生成时间: 2018-07-08 00:00:01(UTC)
时间覆盖: 2018-07-01 00:00:00(UTC)
至2018-07-08 00:00:00(UTC)
用户范围: 近7日中文区发帖用户(cn
数据统计: 文章数1297
, 发帖用户数338
Top 20 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @chinadaily | 76.06 | 7061.31 | 707 | 14611.81 |
2 | @oflyhigh | 75.39 | 78371.57 | 712 | 49418.11 |
3 | @deanliu | 74.08 | 62648.21 | 723 | 25487.35 |
4 | @darksaint | 73.98 | 5707.05 | 358 | 8875.73 |
5 | @ace108 | 72.99 | 73630.45 | 720 | 40998.83 |
6 | @rivalhw | 72.71 | 62779.55 | 709 | 25790.69 |
7 | @helene | 72.26 | 26149.21 | 707 | 40781.55 |
8 | @rea | 71.69 | 53500.56 | 723 | 87690.90 |
9 | @justyy | 71.10 | 43967.44 | 686 | 19719.24 |
10 | @lemooljiang | 71.08 | 14065.46 | 721 | 21971.42 |
11 | @joythewanderer | 70.66 | 13856.14 | 722 | 18871.78 |
12 | @blackbunny | 70.45 | 2890.45 | 553 | 6276.38 |
13 | @ura-soul | 70.30 | 4473.52 | 666 | 9382.16 |
14 | @arcange | 70.15 | 22107.33 | 724 | 34359.98 |
15 | @travelgirl | 69.33 | 3063.92 | 373 | 8336.42 |
16 | @lawrenceho84 | 68.91 | 13412.48 | 477 | 21473.41 |
17 | @bxt | 68.59 | 4400.50 | 533 | 6870.26 |
18 | @linuslee0216 | 68.59 | 173.36 | 399 | 17003.27 |
19 | @michaelleeld | 68.56 | 1718.54 | 364 | 3196.48 |
20 | @rosatravels | 68.42 | 6418.63 | 325 | 13294.77 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Effective SP)
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @oflyhigh | 75.39 | 78371.57 | 712 | 49418.11 |
2 | @ace108 | 72.99 | 73630.45 | 720 | 40998.83 |
3 | @rivalhw | 72.71 | 62779.55 | 709 | 25790.69 |
4 | @deanliu | 74.08 | 62648.21 | 723 | 25487.35 |
5 | @rea | 71.69 | 53500.56 | 723 | 87690.90 |
6 | @justyy | 71.10 | 43967.44 | 686 | 19719.24 |
7 | @helene | 72.26 | 26149.21 | 707 | 40781.55 |
8 | @arcange | 70.15 | 22107.33 | 724 | 34359.98 |
9 | @lemooljiang | 71.08 | 14065.46 | 721 | 21971.42 |
10 | @joythewanderer | 70.66 | 13856.14 | 722 | 18871.78 |
11 | @lawrenceho84 | 68.91 | 13412.48 | 477 | 21473.41 |
12 | @eturnerx | 55.52 | 10092.89 | 378 | 108528.97 |
13 | @mobbs | 66.23 | 7392.92 | 415 | 12757.89 |
14 | @chinadaily | 76.06 | 7061.31 | 707 | 14611.81 |
15 | @rosatravels | 68.42 | 6418.63 | 325 | 13294.77 |
16 | @bobdos | 57.88 | 6130.66 | 299 | 20333.30 |
17 | @magicmonk | 66.94 | 5821.54 | 715 | 11316.15 |
18 | @darksaint | 73.98 | 5707.05 | 358 | 8875.73 |
19 | @wilkinshui | 67.33 | 5388.25 | 397 | 9072.19 |
20 | @superledger | 42.87 | 5130.18 | 122 | 14248.50 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by SP)
Rank. | ID | Rep | SP | Online | Value |
1 | @eturnerx | 55.52 | 69826.22 | 378 | 108528.97 |
2 | @rea | 71.69 | 54502.60 | 723 | 87690.90 |
3 | @oflyhigh | 75.39 | 31385.39 | 712 | 49418.11 |
4 | @helene | 72.26 | 26149.21 | 707 | 40781.55 |
5 | @ace108 | 72.99 | 24352.73 | 720 | 40998.83 |
6 | @arcange | 70.15 | 22107.33 | 724 | 34359.98 |
7 | @rivalhw | 72.71 | 16529.09 | 709 | 25790.69 |
8 | @deanliu | 74.08 | 16394.49 | 723 | 25487.35 |
9 | @lemooljiang | 71.08 | 14065.46 | 721 | 21971.42 |
10 | @lawrenceho84 | 68.91 | 13412.48 | 477 | 21473.41 |
11 | @bobdos | 57.88 | 12961.13 | 299 | 20333.30 |
12 | @justyy | 71.10 | 12628.19 | 686 | 19719.24 |
13 | @joythewanderer | 70.66 | 11814.97 | 722 | 18871.78 |
14 | @linuslee0216 | 68.59 | 10765.62 | 399 | 17003.27 |
15 | @superledger | 42.87 | 9126.69 | 122 | 14248.50 |
16 | @rosatravels | 68.42 | 7435.82 | 325 | 13294.77 |
17 | @magicmonk | 66.94 | 7134.44 | 715 | 11316.15 |
18 | @chinadaily | 76.06 | 7061.31 | 707 | 14611.81 |
19 | @mobbs | 66.23 | 6692.04 | 415 | 12757.89 |
20 | @fundurian | 63.89 | 6547.94 | 724 | 10432.93 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | STEEM | SP | SBD | Value |
1 | @eturnerx | 10.12 | 69826.22 | 3.31 | 108528.97 |
2 | @rea | 0.00 | 54502.60 | 2993.85 | 87690.90 |
3 | @oflyhigh | 0.00 | 31385.39 | 645.21 | 49418.11 |
4 | @ace108 | 117.11 | 24352.73 | 2972.71 | 40998.83 |
5 | @helene | 5.30 | 26149.21 | 137.45 | 40781.55 |
6 | @arcange | 0.49 | 22107.33 | 4.44 | 34359.98 |
7 | @rivalhw | 38.11 | 16529.09 | 45.27 | 25790.69 |
8 | @deanliu | 1.82 | 16394.49 | 7.49 | 25487.35 |
9 | @lemooljiang | 35.31 | 14065.46 | 58.83 | 21971.42 |
10 | @lawrenceho84 | 13.72 | 13412.48 | 609.10 | 21473.41 |
11 | @bobdos | 9.02 | 12961.13 | 177.69 | 20333.30 |
12 | @justyy | 43.54 | 12628.19 | 27.37 | 19719.24 |
13 | @joythewanderer | 228.51 | 11814.97 | 156.21 | 18871.78 |
14 | @linuslee0216 | 173.47 | 10765.62 | 3.93 | 17003.27 |
15 | @chinadaily | 1742.28 | 7061.31 | 931.03 | 14611.81 |
16 | @superledger | 42.10 | 9126.69 | 0.20 | 14248.50 |
17 | @rosatravels | 1.71 | 7435.82 | 1736.86 | 13294.77 |
18 | @mobbs | 1496.03 | 6692.04 | 33.63 | 12757.89 |
19 | @magicmonk | 19.06 | 7134.44 | 199.61 | 11316.15 |
20 | @fundurian | 100.90 | 6547.94 | 100.63 | 10432.93 |
Authors Sort by userID (Alphabetical order) 按用户名排序
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @aafeng | 61.77 | 85.75 | 351 | 1855.40 |
2 | @aaronli | 67.63 | 41.16 | 389 | 6408.65 |
3 | @abcallen | 53.25 | 59.77 | 96 | 150.87 |
4 | @ace108 | 72.99 | 52.80 | 720 | 40998.83 |
5 | @adit123 | 37.12 | 7.87 | 58 | 2.24 |
6 | @aellly | 52.50 | 93.69 | 161 | 123.16 |
7 | @aiyanna | 62.97 | 95.89 | 217 | 890.44 |
8 | @alanzheng | 55.88 | 88.59 | 284 | 432.00 |
9 | @ancient-light | 53.05 | 86.32 | 41 | 489.71 |
10 | @andrewma | 47.77 | 98.00 | 145 | 696.65 |
11 | @angelina6688 | 61.67 | 83.03 | 259 | 2275.83 |
12 | @annepink | 27.18 | 100.00 | 4 | 0.78 |
13 | @antone | 50.95 | 97.02 | 318 | 172.52 |
14 | @antonsteemit | 59.07 | 98.00 | 236 | 624.35 |
15 | @arcange | 70.15 | 59.59 | 724 | 34359.98 |
16 | @artsymelanie | 49.10 | 96.11 | 43 | 1188.39 |
17 | @ashley4u | 51.16 | 94.67 | 146 | 150.51 |
18 | @assad25 | 52.62 | 98.00 | 277 | 64.25 |
19 | @auleo | 53.20 | 68.11 | 237 | 246.87 |
20 | @baibtc | 34.45 | 98.00 | 45 | 0.81 |
21 | @bangzi | 53.64 | 96.08 | 136 | 99.76 |
22 | @bear1997 | 44.80 | 98.00 | 40 | 8.24 |
23 | @betmysteem | 50.28 | 98.00 | 86 | 1362.31 |
24 | @beyondstar | 29.77 | 98.00 | 86 | 0.51 |
25 | @bitcast | 36.52 | 98.00 | 78 | 4.04 |
26 | @bitcoinmuner | 25.00 | 49.75 | 6 | 5.18 |
27 | @bitcointr89 | 35.36 | 98.00 | 206 | 14.07 |
28 | @biubiubiu | 25.00 | 85.50 | 3 | 4.66 |
29 | @biuiam | 65.12 | 39.00 | 387 | 2826.87 |
30 | @blackbunny | 70.45 | 79.30 | 553 | 6276.38 |
31 | @blockcc | 31.98 | 98.00 | 83 | 0.16 |
32 | @blueoranges | 29.49 | 98.00 | 99 | 0.49 |
33 | @blues-wclouds | 41.54 | 80.17 | 58 | 8.26 |
34 | @bluestarpin | 35.44 | 96.08 | 150 | 5.82 |
35 | @bluewinter | 52.62 | 94.23 | 244 | 154.18 |
36 | @bobdos | 57.88 | 88.16 | 299 | 20333.30 |
37 | @boy007 | 25.00 | 96.04 | 5 | 0.31 |
38 | @bxt | 68.59 | 87.19 | 533 | 6870.26 |
39 | @cairou | 45.63 | 96.04 | 199 | 55.14 |
40 | @callcall | 25.00 | 100.00 | 125 | 0.31 |
41 | @carinewhy | 63.30 | 65.56 | 382 | 3836.37 |
42 | @catwomanteresa | 67.37 | 82.26 | 369 | 7470.20 |
43 | @causenet | 40.97 | 95.37 | 177 | 243.48 |
44 | @cc520 | 32.18 | 95.39 | 111 | 0.43 |
45 | @ccp-hk | 52.51 | 98.00 | 87 | 162.67 |
46 | @chaimyu | 56.64 | 76.85 | 131 | 2604.50 |
47 | @changxiu | 40.99 | 98.03 | 31 | 7.04 |
48 | @chann | 59.76 | 99.60 | 269 | 4264.81 |
49 | | 45.90 | 90.62 | 58 | 19.74 |
50 | @chinadaily | 76.06 | 80.73 | 707 | 14611.81 |
51 | @chinapanda | 25.00 | 67.81 | 1 | 0.16 |
52 | @ching-chong | 36.17 | 98.00 | 88 | 4.10 |
53 | @chiok23 | 25.00 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.16 |
54 | @chosk213 | 32.81 | 59.09 | 152 | 0.85 |
55 | @civil-engineer | 31.05 | 98.00 | 149 | 1.28 |
56 | @cn-book | 48.77 | 83.56 | 279 | 70.62 |
57 | @cn-cutie.pie | 50.18 | 89.93 | 160 | 48.33 |
58 | @cn-malaysia | 49.32 | 98.00 | 116 | 84.95 |
59 | @cn-naughty.boy | 50.66 | 89.92 | 177 | 69.80 |
60 | @cn-reader | 60.24 | 98.00 | 349 | 876.88 |
61 | @cndionysus | 25.00 | 98.00 | 14 | 0.31 |
62 | @cnfund | 68.18 | 83.94 | 690 | 2690.38 |
63 | @coinbaogao | 52.12 | 98.41 | 24 | 50.53 |
64 | @cpipi | 33.89 | 82.92 | 58 | 1.04 |
65 | | 41.73 | 51.12 | 146 | 1014.77 |
66 | @cryptocurrencyhk | 43.62 | 59.87 | 307 | 13.49 |
67 | @daidewen | 41.28 | 98.00 | 315 | 8.34 |
68 | @daifeidaiyang | 36.12 | 98.00 | 44 | 2.18 |
69 | @dailychina | 58.39 | 80.27 | 189 | 374.15 |
70 | @dancingapple | 60.69 | 78.48 | 318 | 1362.61 |
71 | @dapeng | 67.05 | 92.61 | 631 | 7932.41 |
72 | @darksaint | 73.98 | 88.54 | 358 | 8875.73 |
73 | @davidke20 | 58.79 | 82.18 | 325 | 988.78 |
74 | @deanliu | 74.08 | 47.96 | 723 | 25487.35 |
75 | @deathbatter | 55.27 | 98.00 | 12 | 101.14 |
76 | @deblog | 35.35 | 98.00 | 113 | 1.35 |
77 | @digiccydigger | 51.84 | 98.00 | 152 | 55.85 |
78 | @digitalmind | 57.66 | 77.47 | 159 | 373.18 |
79 | @dixonloveart | 64.52 | 98.00 | 663 | 3160.61 |
80 | @diya28 | 53.97 | 98.00 | 381 | 190.75 |
81 | @dream158 | 39.43 | 100.00 | 141 | 34.77 |
82 | @duoduozhifu | 25.40 | 98.00 | 381 | 0.79 |
83 | @ecxiquia04 | 57.40 | 91.24 | 318 | 249.93 |
84 | @eduter | 56.29 | 81.80 | 327 | 1781.13 |
85 | @edwardchan | 41.50 | 98.00 | 41 | 18.16 |
86 | @emoop | 32.27 | 96.04 | 15 | 0.85 |
87 | @engzp | 45.90 | 78.39 | 239 | 27.88 |
88 | @ericet | 60.85 | 65.84 | 165 | 1501.56 |
89 | @eturnerx | 55.52 | 93.94 | 378 | 108528.97 |
90 | @ety001 | 63.06 | 87.16 | 366 | 6411.25 |
91 | @evil0x00 | 34.29 | 39.58 | 191 | 2.96 |
92 | @fangzheng | 45.98 | 98.00 | 162 | 54.64 |
93 | @fanyidan | 46.80 | 71.48 | 229 | 2191.56 |
94 | @fdh | 30.58 | 98.00 | 33 | 0.16 |
95 | @feng1925 | 55.33 | 98.00 | 317 | 305.87 |
96 | @ffcrossculture | 63.80 | 96.50 | 705 | 5090.37 |
97 | @fily | 32.18 | 90.83 | 24 | 0.60 |
98 | @fortunecat | 42.83 | 98.00 | 58 | 0.16 |
99 | @fr3eze | 65.73 | 95.17 | 351 | 7092.00 |
100 | @freeworkingman | 25.00 | 93.74 | 1 | 0.16 |
101 | @full-movie | 20.56 | 96.15 | 58 | 0.16 |
102 | @fundurian | 63.89 | 86.70 | 724 | 10432.93 |
103 | @g1076956519 | 25.00 | 54.79 | 3 | 0.31 |
104 | @ganquan | 25.00 | 100.00 | 154 | 0.78 |
105 | @gerer | 39.22 | 98.00 | 93 | 36.05 |
106 | @ginafraser | 46.18 | 78.58 | 418 | 151.14 |
107 | @godlee | 25.00 | 44.01 | 45 | 0.16 |
108 | @hag228 | 52.60 | 83.03 | 360 | 269.48 |
109 | @haidaming | 37.14 | 91.37 | 116 | 4.67 |
110 | @hannahwu | 65.94 | 80.81 | 363 | 3910.05 |
111 | @hansheng | 47.77 | 98.00 | 39 | 36.98 |
112 | @happydolphin | 60.48 | 60.76 | 305 | 2169.21 |
113 | @happywen | 25.00 | 94.12 | 2 | 271.15 |
114 | @headcorner | 53.12 | 73.15 | 127 | 232.11 |
115 | @heartbeat143 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 237 | 0.80 |
116 | @helene | 72.26 | 67.58 | 707 | 40781.55 |
117 | @herlife | 62.29 | 95.55 | 350 | 1699.82 |
118 | @heyeshuang | 53.13 | 98.00 | 298 | 195.78 |
119 | @hhumaira | 50.64 | 99.02 | 239 | 43.93 |
120 | @hmayak | 46.09 | 57.83 | 126 | 22.46 |
121 | @hoboalia | 32.99 | 98.00 | 63 | 0.16 |
122 | @hongbo | 25.00 | 96.11 | 1 | 0.16 |
123 | @honoru | 62.48 | 52.33 | 127 | 1613.90 |
124 | @hqy | 59.87 | 98.00 | 312 | 970.34 |
125 | @huangtongt | 26.14 | 96.04 | 15 | 0.23 |
126 | @hymle | 53.38 | 94.16 | 287 | 251.03 |
127 | @iaw800801 | 34.90 | 98.00 | 77 | 3.04 |
128 | @icebergy | 40.36 | 98.00 | 16 | 3.08 |
129 | @ihatebanana | 57.28 | 98.00 | 412 | 1164.66 |
130 | @incrediblesnow | 64.37 | 81.68 | 379 | 6751.75 |
131 | @inmylife | 55.27 | 29.26 | 165 | 2119.27 |
132 | @irisz | 54.02 | 98.00 | 279 | 762.65 |
133 | @itchyfeetdonica | 59.38 | 59.89 | 250 | 1002.46 |
134 | @ivysrono | 57.59 | 96.34 | 288 | 761.78 |
135 | @jacklcp | 57.56 | 70.43 | 387 | 1598.75 |
136 | @jamescrusader | 39.73 | 7.87 | 140 | 3.71 |
137 | @janicechua | 55.29 | 84.73 | 151 | 306.64 |
138 | @jessicali | 32.12 | 89.79 | 78 | 16.19 |
139 | @jessie901220 | 54.66 | 77.91 | 340 | 875.65 |
140 | @jiangchen | 57.60 | 97.12 | 355 | 518.04 |
141 | @joeliew | 51.12 | 98.57 | 193 | 247.60 |
142 | @johannvdwalt | 60.21 | 99.03 | 677 | 2421.24 |
143 | @jojoga | 44.88 | 98.00 | 231 | 47.14 |
144 | @joy2018t | 58.81 | 84.11 | 181 | 440.41 |
145 | @joythewanderer | 70.66 | 56.60 | 722 | 18871.78 |
146 | @jrvacation | 61.84 | 88.72 | 261 | 9280.01 |
147 | @jt7577 | 42.61 | 98.00 | 113 | 2043.76 |
148 | @julian2013 | 50.55 | 65.22 | 51 | 71.46 |
149 | @junjunong | 25.00 | 98.00 | 15 | 0.16 |
150 | @justyy | 71.10 | 86.99 | 686 | 19719.24 |
151 | @jychbetter | 52.38 | 97.76 | 296 | 242.94 |
152 | @kalybaby | 25.00 | 96.72 | 1 | 0.16 |
153 | @kawsar | 51.08 | 96.07 | 239 | 68.20 |
154 | @kazish | 60.75 | 86.63 | 330 | 447.81 |
155 | @keepmaking | 25.00 | 64.26 | 39 | 0.16 |
156 | @kenanqhd | 61.70 | 95.46 | 387 | 5158.56 |
157 | @kengtong | 44.81 | 85.82 | 117 | 14.97 |
158 | @kidsreturn | 50.81 | 45.80 | 112 | 77.12 |
159 | @kidult00 | 41.77 | 98.00 | 207 | 35.67 |
160 | @kingak47 | 38.79 | 94.20 | 114 | 5.71 |
161 | @kingming | 28.07 | 98.00 | 15 | 0.36 |
162 | @kingwriting | 46.08 | 79.69 | 58 | 15.75 |
163 | @kkb031 | 49.07 | 96.38 | 29 | 15.38 |
164 | @klddbe | 26.59 | 65.66 | 6 | 0.31 |
165 | @kona | 61.79 | 52.06 | 364 | 1653.22 |
166 | @lakemountain | 46.41 | 96.51 | 140 | 43.77 |
167 | @laodr | 66.12 | 96.61 | 472 | 6672.66 |
168 | @lawrenceho84 | 68.91 | 87.29 | 477 | 21473.41 |
169 | @leiyu | 28.39 | 84.15 | 116 | 33.21 |
170 | @lemooljiang | 71.08 | 82.66 | 721 | 21971.42 |
171 | @leon159357 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 116 | 0.19 |
172 | @lifelikeline | 41.33 | 92.90 | 58 | 5.11 |
173 | @lilacse | 53.49 | 88.66 | 152 | 278.26 |
174 | @lindalex | 46.05 | 51.56 | 297 | 35.15 |
175 | @linuslee0216 | 68.59 | 13.53 | 399 | 17003.27 |
176 | @liuzg | 53.02 | 91.83 | 128 | 305.69 |
177 | @liuzhixiang | 26.86 | 100.00 | 2 | 0.31 |
178 | @live1992 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 2 | 0.16 |
179 | @livinguktaiwan | 64.94 | 78.43 | 381 | 7415.69 |
180 | @ljyxxzj | 29.12 | 98.00 | 333 | 319.39 |
181 | @lovetaxi005 | 45.26 | 77.15 | 86 | 178.49 |
182 | @lucknie | 60.95 | 98.00 | 565 | 814.94 |
183 | @lulucy | 47.47 | 96.78 | 95 | 59.52 |
184 | @lunarlyre | 25.00 | 92.23 | 5 | 0.31 |
185 | @luo582331694 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 17 | 0.16 |
186 | @lxy2018s | 25.00 | 96.45 | 2 | 0.16 |
187 | @lza945 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 26 | 0.22 |
188 | @lzb | 25.00 | 98.00 | 126 | 0.16 |
189 | @maddisonguo | 29.14 | 78.82 | 75 | 0.52 |
190 | @maggieliew1704 | 42.74 | 98.00 | 54 | 12.26 |
191 | @magicmonk | 66.94 | 82.32 | 715 | 11316.15 |
192 | @maiyude | 57.85 | 94.13 | 204 | 985.51 |
193 | @mangoanddaddy | 56.93 | 72.18 | 354 | 1056.50 |
194 | @marylaw | 63.97 | 89.12 | 389 | 2637.79 |
195 | @mattopolitan | 33.68 | 98.00 | 355 | 61.21 |
196 | @mazhar78 | 26.83 | 98.00 | 16 | 0.16 |
197 | @meixia | 53.70 | 90.42 | 193 | 297.77 |
198 | @melaniewang | 48.68 | 98.00 | 44 | 814.05 |
199 | @messwir | 51.78 | 98.00 | 301 | 51.89 |
200 | @mfxqaq | 43.39 | 88.80 | 152 | 28.64 |
201 | @michaelleeld | 68.56 | 95.29 | 364 | 3196.48 |
202 | @minloulou | 45.95 | 80.51 | 314 | 76.32 |
203 | @mobbs | 66.23 | 89.10 | 415 | 12757.89 |
204 | @moneybaby | 54.48 | 63.52 | 103 | 161.31 |
205 | @mrdo | 25.00 | 96.04 | 1 | 0.16 |
206 | @mrpointp | 63.38 | 98.00 | 375 | 3661.74 |
207 | @mrspointm | 64.25 | 96.04 | 342 | 3302.09 |
208 | @myfinanceteacher | 61.36 | 84.18 | 375 | 441.97 |
209 | @mygoblin | 51.24 | 96.06 | 341 | 234.43 |
210 | @nahaha | 50.56 | 98.00 | 303 | 188.08 |
211 | @nailyourhome | 48.95 | 91.47 | 93 | 494.47 |
212 | @nancie | 52.54 | 95.49 | 340 | 35.02 |
213 | @nanosesame | 65.45 | 93.43 | 400 | 7890.98 |
214 | @nationalpark | 62.64 | 86.24 | 389 | 885.04 |
215 | @nic84280368 | 30.14 | 98.00 | 43 | 0.57 |
216 | @nileelily | 49.32 | 96.38 | 269 | 272.23 |
217 | @nnajmull | 55.62 | 64.76 | 231 | 208.11 |
218 | @nuagnorab | 58.69 | 64.46 | 399 | 2379.21 |
219 | @odillegogh | 47.29 | 91.26 | 90 | 40.87 |
220 | @oflyhigh | 75.39 | 68.86 | 712 | 49418.11 |
221 | @omardalessio | 25.00 | 98.00 | 12 | 0.16 |
222 | @outhori5ed | 64.23 | 98.00 | 374 | 2118.77 |
223 | @padluo | 31.17 | 98.00 | 152 | 0.78 |
224 | @penglynn | 26.69 | 98.00 | 205 | 1.27 |
225 | @perlia | 52.68 | 85.04 | 165 | 235.93 |
226 | @pgr | 50.41 | 90.50 | 117 | 103.20 |
227 | @pizzapai | 56.10 | 49.14 | 178 | 526.49 |
228 | @princeemmanuel | 51.39 | 92.29 | 302 | 32.06 |
229 | @psenwei | 25.00 | 98.00 | 15 | 0.16 |
230 | @pyrammmid | 43.39 | 98.00 | 75 | 34.79 |
231 | @qfrank | 25.00 | 98.00 | 227 | 0.79 |
232 | @qlpyzz | 42.03 | 96.53 | 190 | 0.79 |
233 | @qq895034093 | 34.04 | 44.58 | 2 | 0.31 |
234 | @rajrajput | 41.57 | 98.00 | 16 | 8.28 |
235 | @ray147880 | 56.15 | 93.35 | 165 | 315.97 |
236 | @rea | 71.69 | 97.10 | 723 | 87690.90 |
237 | @richie-r | 28.37 | 98.00 | 44 | 0.16 |
238 | @ricko66 | 63.05 | 80.04 | 387 | 4004.63 |
239 | @rivalhw | 72.71 | 89.68 | 709 | 25790.69 |
240 | @robinlee | 41.53 | 79.47 | 369 | 18.42 |
241 | @rockchlin | 42.64 | 98.00 | 74 | 283.75 |
242 | @rocketchen | 41.00 | 98.00 | 260 | 20.27 |
243 | @rosatravels | 68.42 | 62.99 | 325 | 13294.77 |
244 | @rutong | 25.00 | 98.00 | 12 | 9.45 |
245 | @s3s | 40.35 | 98.00 | 29 | 3.20 |
246 | @sabiondico | 40.79 | 79.67 | 145 | 7.23 |
247 | @saina | 25.00 | 98.00 | 2 | 0.16 |
248 | @sandywhy | 25.00 | 100.00 | 222 | 0.31 |
249 | @sdream | 33.72 | 73.40 | 13 | 0.58 |
250 | @seabearflying | 52.37 | 98.00 | 276 | 714.66 |
251 | @sealion2020 | 56.32 | 98.00 | 170 | 201.01 |
252 | @selfi | 31.58 | 94.12 | 43 | 0.83 |
253 | @serenazz | 48.88 | 86.00 | 182 | 70.00 |
254 | @shenchensucc | 63.54 | 87.00 | 388 | 4167.24 |
255 | @shenzehe | 41.80 | 98.00 | 163 | 0.79 |
256 | @sherry.gong | 39.37 | 96.20 | 33 | 0.16 |
257 | @shine.wong | 46.08 | 49.87 | 75 | 36.40 |
258 | @shortsegments | 50.53 | 88.29 | 89 | 841.52 |
259 | @showshidan | 31.83 | 90.78 | 62 | 0.85 |
260 | @shucona | 48.93 | 88.24 | 88 | 25.18 |
261 | @simpleslife | 34.44 | 94.37 | 179 | 2.03 |
262 | @sinlg | 50.10 | 85.22 | 188 | 77.80 |
263 | @sitby | 36.18 | 70.01 | 56 | 0.16 |
264 | @sjsbikes | 45.07 | 98.00 | 116 | 20.77 |
265 | @slientstorm | 38.11 | 53.18 | 22 | 782.63 |
266 | @smallbites | 38.51 | 88.72 | 28 | 6.37 |
267 | @sobong | 25.00 | 98.00 | 84 | 0.16 |
268 | @softmetal | 62.00 | 95.21 | 136 | 3918.00 |
269 | @sophiachan | 61.67 | 98.00 | 696 | 584.18 |
270 | @stabilowl | 62.84 | 81.64 | 257 | 8542.44 |
271 | @steemit-bot | 58.55 | 64.93 | 302 | 192.78 |
272 | @stepbie | 51.43 | 86.79 | 158 | 100.98 |
273 | @sunai | 41.52 | 40.33 | 59 | 42.28 |
274 | @sundawning | 37.87 | 96.04 | 96 | 4.59 |
275 | @sunhokim | 42.54 | 94.35 | 14 | 4.33 |
276 | @sunlon | 27.85 | 98.00 | 359 | 1.13 |
277 | @sunny-rain | 38.86 | 92.23 | 103 | 9.26 |
278 | @sunray | 63.49 | 87.20 | 310 | 6118.45 |
279 | @superledger | 42.87 | 91.32 | 122 | 14248.50 |
280 | @susanli3769 | 66.11 | 85.52 | 380 | 6352.46 |
281 | @tanlikming | 46.93 | 98.00 | 128 | 20.83 |
282 | @teacherpearline | 59.55 | 97.39 | 208 | 6099.96 |
283 | @team-cn | 52.91 | 86.17 | 100 | 102.44 |
284 | @techwizardry | 62.88 | 82.52 | 704 | 473.26 |
285 | @terryzk | 25.00 | 98.00 | 379 | 0.83 |
286 | @the.foodini | 54.68 | 86.56 | 82 | 108.32 |
287 | @thedreamsun66 | 44.82 | 97.08 | 96 | 24.18 |
288 | @thunderabs | 38.73 | 92.41 | 137 | 0.78 |
289 | @tiffany4ever | 45.16 | 80.73 | 78 | 65.61 |
290 | @titleme | 26.97 | 95.52 | 9 | 4.66 |
291 | @tommy123 | 45.83 | 34.80 | 117 | 21.43 |
292 | @travelgirl | 69.33 | 89.54 | 373 | 8336.42 |
293 | @trendhk | 25.38 | 98.00 | 169 | 1.14 |
294 | @tsingk | 25.00 | 98.00 | 24 | 0.31 |
295 | @tvlee | 53.02 | 97.18 | 112 | 200.78 |
296 | @tydebbie | 51.37 | 57.17 | 107 | 89.08 |
297 | @ura-soul | 70.30 | 88.37 | 666 | 9382.16 |
298 | @ustd | 37.30 | 38.84 | 53 | 1.90 |
299 | @vandadream | 62.45 | 41.73 | 299 | 1966.36 |
300 | @veronicazhu | 57.65 | 98.34 | 324 | 942.02 |
301 | @viago | 25.00 | 45.90 | 2 | 0.16 |
302 | @victorier | 65.56 | 57.95 | 399 | 8395.53 |
303 | @victorleung | 41.96 | 98.00 | 127 | 5.58 |
304 | @victory622 | 65.20 | 93.46 | 312 | 6857.64 |
305 | @videoaddiction | 51.64 | 35.39 | 178 | 106.18 |
306 | @vivia | 53.84 | 96.73 | 246 | 240.51 |
307 | @wanderwithtwo | 59.48 | 89.14 | 368 | 739.47 |
308 | @wang-peilin | 55.03 | 99.80 | 210 | 970.51 |
309 | @whatstuff | 46.67 | 94.45 | 273 | 16.69 |
310 | @wickedgoose | 41.11 | 95.20 | 184 | 20.55 |
311 | @wilhb81 | 56.50 | 36.61 | 193 | 571.88 |
312 | @wilkinshui | 67.33 | 67.52 | 397 | 9072.19 |
313 | @williamgo | 41.28 | 68.86 | 3 | 12.59 |
314 | @winniex | 61.43 | 97.80 | 290 | 3487.49 |
315 | @winser | 34.57 | 98.00 | 87 | 1.96 |
316 | @wupei | 45.32 | 95.55 | 316 | 39.20 |
317 | @wwstreet | 45.74 | 81.70 | 152 | 22.76 |
318 | @xfund | 48.64 | 98.00 | 574 | 80.66 |
319 | @xiaoshancun | 60.49 | 5.94 | 316 | 221.53 |
320 | @xiaoyaosilang | 37.98 | 96.04 | 50 | 5.16 |
321 | @xias | 42.46 | 98.00 | 10 | 6.06 |
322 | @xiguang | 50.11 | 87.80 | 119 | 310.75 |
323 | @xinhe-talks | 33.27 | 96.67 | 13 | 0.24 |
324 | @yang47b | 25.00 | 98.00 | 13 | 0.16 |
325 | @yangguo | 25.00 | 96.99 | 1 | 0.16 |
326 | @yellowbird | 61.15 | 94.89 | 326 | 1994.08 |
327 | @yipyip282 | 43.11 | 98.00 | 189 | 33.22 |
328 | @yjcps | 50.14 | 30.17 | 184 | 149.42 |
329 | @ynducai | 34.23 | 98.00 | 23 | 0.31 |
330 | @yuting327 | 25.00 | 98.00 | 54 | 0.16 |
331 | @yuxi | 61.50 | 95.89 | 664 | 1133.11 |
332 | @zeul | 52.06 | 68.62 | 117 | 91.16 |
333 | @zhangma | 45.72 | 83.53 | 177 | 18.73 |
334 | @zhangxu | 25.63 | 100.00 | 15 | 0.16 |
335 | @zhangzhang | 34.14 | 98.00 | 116 | 1.44 |
336 | @zhenzhen | 25.39 | 94.22 | 29 | 0.20 |
337 | @zilin | 47.09 | 98.00 | 254 | 44.97 |
338 | @zy-sb | 36.96 | 94.18 | 29 | 0.16 |
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