so happy to travel in singapore 很高兴在新加坡旅行

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

Finally get up early in Singapore. Overnight sleep soundly, although the first hours hard to close the eyes. Habit of sleeping in a foreign place, surely can not sleep right away. Only able to sleep around 2 o'clock. Wake up at half six, direct shower. Eh it turns out that the hour in Singapore is still dark yes. Maybe the same time in Indonesia at half past five. The bathroom is outside the room, there are two. Since it was still dark, I told my husband to take a shower in the adjoining bathroom. Hehe afraid yes

At 6 o'clock already down to the lobby, ask for hot water to make Nutrisari. Incidentally bring a sachet drink. There's Nescafe, Nutrisari. Understandably packed drinks box can not, at the airport can not carry more than 100ml of liquid. So ya bring sachets aja. Ga how long, come out her little breakfast. There was quite a bargain with the big, long, hard French bread. There are toasters too, so for those who want baked bread, please. There is Coco crunch and pure milk. There's a friend of bread like strawberry jam, pineapple jam, butter (butter) but no brown granules. Emang here no Ceres huh? hehe ... While eating nyoba2 internet. Quick too, same is rich at home

You're not going to starve on a cruise ship. Seriously, the food available is abundant. Most of the food we can get without paying extra fees. The cruise ship rate is full board, including 3x meals a day.

There are several choices of restaurants on board. Windjammer, our mainstay, is a casual dining restaurant with buffet service for breakfast and lunch. If you get tired of breakfast at Windjammer, can choose breakfast at the restaurant of the more formal Top Hat and Tails or Rhapsody in Blue, with a la carte menu. For dinner, everyone has got a certain table number, in fine dining restaurant. The number, the name of the restaurant, and the dinner hour are listed on the sea pass card. Dinner at the Top Hat and Tails restaurant at 5.30pm each. For four nights we ate 3-course fine dining while looking at the sunset. Do not imagine fancy?

Unsatisfied with 'free' food can try speciality restaurant by adding cost which is not too expensive. For example Giovanni's Table for Italian cuisine, or Johnny Rockets for classic hamburgers.

If between three hours of eating still feels hungry, there is a cafe that is open 24 hours. Cafe Promenade provides snacks such as sandwiches, cheese cakes, muffins, cookies, pizza, fruit salad, pudding, and hot and cold beverages such as tea, coffee, milk and chocolate. In addition there are ice cream outlets and hotdog booths near the pool. Or if hungry but lazy out of the room, we can message room service. All room service services are free, from 5 am to midnight. Do you really know?

Please note, not all food on board is halal. So for the Muslims, it is necessary to avoid the pork and its variations. Do not worry, it's all labeled, so it's easy to avoid pork, lard, ham, salami, and pepperoni. For those who doubt to eat chicken / duck / beef that is not certified kosher, can choose vegetarian and seafood. On each menu there must be vegetarian and seafood options. Make no mistake, vegetarian food variations are many and delicious. Seafood cuisine is not just a catch fish today, but there are also salmon, shrimp, shellfish, and squid. Yummy!


六点钟已经到了大堂,要求喝热水来做Nutrisari。顺便带一袋香水。有Nescafe,Nutrisari。理解包装的饮料盒不能,在机场不能携带超过100ml的液体。所以是带小袋子啊嗨多久,出来一点点早餐。有一个大,长,硬的法国面包的讨价还价。还有烤面包机,所以对于那些想要烤面包的人,请。有可可紧缩和纯牛奶。有一个像草莓果酱,菠萝果酱,黄油(黄油)但没有棕色颗粒的面包的朋友。 Emang这里没有Ceres?嘿...吃nyoba2网络快也一样,在家里也很富有


船上有几个餐馆的选择。 Windjammer是我们的主力,是一家休闲餐厅,供应早餐和午餐的自助餐。如果您在Windjammer享受早餐,可以在更加正式的顶级帽子和尾巴或蓝色的狂想曲中选择早餐,点菜菜单。晚饭时,每个人都有一张桌子,在高级餐厅。海关通行证上列有数字,餐厅名称和晚餐时间。晚餐时间为晚上五点三十分在Top Hat and Tails餐厅用餐。四个晚上,我们在看日落的同时吃了3道菜的美食。不要想像出来吗?


如果三个小时的吃饭仍然感觉饿了,那里有一个24小时营业的咖啡厅。 Cafe Promenade咖啡厅提供小吃,如三明治,芝士蛋糕,松饼,饼干,比萨饼,水果沙拉,布丁,以及茶,咖啡,牛奶和巧克力等冷热饮料。此外,游泳池附近还有冰淇淋店和热狗摊。或者如果饿了,但懒惰的房间,我们可以留言客房服务。所有客房服务都是免费的,从上午5点到午夜。你真的知道吗


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Would really love to go to Singapore once to enjoy the amazing food there :) Followed 🐳! We do travel vlogs on YouTube and would like to make global connections on Steemit 🌎! Follow us back so we can be friends 🤗