TCM: Your boss is your body, not your brain. 中医的身体观: 你的身体是比头脑段位高很多的东西

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a post I saw from a sexual health specialist on Chinese Twitter. She shows confusion of the efficacy of Acupuncture on treating clinical depression. She is criticizing the acupuncturist who is trying to do clinical test on depression patients is money-stealing.

Screenshot 2018-02-03 10.29.25.png

For us with modern science education background, the exact treatment of clinical depression is psychotherapy.
Patients may expect cure of depression by talking to a psychology, or chemical medication.
Whatever, acupuncture seems to have no relation with depression treatment.

I used to think human's all activity is controlled by our brain.
Now I start to realize the brain is only the CEO of our body. Though it manages everything in our body, it has to take orders from the boss.
The reason is, although the modern physiologic research could interpret the complex reactions happened in human body cells, no one can explain why the cells know what to do. In other words, what's the ultimate driven force of these live activities?

Who is the real boss of human body? In the world of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the heart is your body's ultimate boss. 《Huangdi Neijing》(one of the most well-known ancient book in China, has been treated as the fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine for more than two millennia. ) says:

"The heart is the emperor of body, with spirit and divinity inside."


As a concept in TCM, the "heart" is not anatomically heart, but something invisible in our body.
The common-known substantial heart is called "heart bag", which connects the body and the invisible heart.
It is the divinity in the heart telling the brain what to do, what is our destiny.
The power of the true heart is not related with intelligence, but is only related to wisdom.
The true heart decides those cannot be obtained by brain-thinking, such as inherent personality, love, and inner desire.

How TCM deal with clinical depression? Believing in "One body and mind".
《Huangdi Neijing》:

"The five essential organs in human body are in charge of five different emotions.
Liver - anger; heart - excitement; spleen - desire; lung - sadness; kidney - fear. "

A healthy guy is also a happy guy. Those who suffer from chronic disease tend to be depressed.
Another prove is, there has been clinical research showing that Acupunture could help the secretion of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. There is no point to divide human's body and mind into two different things.

As I become a TCM practitioner, I realized that we really underestimated the power of our body. It it not a bunch of meat and blood. The body is the medium of the communication between our superficial awareness and inner deity.
Illness is a kindly reminder message sent from your true heart, through your body, to tell you the real problem you have. For example, stress from your work, unhealthy lifestyle, and all your ignorance and delusion. These make your true heart sick.

One thing I always notice myself: Do not try to control my body by my brain. Instead, control the brain by the body, and control the body by the true heart.





《黄帝内经》:“人有五脏化五气,以生喜怒悲忧恐。肝在志为怒,心在志为喜,脾在志为思,肺在志为忧,肾在志为恐。” 身心本为一体,何必分开?五脏六腑养得好,心这个“君主之官”自然高兴。

而生病这件事,则是身体对你善意的提醒。 提醒你压抑的情绪,提醒你不良的生活习惯,提醒你的无知和妄念。


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啊 不太明白你在说哪一点呢?
