
in cn •  6 months ago 

中华田园猫又称“土猫”,是食肉目猫科动物。 中华田园猫是对中国本土家猫类的统称,根据毛色分为狸花猫、橘猫、三花花猫、白猫、黑猫等多个品种,其中以狸花猫和黄狸猫最常见。
中华田园猫中狸花猫原产于中国。 [4]中华田园猫性格活泼,独立,好奇心重,捕鼠能力强。 中华田园猫经常自己清理毛发,并且常掩盖粪便,防止天敌从其粪便气味发现和追踪。中华田园猫为肉食性动物,有昼伏夜出的习性。中华田园猫在早晨和晚上进食;配种时间一般在夜间。

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"Wow, this post is purr-fectly fascinating! 🐱💫 I had no idea about the rich history and evolution of our beloved feline friends. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights with us! 👏 The fact that the Chinese countryside cat has been officially recognized by CFA China Long City Cat Club after 6 years of effort is truly inspiring. 💪 And, who knew that cats have such a storied past, with the saber-toothed tiger being one of their earliest ancestors? 🦷 Mind blown! 😮 I'd love to hear more about this topic and discuss it further with you all. Keep sharing your expertise and let's keep learning together! 💬 Please don't forget to vote for xpilar.witness by going to https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses - every vote counts, and our witness is working hard to improve the Steem ecosystem. 🙏"