | 2573.12 |
63 | @trillex | 59.28 | 93.68 | 114 | 1656.67 |
64 | @twilight1100 | 25.00 | 100.00 | 2 | 0.72 |
65 | @wallsnow | 39.27 | 98.31 | 3 | 0.72 |
66 | @wnh518518 | 43.20 | 99.51 | 16 | 231.07 |
67 | @xjb | 46.84 | 99.50 | 300 | 38.25 |
68 | @xlfmltzh | 38.58 | 99.50 | 28 | 1426.87 |
69 | @xzone | 53.89 | 83.08 | 27 | 249.97 |
70 | @yangyang | 65.42 | 99.01 | 288 | 5439.43 |
71 | @yasmins | 44.18 | 90.40 | 27 | 19.38 |
72 | @yguhan | 48.71 | 99.50 | 2 | 0.72 |
73 | @zakiunzikra | 45.43 | 99.50 | 17 | 9.14 |
- Rep: Reputation, steemit网站上用于衡量用户信誉度的分值
- VP: Voting Power, 用户剩余的投票能量,满值是100%,投票越多下降越快,随时间缓慢恢复
- SP: SteemPower, 影响力代币,持有越多,点赞得到回报越丰厚,对别人文章收益影响越大
- Value: Estimated Account Value, 用户账户估值
- Online: Online days, 用户在线天数,从注册时算起
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