Hello my dear friends, it's me again @enrikeprez. Today I bring you a small review of how beautiful my country is and what it offers to tourists. I hope you like it :D Venezuela, besides recognizing the flag, the anthem and the shield as national symbols, have been named other elements typical of the national flora and fauna as symbols of the nation. Namely: El Araguaney National Tree of Venezuela The Orchid, or Flower of May, was declared National Flower on May 23, 1951, through a joint resolution of the Ministries of Education and Agriculture and Breeding. The mossiae species was discovered in Venezuela in the 1830s.
你好我的亲爱的朋友,这是我再次@enrikeprez。 今天我给你们介绍一下我的国家美丽多彩,给游客提供什么。 我希望你喜欢
委内瑞拉除了承认国旗,国歌和盾牌作为国家象征外,还被称为国家动植物典型的其他元素,成为国家象征。即: 委内瑞拉的阿拉贡盖国家树兰花或五月花是通过教育和农业和育种部联合决议于1951年5月23日被宣布为国花。 在20世纪30年代,委内瑞拉发现了这种蚕豆种类。
Araguaney is the National Tree since May 29, 1948, by joint resolution of the Ministries of Education and Agriculture and Breeding. Its name is composed of a word of indigenous origin and the combination of Greek words that mean Flower of Gold, in allusion to the yellow color.
The Turpial is the National Bird since May 23, 1958, according to a joint resolution of the Ministries of Education and Agriculture and Breeding. It is a bird about 24 cm in wingspan, distinguished by its yellow-orange color throughout the body, except for the head and wings, which are black with white parts, and a blue spot around the eyes.
1948年5月29日以来,Araguaney是国家树,由教育和农业和育种部联合决议。 它的名字由一个土着出生的词组成,希腊词组合意味着黄金,指黄色。
根据教育和农业和育种部联合决议,乌龟是1958年5月23日以来的国鸟。 它是翼展中约24厘米的鸟,身体的黄橙色区分,除了头部和翅膀,黑色和白色部分,以及眼睛周围的蓝色斑点。
Venezuela is located in the northern part of South America, above the equator and west of the Greenwich meridian. Its continental territory, relative to the equator, is located between 0 ° 38 '53' 'and 15 ° 40' 20 '' north latitude, and relative to the greenwich meridian is between 59 ° 47 '30 " and 73 ° 23 '53' 'west longitude. If only the continental territory is considered, the northernmost point corresponds to Cape San Román (Falcón), at 12 ° 11 '46' 'north latitude.The territory of Venezuela consists of the continental territory (mainland), which comprises 915,175 km2; the island territory (islands), which covers 1,270 km2; airspace; and marine and underwater areas. Between the marine and submarine areas are the territorial sea (which adds 71,295 km2 to the general territory), the contiguous zone (22.224 km2), the exclusive economic zone (348,176 km2 of marine extension that includes the contiguous zone), the continental shelf (which corresponds to the seabed, up to the extension of the exclusive economic zone) and the internal, historical and vital waters. Thus, the territory (continental and maritime) of Venezuela covers 987,740 km2, because of the marine and submarine areas only the territorial sea adds extension to the territory, even though in all of them the state exercises sovereignty.Limits of Venezuela: it has gone through a long process of delimiting its territory due to the establishment of its sovereignty, both continental and marine waters. Thus, since 1833, various agreements and agreements have been established with the bordering countries, which have been complemented by the international provisions of maritime law, which have allowed the establishment of limits with various countries in the Caribbean Sea. The current limits of Venezuela are:The Caribbean Sea (north), Colombia and Brazil (south), Guyana (east) and Colombia (west), in addition its Patrimonial Sea grants borders with the territorial seas of: United States of America (Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands) The Dominican Republic, France (Guadeloupe and Martinique), Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire, Curacao, Saba and St. Eustaquio) Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and Guyana. The territory between the official border with Guyana (Cuyuní River) and the Essequibo River comprises an extensive area that Venezuela claims as its own, known as Guayana Esequiba.
委内瑞拉位于南美洲北部,位于赤道以上,格林威治子午线以西。相对于赤道,其大陆领土位于北纬0°38'53“和15°40'20”之间,相对于格林威治子午线59°47'30“至73°23 '53 “西经,如果只考虑大陆领土,最北点对应于北纬12°46'的Cape SanRomán(Falcón)。委内瑞拉领土由大陆领土(大陆)组成,其中包括915,175平方公里;岛屿(岛屿),占地面积1270平方公里;空域;海洋和水下区域,海洋和海洋区域之间是领海(总面积增加了71,295平方公里),毗邻区域(22.224 km2),专属经济区(包括毗邻区域的海洋延伸348,176平方公里),大陆架(相当于海底,直到专属经济区延伸)和内部,历史和重要的水域,领土(contine委内瑞拉的海域和海域)覆盖987,740平方公里,因为海洋和潜艇地区只有领海才能扩大到领土,尽管它们都是国家行使主权。委内瑞拉的路线:经历了漫长的过程由于其主权,既包括大陆海域又包括海洋水域,划定其领土。因此,自1833年以来,已经与毗邻的国家建立了各种协议和协议,这些国家已经加入了允许在加勒比海各国建立限制的海事法国际规定。委内瑞拉当前的局限是:加勒比海(北),哥伦比亚和巴西(南),圭亚那(东)和哥伦比亚(西),另外它的“海上保护海”也是与以色列接壤的领海:美利坚合众国里加和美属维尔京群岛)多米尼加共和国,法国(瓜德罗普和马提尼克),特立尼达和多巴哥,哥伦比亚,圣基茨和尼维斯,荷兰王国(阿鲁巴和荷属安的列斯群岛:博内尔岛,库拉索岛,萨巴和圣尤斯塔基)多米尼克,圣卢西亚,圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,格林纳达和圭亚那。与圭亚那(CuyuníRiver)和Essequibo河的官方边界之间的领土包括委内瑞拉声称自己的广泛地区,被称为Guayana Esequiba。
The location of Venezuela to the north of South America allows it to have a benign tropical climate with occasional rainfall, and variable thermal floors between tropical and icy temperatures with temperatures ranging from 0 ° C to 40 ° C. The coldest months are January and February, with a second low in July, meanwhile, highs occur in March and September. In general it can be affirmed that in Venezuela predominates the winds of the east and the northeast; to the south the wind is more variable and calm. The cloudiness is maximum in the Amazon, with values
of 6 to 7 eighths of covered sky; as well as in the Catatumbo region to the west of the country, where there is great cloudiness and the formation of storms due to the local effects of wind convergence. Relative humidity in Venezuela is generally very high, with values
higher than 80% in the Andes, south of Lake Maracaibo and Río Caura in Bolívar; the minimum can reach up to 2% in localities like Barcelona and Carora. The highest frequency of storms in the country is recorded in the Catatumbo River, and in the central region of the Amazon Territory. The minimums occur in the valley of Carora, Lara state, and in the mountains of Turimiquire in Sucre. The sunshine is highest in the region of Anzoátegui, while the radiation maximums are located near 11 ° north latitude, covering the north of Falcón and chains of the Venezuelan islands, including Margarita. Relative humidity in Venezuela is generally very high, with values
higher than 80% in the Andes, south of Lake Maracaibo and Caura River in Bolívar; for their part, the minimum can register up to 2%, as in the case of Barcelona and Carora. In general, Venezuela is bordered by the north and the south with characteristic climates due to the predominance of extreme weather conditions, such as severe rainfall during most of the year, or the displacement of dangerous hurricanes in the Caribbean; however, it can be said that the climate in Venezuela is molded and therefore does not reach harmful limits for its development and normal development.
Venezuela has a huge variety of species. Its main centers of endemism are the Cordilleras of the Andes and La Costa, the Sierra de Perija and the Massif de Guayana within the Orinoco River Basin.It has more than 20,000 species of angiosperms (plants with flowers) which places it in the eighth place in the world, of which more than 8,000 are endemic to the country (40% of the total); (14% of the world total and 45% of South American bird species), 318 species of mammals, and 197 species of amphibians (10th place in the world). It is estimated that 12% of the 1,200 species of freshwater fish are endemic.Among tropical countries, it ranks fourth in plant species, fifth in mammals and birds, sixth in primates, amphibians and reptiles and ninth in butterflies.The country is part of the group of Megadiverse countries that congregates 17 countries for having the largest concentration and diversity of species in the world.
委内瑞拉种类繁多。 其主要的特色中心是安第斯山脉和科斯塔,科罗拉多州,科罗拉多州,塞拉利昂de Perija,以及奥里诺科河流域的瓜亚纳地区。它有2万多种被子植物(花卉植物),排在第八位 在世界上,其中超过8000种是全国特有的(占总数的40%); (占世界总量的14%,南美鸟类的45%),318种哺乳动物和197种两栖动物(世界第10位)。 据估计,1,200种淡水鱼类中有12%属于特有种类。热带国家在植物物种中排名第四,哺乳动物和鸟类中排名第五,灵长类动物,两栖动物和爬行动物第六,蝴蝶第九。 聚集了世界上最大的物种集中和多样性的17个国家的生物多样性集团国家集团。
It is a product of the miscegenation that was born when cultural elements of the three ethnic groups residing in our country converged, which were mixed in communities and became colonial Venezuela. For this reason in the Venezuelan folklore a great interrelation (cultural syncretism) of the elements contributed by the indigenous, Spanish and African cultures is observed. Based on this, Venezuelan folklore can be affirmed to represent one of the most significant cultural herenias of the country , which has been transmitted from generation to generation, through tradition, allowing its various expressions to constitute a concrete reference to the national identity of the Venezuelan people.
这是在我国居住的三个民族的文化元素融合在一起,成为殖民地委内瑞拉的时候诞生的错误的产物。 因此,在委内瑞拉民间传说中,观察到土着,西班牙和非洲文化贡献的元素之间有很大的相互关联(文化融合)。 在此基础上,委内瑞拉的民间文学艺术可以被认为是通过传统传代代代相传的国家最重要的文化之一,允许其各种表达形式具体提到委内瑞拉的民族特征 人。
Entering the Venezuelan gastronomy is immersing itself in a world of aromas and flavors that delineate the space of a cuisine of marked tastes and striking colors, indigenous roots and hereditary European influence, the cuisine of these lands is the fusion of several cultures, without for that reason to stop owning a marked personality. It is characterized by the use of maize, cassava, banana, chilli, grains, tubers, sugar cane, meats and varied birds, from which dishes with unique and extraordinary flavors derive. Each region of this beautiful country is identified by its own customs and expressions, among which the culinary expression, as part of the culture, of daily living, diverse and original dishes, varies according to the geographical location of each region, and according to way of life of its inhabitants.The most representative dishes of our cuisine are par excellence The Criollo Pavilion, La Arepa, La Hallaca, La Cachapa, Corn Flour Empanadas, Black Roast, El Cazabe, Boiled Chicken, Meat or Fish, among the more recognized, is identified in the Venezuelan cuisine a display of varied desserts among which we find those of aboriginal origin such as El Majarete, El tequiche and Los dulces based on papelón. Homemade sweets from the colonial period where La Torta bejarana, La Jotato, Pan, and Banana cake, as well as pineapple, guava, orange and coconut flan and cheese. Another variety of sweet confections are Sweets in Almíbar, of infinite variety, that go from the Sweet of Milk with chips of cinnamon to the one of Mamey, passing through Guayaba, parchita, orange, coconut grated ... Another of the desserts that do not we can not fail to mention are the Fritters, those soft balls of boiled cassava that fry in very hot oil, leaving a crusty and golden layer that hides the softest flavor mixture, bathe with paper, cinnamon, cloves and spices; Delicious gift inherited from our ancestors. So many unique dishes represent our culinary.
进入委内瑞拉的美食正在沉浸在一个香气和风味的世界里,描绘出口味和醒目的色彩,土着根源和欧洲影响力的美食,这些土地的美食融合了几种文化,没有那种理由停止拥有一个明显的个性。它的特点是使用玉米,木薯,香蕉,辣椒,谷物,块茎,甘蔗,肉类和各种各样的鸟类,从而具有独特和非凡的味道。这个美丽的国家的每个地区都是由自己的习俗和表达来确定的,其中烹饪表达,作为文化的一部分,日常生活,多样化和原创菜肴,根据每个地区的地理位置而有所不同,并按照方式的居民最有代表性的菜肴是卓越的Criollo Pavilion,La Arepa,La Hallaca,La Cachapa,Corn Flour Empanadas,Black Roast,El Cazabe,煮鸡肉,肉类或鱼类,更被认可在委内瑞拉烹饪中确定了各种各样的甜点,其中我们发现原住民来源的,如El Majarete,El tequiche和Los dulces,基于papelón。 La Torta bejarana,La Jotato,Pan和Banana蛋糕以及菠萝,番石榴,橙子和椰子布兰德和奶酪的殖民时期的自制糖果。另一种甜品甜点是Almíbar的无数品种的糖果,从“甜蜜的牛奶”中可以看到肉桂的味道,穿过瓜亚巴,鹦鹉,橙子,椰子等。不是我们不能不提到的是油条,那些在非常热的油中煎炸的木薯的软球,留下一层硬皮和金色的层,隐藏最柔和的香味混合物,用纸,肉桂,丁香和香料沐浴;从我们祖先继承的美味礼物。这么多独特的菜代表我们的烹饪。
Nominally 96% of the population is Catholic; the rest are people who practice other religions: Protestant Christians, Hinduists, Muslims, Jews, etc., while some groups practice religions with some prehispanic roots. There are groups of atheists, as in the rest of the world.Active religious practitioners have declined considerably; Afro-descendant populations develop a Catholic religion mixed with African religions called Santería.Venezuela has a great diversity of churches. We have ventured to make a small selection of the churches we consider most important, either because of their religious significance or because of their architectural beauty.
名义上96%的人口是天主教徒; 其余的是练习其他宗教的人:新教的基督教徒,印度教徒,穆斯林,犹太人等,而一些团体用一些前传的根源来实践宗教。 像世界其他地方,有无神论者群体。活跃的宗教从业人员已经大大减少了。 非裔人口发展出一种与非洲宗教混合的天主教宗教,名为Santería。委内瑞拉有着多样化的教会。 无论是因为宗教意义还是因为建筑风格,我们都冒险选择我们认为最重要的教堂。
I can only tell you my friends, I can only invite you to visit my country so that you can see its wonders with your own eyes :D.
att: @enrikeprez
thats a good lesson on your country , their are a lot of things i didnt know now i know. most of the story we see on tv are negative and one sided, am glad you have given us this lesson
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The country is very beautiful. Ruled in a very bad way but I'm still very wonderful. I'm glad you liked it.
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for that i will upvote, resteemit and follow you, feel free to follow back
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Thank you very much friend
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Beautiful writing...i like it
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thank you so much
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Whooo this is so mind blowing. But @enrikeprez whats your opinion on marriage, here lemme know what you think.
这是这么想的吹嘘。但是 @enrikeprez 你对婚姻有什么看法,这里让我知道你的想法。
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I will read it and leave you my opinion :D
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thank you. And you can check ma other posts too. your advice will be appreciated.
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Nice click
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