
in cn •  6 months ago 

1.北京——故宫/Beijing – The Forbidden City
Also known as the Imperial Palace, the Forbidden City is a quintessential example of ancient Chinese palace architecture. It has witnessed the historical evolution of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with every brick and tile telling ancient stories.

2.西藏——布达拉宫/Beijing – The Forbidden City
地球上有座 “世界的屋脊, 而 “世界屋脊上的明珠”,则是布达拉宫。
On this planet, there exists a "Roof of the World," and the "Pearl on the Roof of the World" is the Potala Palace.

3.江苏——苏州园林/Jiangsu – Suzhou Gardens
“园林甲天下”,虽由人造,宛自天开 外国人眼中的 “东方文化生态”。
"Gardens are the best under heaven." Although man-made, they appear as if crafted by nature. In the eyes of foreigners, they represent "Eastern cultural ecology."

4.四川——九寨沟/Sichuan – Jiuzhaigou
“水景之王”,坊间一直流传 “九寨归来不看水”。
Known as the "King of Water Scenery," there is a popular saying that "after visiting Jiuzhaigou, no other water can impress."

5.杭州——西湖/Hangzhou – West Lake
其象征意义远超自身面积,某种程度上,一座 "西湖" 约等于半个 "杭州" 白居易也曾写下 "末能抛得杭州去,一半勾留是此湖"。
Its symbolic meaning far exceeds its physical size. In a sense, one "West Lake" is almost equivalent to half of "Hangzhou." As Bai Juyi once wrote, "I cannot bear to leave Hangzhou, half of my attachment is due to this lake."

6.西安——兵马俑/Xi'an – Terracotta Warriors
The Terracotta Warriors are a treasure of ancient Chinese military culture and a UNESCO World Heritage site, possessing immense historical and cultural value.

7.广西——漓江/Guangxi – Li River
“桂林山水甲天下” 漓江的岩溶峰林 即 “山、水、洞” 被称为 “三绝。
"Guilin's scenery is the best under heaven." The karst peaks of the Li River, along with its "mountains, water, and caves," are known as the "Three Wonders."

8.安徽——黄山/Anhui – Huangshan
“名山之最”、 “黄山归来不看岳”。
黄山以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪 “五绝” 著称于世,
被誉为 “天下第一奇山”。
"The most famous of mountains," and "after visiting Huangshan, no other mountain can impress." Huangshan is renowned for its "Five Wonders": strange pines, peculiar rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, and winter snow, earning it the title of "the most extraordinary mountain under heaven."

9.敦煌——莫高窟/Dunhuang – Mogao Caves
The Mogao Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage site, preserving a vast number of precious Buddhist art treasures. Each mural tells an ancient story, leaving one in awe of human wisdom and creativity.

10.河北——金山岭长城/Hebei – Jinshanling Great Wall
The Great Wall has left its most beautiful section in Hebei, where "the Great Wall stretches for thousands of miles, and Jinshanling stands out uniquely."

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