(图片来自网络, 与本文无直接关系)
每天都能看到 ChinaDaily 的数据分析报告, 奈何我这种新人总是上不了榜, 想知道自己在中文区的排名情况更是不知道要等到什么时候. 想必有不少中文区的朋友也想知道自己的排名吧, 甭管几百.
ChinaDaily 关于 Author 的榜单有 3 个, 分别是按照 Rep, 预估收益, 和字母表顺序排序.
本文的目标是通过阅读本文, 你也可以上手做一个包含上面功能的排名分析的小程序.
想要数据分析, 先要有数据, 想获取 Steem Author 的全网数据在区块链这种开放环境下很容易, 做好的半成品也很多, 比如 SteemSQL, Steemd, SteemData, Steem API, 这里我们方便起见, 选择 SteemData . SteemData 是一个全开放的基于 MongoDB 的 Steem 区块链数据库, 不仅包括 Author 信息, 还包括全网的文章, 点赞等信息, 本身有提供很好的 API 和 SDK 可以访问数据, 实在方便.
远端数据库选好了, 需要一个 UI 界面展示一下, 方便比对调试, 这里我们选择免费开源的 RoboMongo, 全平台支持一键安装.
安装好 RoboMongo 之后, 可以直接建立一个链接到 SteemData
Host: mongo1.steemdata.com
Port: 27017
Database: SteemData
Username: steemit
Password: steemit
连接成功, 全网 331351 位作者的信息尽收眼底, 爽不爽?
至此, 准备工作结束. 好戏刚刚开始.
我们的目标是获取7日内中文区活跃用户, 然后按照 rep, 预估收益, 和首字母进行排序, 我们来一个一个思考一下.
第零个问题是获取7日内中文区活跃用户. 这个问题很容易, 可以通过查询 Posts 表, 以最近7天为条件, 取得文章标签为 cn 的全部文章作者集合, 就定义为7日内中文区活跃用户’, 在用这个用户名集合到 Accounts 表去做查询, 就取得了全部的待处理数据;
这里还有很多细碎的问题值得探讨, 比如加了 cn 标签, 但不是第一个, 这算不算中文区活跃用户? 类似这种问题由于也很容易解决, 就不在本文的讨论范围了, 如果感兴趣, 可以留言.
第一个问题是如何按照 rep 排序, 很简单, Accounts 表本身有一列就是 rep
, 直接逆序输出就可以了;
第二个问题是如何按照 预估收益 计算, 这个也不难, 就是要知道预估收益是如何计算的, 这里经过一些 google 和咨询, 找到了一个计算公式
Value = (SP + Steem) * medianPrice + SBD
其中, medianPrice 可以使用 Steem API 获得, 或者从 steemd 手动查询(网页内搜索关键字: feed price). 而参与计算的其他参数: SP, Steem, SBD, 均可从 Accounts 表获取.
第三个问题其实不算是问题, 为了节约篇幅, 不讨论了. 后面直接看代码.
至此, 思路和关键要素准备完毕, 动手写代码.
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, assert = require('assert');
var steem = require('steem');
var fs = require('fs’);
// Connect DB
var url = 'mongodb://steemit:[email protected]:27017/SteemData';
var postsCount = 0;
var authorsCount = 0;
var authorObjects = {};
var medianPrice = 1;
var start = new Date();
var end = new Date();
var basepath = "/Users/bullda/Workspace/SteemBot/";
steem.api.getCurrentMedianHistoryPrice(function(err, result) {
if (!err) {
medianPrice = (result['base'].split(" "))[0];
console.log("==== medianPrice ==== " + medianPrice);
updateOutputFile("$medianPrice$", medianPrice);
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
console.log("Connected successfully to server");
findAuthorByPosts(db, function(docs) {
// get posts count
postsCount = docs.length;
console.log("==== postsCount ==== " + postsCount);
updateOutputFile("$postsCount$", postsCount);
// authors count & authors set
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
authorObjects[docs[i]['author']] = 1 + (authorObjects[docs[i]['author']] || 0);
authorsCount = Object.keys(authorObjects).length;
console.log("==== authorsCount ==== " + authorsCount);
updateOutputFile("$authorsCount$", authorsCount);
// authors details
getAuthorsDetail(db, function(docs) {
// sort by value
var topValue = "";
var topValueLimit = 20; // get top 20 value, you can change it as your wish
for (var i = 0; i < topValueLimit; i++) {
var name = docs[i]['name'];
var value = ((docs[i]['sp'] + docs[i]['balances']['total']['STEEM']) * medianPrice + docs[i]['balances']['total']['SBD']).toFixed(2);
var steemValue = docs[i]['balances']['total']['STEEM'];
var SPValue = docs[i]['sp'];
var SBDValue = docs[i]['balances']['total']['SBD'];
topValue += ((i + 1) + "|@" + name + "|" + value + "|" + steemValue + "|" + SPValue + "|" + SBDValue + "\n");
console.log("==== topValue ==== " + topValue);
updateOutputFile("$topValue$", topValue);
// sort by rep
var topRep = "";
var topRepLimit = 20; // get top 20 rep, you can change it as your wish
for (var i = 0; i < topRepLimit; i++) {
var name = docs[i]['name'];
var rep = docs[i]['rep'];
var vp = (docs[i]['voting_power'] / 100).toFixed(2);
var online = daysBetween(new Date(), new Date(docs[i]['created']));
var value = ((docs[i]['sp'] + docs[i]['balances']['total']['STEEM']) * medianPrice + docs[i]['balances']['total']['SBD']).toFixed(2);
topRep += ((i + 1) + "|@" + name + "|" + rep + "|" + vp + "|" + online + "|" + value + "\n");
console.log("==== topRep ==== " + topRep);
updateOutputFile("$topRep$", topRep);
function findAuthorByPosts(db, callback) {
var collection = db.collection('Posts');
start.setDate(start.getDate() - 7);
start = new Date(start.toISOString().slice(0, 10));
console.log("==== start ==== " + start.toISOString());
updateOutputFile("$start$", start.toISOString().slice(0, 19));
end = new Date(end.toISOString().slice(0, 10));
console.log("==== end ==== " + end.toISOString());
updateOutputFile("$end$", end.toISOString().slice(0, 19));
updateOutputFile("$print$", end.toISOString().slice(0, 19));
var query = { "tags":"cn" , "created":{$gte: start, $lt: end}};
var fetchDataLimit = 5000;
collection.find(query).skip(0).limit(fetchDataLimit).toArray(function(err, docs) {
assert.equal(err, null);
function getAuthorsDetail(db, callback) {
var collection = db.collection('Accounts');
var query = {"name": {$in: Object.keys(authorObjects)}};
var fetchDataLimit = 5000;
collection.find(query).skip(0).limit(fetchDataLimit).toArray(function(err, docs) {
assert.equal(err, null);
function daysBetween(date1, date2) {
// The number of milliseconds in one day
var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
// Convert both dates to milliseconds
var date1_ms = date1.getTime()
var date2_ms = date2.getTime()
// Calculate the difference in milliseconds
var difference_ms = Math.abs(date1_ms - date2_ms)
// Convert back to days and return
return Math.round(difference_ms / ONE_DAY)
function createOutputFile() {
var from = basepath + "cn_report_template.md";
var to = basepath + "cn_" + end.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
var content = fs.readFileSync(from, 'utf8');
fs.writeFileSync(to, content);
function updateOutputFile(key, value) {
var filepath = basepath + "cn_" + end.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
var content = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');
content = content.replace(key, value);
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, content);
console.log("==== saved ==== " + key);
function sortByRep(authorA, authorB) {
return (authorB['rep'] - authorA['rep']);
function sortByValue(authorA, authorB) {
var valueA = (authorA['sp'] + authorA['balances']['total']['STEEM']) * medianPrice + authorA['balances']['total']['SBD'];
var valueB = (authorB['sp'] + authorB['balances']['total']['STEEM']) * medianPrice + authorB['balances']['total']['SBD'];
return (valueB - valueA);
function sortByAlphabeta(authorA, authorB) {
var nameA = authorA['name'].toLowerCase()
var nameB = authorB['name'].toLowerCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
} else if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# Information
数据来源: https://steemdata.com/
生成时间: `$print$(UTC)`
时间覆盖: `$start$(UTC)`至`$end$(UTC)`
用户范围: 近7日中文区发帖用户(包含`cn`标签)
数据统计: 文章数`$postsCount$`, 发帖用户数`$authorsCount$`
中间价取值: $`$medianPrice$` / Steem
# 财富榜 (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
# 信誉榜 (sorted by Reputation score)
# 说明
* **SP**: Steem Power, 持有越多, 点赞得到回报越丰厚, 对别人文章收益影响越大
* **Value**: Estimated Account Value, 用户账户估值
* **Rep**: Reputation, Steemit 网站上用于衡量用户信誉度的分值
* **VP**: Voting Power, 用户剩余的投票能量,满值是100%,投票越多下降越快,随时间缓慢恢复
* **Online**: Online days, 用户在线天数,从注册时算起
数据来源: https://steemdata.com/
生成时间: 2017-08-30T00:00:00(UTC)
时间覆盖: 2017-08-23T00:00:00(UTC)
用户范围: 近7日中文区发帖用户(包含cn
数据统计: 文章数1525
, 发帖用户数477
中间价取值: $1.470
/ Steem
财富榜 (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | Value | STEEM | SP | SBD |
1 | @davidding | 152887.98 | 1.31 | 103658.425 | 508.173 |
2 | @czechglobalhosts | 139632.74 | 0 | 94976.316 | 17.559 |
3 | @nextgen622 | 46068.22 | 1316.06 | 30020.918 | 2.861 |
4 | @rea | 43086.56 | 0 | 29129.515 | 266.175 |
5 | @lawrenceho84 | 25689.53 | 0 | 17438.947 | 54.273 |
6 | @ace108 | 23363.75 | 1147.748 | 12455.833 | 3366.483 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 23066.66 | 18.13 | 15375.857 | 437.503 |
8 | @bullionstackers | 21950.25 | 10.217 | 13861.403 | 1558.971 |
9 | @deanliu | 20345.52 | 199.286 | 12068.598 | 2311.729 |
10 | @arcange | 19033.81 | 0 | 12948.169 | 0 |
11 | @helene | 18683.94 | 21.145 | 11977.389 | 1046.098 |
12 | @chhaylin | 17609.60 | 0 | 11969.56 | 14.344 |
13 | @isaaclab | 17047.10 | 504.001 | 10780.412 | 459.014 |
14 | @lemooljiang | 12346.67 | 22.952 | 8298.25 | 114.504 |
15 | @joythewanderer | 12055.16 | 0 | 7441.168 | 1116.645 |
16 | @skt1 | 11495.57 | 0 | 7681.671 | 203.517 |
17 | @rivalhw | 11392.27 | 0 | 6532.065 | 1790.136 |
18 | @shieha | 10773.01 | 0 | 7304.605 | 35.24 |
19 | @myfirst | 9460.14 | 0.45 | 6361.966 | 107.389 |
20 | @chinadaily | 9440.92 | 488.567 | 5805.647 | 188.422 |
信誉榜 (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | VP(%) | Online | Value |
1 | @chinadaily | 73.54 | 89.71 | 396 | 9440.92 |
2 | @myfirst | 72.23 | 31.95 | 403 | 9460.14 |
3 | @elfkitchen | 72.21 | 90.98 | 401 | 4625.23 |
4 | @oflyhigh | 72.17 | 77.70 | 401 | 23066.66 |
5 | @birds90 | 71.73 | 81.65 | 358 | 4708.97 |
6 | @ace108 | 71.51 | 53.52 | 409 | 23363.75 |
7 | @deanliu | 70.93 | 27.34 | 412 | 20345.52 |
8 | @helene | 70.34 | 48.00 | 396 | 18683.94 |
9 | @shieha | 69.97 | 64.09 | 383 | 10773.01 |
10 | @rivalhw | 69.94 | 68.50 | 398 | 11392.27 |
11 | @lemooljiang | 69.91 | 73.14 | 410 | 12346.67 |
12 | @bullionstackers | 69.68 | 82.12 | 408 | 21950.25 |
13 | @rea | 68.36 | 96.06 | 412 | 43086.56 |
14 | @cnfund | 67.88 | 94.12 | 379 | 6427.19 |
15 | @arcange | 67.63 | 56.85 | 413 | 19033.81 |
16 | @germanlifestyle | 67.58 | 96.80 | 267 | 4691.74 |
17 | @jademont | 67.44 | 86.01 | 472 | 7781.51 |
18 | @jubi | 66.79 | 30.61 | 235 | 3552.68 |
19 | @justyy | 66.75 | 63.71 | 374 | 5151.56 |
20 | @curiesea | 66.72 | 38.84 | 345 | 1568.75 |
- SP: Steem Power, 持有越多, 点赞得到回报越丰厚, 对别人文章收益影响越大
- Value: Estimated Account Value, 用户账户估值
- Rep: Reputation, Steemit 网站上用于衡量用户信誉度的分值
- VP: Voting Power, 用户剩余的投票能量,满值是100%,投票越多下降越快,随时间缓慢恢复
- Online: Online days, 用户在线天数,从注册时算起
排版略有调整, 一级标题变成二级标题
篇幅所限, 结果中去掉了所有用户的首字母排序排名
如果想取得自己的排名(如果你在20开外的话), 可以把代码中的 limit 改大, 如果有问题, 请评论, 我会回复
代码还有蛮多的优化空间, 因为是练手, 没有细扣算法和 IO 问题, 仅讨论实现过程.
如果觉得本文对开启思路有价值, 请不吝关注点赞, 感谢:)
赞。我搞了一个 类似的 @dailystats
代码我能说,没有这么麻烦么?改天我分享一下。我用的是 Python.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
不敢当, 刚接触 Steem, 练练手, 顺便满足一下好奇心. 数据库里面有蛮多有趣的东西, 你也可以去研究下.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
:( 为什么我把你的代码输进去,报错哦
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
参考一下我上一篇帖子关于 node 的 Run 章节步骤,应该是缺少 npm init 和 npm install steem 等操作。
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建议先 hello world 一个 node 程序,然后再把 hello 代码替换成我上面写的代码,应该会更顺利。保持沟通。
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
wow nice post
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你这技术与数据帮了不少Steemians. 感恩有你!
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: