How to maximise your curation rewards?

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)


After reading @tumutanzi 's article about curation rewards, I realised that I may be one of the successful curators in terms of curation rewards obtained.

Here below is a table showing the curation rewards of the curators under the #cn tag(except @osm0sis)

Steemit idSP gained from curation rewards of the last seven daysEffective SPannual rate of return(%)

(Statistics credits to @tumutanzi)

And now I am going to share my curation strategies, which is statistically proven to be one of the most successful ones on this platform!

Firstly, for some famous authors, I tend to vote between 15 and 27 minutes after the post is created.

And for the newbies and less famous Steemians who make a good post I tend to vote after 30 minutes. In a more ideal case, not many people have voted before and some dolphins or even whales vote after me then the curation rewards can be maximised.

Most importantly, the crux lies on diversifying your votes. Split your votes into lower voting percentage and let more Steemians benefit, especially for those posts which are under-valued.

So this is why the design of Steemit's reward system is so smart, it encourages the content curators who are holding a large sum of Steem power to continually discover undervalued contents and diversify their votes by giving them more rewards, benefiting both the active curators and the good authors.

In fact, if you have less SP, it is much easier to get a higher curation efficiency. So if you apply these strategies and give more votes to others you will probably get a higher % of return via curation than I do. If you think you don't have enough SP, just buy it, and support your fellow Steemit friends and good authors. Steem is a very good investment and has a high percentage of return, especially after the introduction of SMTs, I believe Steem will have a bright future.

Besides, you can also give some votes to the persons who leave constructive comments on your posts after thirty minutes. This is a bit tricky because you can get all the curation rewards from the comment, and you can also encourage more people to read your posts and interact with your contents.

So that’s basically how I curate to maximise my curation rewards based on the mechanism of curation rewards, but I am not going to explain it in detail. If you want to know more about it, you can visit this post made by @calamus056 instead.


Though these skills are indeed useful, it takes a lot of time to implement, to manually curate the posts. The only reason that I am able to achieve that is because I have a lot of spare time to spend on this platform, and I don't think it would be worth to imitate what I do if you don't have a large sum of Steem Power. Of course, you can buy a large sum of Steem and power up, just simply follow my curation trail and you may get a good profit. xD In fact, I have already noticed some smart guys following my curation trail.


I also wrote a post explaining one of the common misconceptions about curation rewards and why most people got it wrong three months ago. If you have not read it, you may be interested in this topic.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will have a better understanding of curation rewards, and how did I rock it!



HTLIAO cover 4 (1).png

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htliao! It's interesting to hear, however, don't you feel bad about autovoting popular accounts just for the curation reward? Why not only vote on things you really like, on encouraging GOOD behavior on steemit, as opposed to just trying to maximize your own benefit? Seems to me that in the long run, if enough people are just trying to maximize the benefit for themselves, the whole place will fall apart and die.

A fair point, marred only by the sizable up-vote on own comment. Perhaps for the sake of visibility, yes, lets go with that ;)

haha! It's true...I totally upvote my own comments. But I don't just upvote any comment, I am pretty tactical about putting them in view. But yeah...I see what you mean :P

With that voting weight, they are likely to be checked by small fries like myself.

I'm glad you see the lighter side of it, or else that nice up you've just given me could have been the opposite! :D

Hi @htliao! First of all congratulations, that is quite a feat! I found your strategy really interesting! When I first joined Steemit about 3 months ago I had noooo idea how any of this worked and spent weeks trying to decode it all since I am not very 'techy' at all :P

It's wonderful to hear your thoughts on supporting authors and quality content. I believe this is what sets Steemit a part from any other social media platform we have and I think that creativity that is being showcased here can really change the world, encouraging people to explore and share their passions <3

Another thing I really admired here is that you are promoting Steem, I bought in (as much as I could afford) when I first came on and I am continually putting more and more of my SP into this platform, trying to help spread the love and support people who are creating amazing posts!

I am constantly trying to advocate for people to support the platform that is giving to them. If we stand behind it and believe in it, it will be a great investment because it will succeed! I am actually about to give a talk about this in the next couple of weeks so I am really excited to keep promoting Steem!

Thanks for the great information and for supporting the community! :)

Is it about the quality of the post or just the rewards? I think most people are not going to make much from curation as they don't have much SP. They can make more by engaging with good comments that earn a vote and can gain them followers. Support the good content to make Steemit a better place

The quality matters as there are definitely more and more people upvoting if the content is good and the rewards is just the outcome. Encouraging comments and discussions by upvoting comments may be very important as many people tend to write their own posts without checking others' posts.

I think too many people just add their votes to the popular posts. We need the votes to be spread out more. There are some great creators who are still just minnows. I do what I can to support and encourage them

^ this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That’s great! We need to support more good authors who are still minnows to let the platform grow.

Well done @htliao 😁

Curation is an art indeed. I will also get some stats together again soon to see if you are still at the top!

Actually I don’t think that I am at the top, maybe it’s just inside the cn community, I guess a lot of people can do greater than I do.

Yes we need to access the statistics at database level to find this out. Curation data is apparently not that easy to total up per user, but I think sometime we will be able to gather it. I will let you know if/when we do :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @htliao

I made a new curation post - you are high in the charts again, but some smaller users got great results! Thanks :)

Nice analysis, read and upvoted. Yes smaller users do have advantages in getting a higher curation efficiency.

Thanks @htliao - For the large SP holders you have a really good curation reward for the week - Steem On!

I have no idea what I'm doing. I just click randomly, I'm Steemit trigger happy ;)

Thank you, I'll apply these methods here, a new steemian like me should be following through this kind of post.

@htliao thank you.

I totally agree with you, I would also apply this methods.
@htliao Thanks for sharing

Great! You are welcome~

When I get more SP and it is worth splitting my vote I will definitely remember this. Always glad when I get to learn more about Steemit and get hepful tips!

Great. Happy to know that you have learnt something from my post.

Great tips! Will e stepping up my curation game :)

Great Aricle about curation rewards..
Thanks for sharing..
Really is so useful..

Thank you!

Maybe, you will give me an upvote to this comment after thirty minutes, so you can get all the curation rewards from it. Ha ha……

Smart guy

That's a great explanation of what to do and when, it's confusing when you first arrive trying to understand how it all works.
Cheers buddy.

Thanks! :)

I really do not get much time to check other people post as you said just after the 15 to 20 minutes, but as you said I check all the people I follow whenever I get the enough time to check. Is following the curation trail without really reading the content is good for this community?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It depends. If you put your trust in a responsible curator that’s fine, but if he is irresponsible and makes a mess then it will be a disaster.

Yes it is true.

I still can not say that i was wrong when I started powerdown in the summer, but now I'm definitely a shame considering the change in the voting patterns.

Thank you for this post, I hope to use your advice in a couple of months... just left to accumulate enough power, without investment :)

Thank you :) hope you can accumlate enough power very soon

Congrats :D

Thanks :D

That's a great strategy to maximise curation rewards thanks for sharing the tips : )

You are welcome~

Wow thanks for this!

I find that to basically get more people to know you, drop meaningful comments on their posts. It's basically like making friends eh?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, Steemit is also a social networking site so making friends and interacting with them is important and it is fun!

Excellent a new steematian I have got a lot of information from this article.thanks for sharing and do provide us new informations..

Thank you, happy to know that you have learnt a lot :)

Yeah..exactly...thanks friend.

I find this post very relevant especially for newbies like me,i read through the whole content and i have learnt a great deal and i cant wait to put it into practice,Thanks

Thank you.

This is very interesting. I tend to not overthink too much abour that and just try to show some love to content I find and enjoy. And one of my goals is to bring more diversifying content to the top. Because if everyone only support and create crypto related posts and steem related the community won't see a big growth in my opinion.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That’s a good practice to upvote diversifying content, yes you don’t need to overthink too much and just upvote the posts you enjoy.

I like to enjoy when I am spending time surfing the internet without have to be thinking all the time about the money! :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks.. I am going to apply your strategy in my upvoting robot and see how it goes!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

我前几天把机器人点赞从30分钟改成 28分钟,今天再查,完全算上代理的SP,年回报率为6.6% 文中我的比例应该要比 6.8还低得多,因为当时没算上代理的SP。

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Some serious competition this week @htliao

I think users at the top of my table are 'front-running' bots in order to gain such a high %. I will continue to research :)

Haha nice research. Look forward to it. :)

thank you @htliao for informative post. I had no idea when to give votes to posts. I usually upvoted instantly to new posts. Thank you. Now I shall follow your strategy.

Hi @htliao I have been studying your curation works, very impressive.. after 2 months on steemit, u come up with introduce your self post, read that too, nice.. Looks like you are doing a strategy right, and would like to learn more from you... you mention to follow curation trail of yours... are you in streemian and register as trailer? would love to follow your curation trail... I have been in steemit for 4 weeks now and for the last one week doing the studies on your curation works, do pls help to accept me as your student..eager to learn more from you... God bless you.. :)

Thank you so much, I have just updated my curation trail and I think you can now find it on Streemian.

Thank you very much sir...
Im following your curation trail now on streemian..
God bless... Now i have a good Si Foo (Guru).. :)

Thank you very useful information ;)

Very interesting!

Thankyou for sharing my friend @htliao. . . Upvote 👍👍👍

There should be a "Use The Force" button right next to up vote :) Follow us , up vote and we will do the same for you ! .. + you get a great music by us ! Good Deal Right ?
Subscribe to our channel also ;)

This is extremely helpful because if you are not used to how Steemit does this rewards it is hard to make larger gains! Thanks so much for the information and I look forward to trying to follow it more closely!!

Good advice. I am new and still getting to grips with it all. Many thanks

These methods are replicable

Yes they are :)

Thanks for those useful tips. Nice to learned more about how curation rewards can be maximized.

Very good information, now I know. That curation is very hard to understand.

Thank you, now I know how to max curation rewards:)

very good friend, very nice post .......

this is very informative. this is very helpful specially to us newbies who don't know much about curation. more post please :)

I like your post. @htliao I have followed you

Thank you for sharing! I really need this information. This will be useful for fellow newbies like me. I really appreciate it. Thanks!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you are amazing .. @htliao

Sweet advice. Thank you.

Wow amazing

congratulations to @htliao, and hopefully more success always.👍👍

Your result is not achievable without plenty of time spending on this platform. But when one does spend so much time on Steemit curating, he better curate as good as you to make it worthwhile.

Great post. I know you did great in the community and I salute you. You deserve the reward sir @htliao. :)

I also like it.

very interesting and useful for those who visit your blog @htliao, nice work friends and thank you for sharing, I like the way you share and success is always for you @htliao.

its a great information

check my gig if you need any help in photoshop editing
Albina! :) thanks you

If you vote on other peoples comments you dont get curation do you? @htliao

You will get curation rewards too if you vote on comments.

Yeah splitting your votes is possible at 500 sp I think. 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day! Thanks for this!

thank you for posting this, all your posts are always very useful and always innovative thanks for sharing @htliao

I first need to get SP then I will try these techniques to see the difference, thanks for sharing!

Wow, very good! Since you are so effective curator I assume you will start to wait and vote for my posts cause I am one of the best illustrators here on Steemit for sure!
Whale Upvote from @dunsky

A very informative post. Many minnows (such as myself) do not know much about how to curate. While we may learn the basics soon after joining Steemit, we don't learn how to curate effectively.

So, thanks for this post, and the links to the other posts. While I am primarily focussed on content creation for Steemit, I understand that curation is also essential – for both the success of Steemit and for one's personal success on Steemit.

It would be great to follow you as curator. Maybe at least as an experiment and see what happens xD I think I will do it, but do you think it will work even if I am a very small minnow?

Thanks for sharing! I was just wondering right now why I never get curation rewards even when I upvote posts that turn out to be viral!

Hello @htlioa , each day I am writing quality posts but it is getting submerged in the mighty ocean. I will be glad if you take a look at my posts. Thank you

Thanks for sharing this vital info. Will definitely read up on the other blog.

Many thanks)) I did not know how the curation works))) But I have another problem))) I read a lot of posts and many of them I like, so I vote for them right away)) I want to make the author nice that he knew what he writes for us not in vain)))) Thanks for the post))) I will necessarily share your article with my team from Ukraine and Belarus))

Hi! I represent the official ICO bounty program

We really like your activity on Steemit and I want to invite you to our automated Steemit bounty program.

You can get Stakes easily for every repost or post.

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Please, let me know about your decision in return message 😉

Great job in bringing out the maximum in your curation efforts. Keep it up!

Congrats buddy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You two @htliao @tumutanzi have the same effective steem power, but your curation reward is doubled. Amazing skills for upvoting and thank you for upvoting my posts.

I think you would like this

Hey love the post :D i did the UPVOTEEE :D

thank you for this info. glad to learn how you do it. i will be buying some more steem. :) upped and followed

Resteem from the united team of Ukraine and Belarus.))))

thank you i will try some of these techniques out

I like this article. Please follow me. I now follow you

Something very wonderful, well done, my friend

I am confused... I could hurt myself in my confusion. XD lol... I have 2 notifications that you mentioned me, but I can't find where!x.x could you let me know please?

Umm? I don’t think I have mentioned you. Is there any flaw in the notification system?

That's very weird xD the first notificatipn appeared when you uploaded this post. Btw I will mention you later in a post ;)

Thankyou for sharing @htliao

A good article @htliao.I siggest not only for curration, but also for newbie like me and olso for all steemians.

congrats bro , you are doing fantastic job , your post is very helpful to many new steemit users , keep it up

  ·  7 years ago 

Pls buy us dinner!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good article @htliao, I chanced upon this yesterday while searching exactly this information for a bisteemit article I was writing regarding the voting decline on a post in a day. I thought why not check out your voting pattern in the first hour and see how a top curator curates? So I took a small detour and here's my article analysing your voting pattern for the past 3 months during the first hour of publication of an article

Thanks for planting this idea on my mind :)

I am happy reading your review and I am willing to learn from you, though I am still new and do not have big steem power.

Thank you for sharing and this is the reason why I am in love with Steemit, more and more, we all want to be success with steem.

I do believe that STMs is a genius portfokio and I can feel a better future for all, including me who managing community media in Aceh, Indonesia.

Congratulations @htliao!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, yesss! (upvote & follow you now)... I more or less do it in the same way. For me as someone who delivers content (photographer and painter), I found curation-rewards are most useful to reward people who comment on my posts... so I do this consequently... for everybody who gives friendly comments. This behaviour is not very common... many dolphins or whales don´t do it. Earnings from curation rewards are so small in relation to author-rewards from my posts, that I rather concentrate on giving priority to people commenting and upvoting on my posts. Only splitting the vote is not my style... I give all! ... I want to be sure my vote it understood as positive as possible so people come back.

Hi @htliao for posting about this -- great info as I'm sure many people are confused about this topic. I'm upvoting this post. One question I have: Who has delegated to you nearly 500,000 Steem Power? Does this have a major impact your your curation -- seems like it would...? Eithe way, I upvoted you and I'm now following you. Hope you will follow me for original content and news about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and ICOs. Cheers! @thoughtchain

I don't spend a lot of time on Steemit, and am still learning. Thanks for the information. I'll try to apply it.

nice post

I was doing the wrong thing. thank you for helping us

Thanks! Im new to steem and ths can all be very confusing. Your post makes this seema bit less overwhelming and easy to understand. Thanks from a minnow