classification of mainstream cryptocurrencies 主流虚拟币分类整理

in cn •  8 years ago 

There have been over one thousand cryptocurrencies on the market, while most of them are just fork of others and without innovation. Based on my own understanding plus the info I collected from website, I have listed and classified the mainstream cryptocurrencies or the promising ones into several groups.

目前市场上已经有超过上千种虚拟币了,其中大部分技术上 都没什么创新,只是复制其他主流币的代码。 根据我在各个群看到的信息以及自己的理解,我把进入我视野范围的主流虚拟币或者说我个人认为还算有前途的币种分类整理一下,抛砖引玉,供大家参考,也欢迎大家推荐自己觉得技术上或者商业上有前途的小众虚拟币。


Bottom layer blockchain protocol 底层基础链:

Bitcoin, Ethereum、Q-tum、Bitshaes、Waves、EOS、Tezos

Distributed storage分布式储存:


Gaming 游戏:



Omesigo、Plutus、Im token、Blockpay

Debit card借记卡:


Remit 汇款:


Content sharing内容分享:

Decent、Steemit、BAT、Synereo、SingularDTV, YOYOW

Distributed computing分布式计算:


Internet of Things/Industry 物联网/工业应用:

IOTA, ATMatrix

Corsschain 跨链:


Anonymous currencies匿名货币:

Digital Cash、Zcash、Komodo

Asset managing资产管理:

Melonport、Iconomi、Blockchain Capital、DigixDAO, Bitshares,Finchain

Prediction Market 预测市场:


Chatting 社交通讯:


Developing tools 开发工具 :


区块链的滚滚车轮已经转起来就停不下了,历史趋势无人可以改变。而若干年后,上面的单子上有哪几个能活下去,能发展壮大,又有哪些会销声匿迹死掉呢? 谁也不知道。 但我希望我们至少可以参与几个,能参与到这个历史进程中,作为历史的见证人。 而如果你精力够用的话,如果能对上面的项目好好做做功课,我相信一定会通过投资选中独角兽。可以想象,等他成长为facebook, google或者阿里巴巴,腾讯这种规模时,你作为天使投资人,该有多么骄傲。

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最近大家都在討論EOS,希望它能有好的發展:) 我近期才知道它是based in Hong Kong!

原來Steemit只是眾多內容分享的其中一個!長知識了:) 感謝分享!

EOS的CEO是个美国人,年轻的商业天才, CTO也是个美国人,技术天才。 EOS 注册地选在香港可能是因为香港的金融业比较发达,而且法律比较自由吧。 EOS值得关注哦

是嗎!haha! 我還以為美國比香港更自由呢!看來香港還是有些競爭力的嘛~現在政府在搞科學園,想把香港的創新科技什麼的搞起來,希望能成功吧!!嗯嗯,EOS是decentralized的,跟ETH差不多但有進步,我真的要多多關注啦>V<


  ·  8 years ago 



看你的贴,学习币圈知识 :)


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

very good post :)
I would also consider STRATIS as a Bottom layer blockchain protocol



Goldman wins patent for its own cryptocoin technology..what could go wrong?
Zero Hedge | July 17, 2017

Goldman Sachs has clinched an important victory in its race to transition from a stodgy investment bank into a fintech powerhouse: it was awarded a patent for its proposed "SETLcoin" cryptocurrency settlement system, according to CoinDesk, the first to report on the patent.

“The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published Goldman's patent on July 11, entitled "Cryptographic currency for securities settlement". The bank made headlines when the existence of the patent application was revealed in late 2015.”

The concept envisions a system for settling securities trades using cryptocurrency instead of cash or other cash equivalents. When filed in December of 2015, the application notably outlined methods for exchanging SETLcoins for digitized stocks for firms like Google and Microsoft, as well as cryptocurrencies, naming bitcoin and litecoin in particular, as CoinDesk explains.

收藏+Follow;还有老毛 ;-0 )不错不错!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago (edited)

About the only qualifying anonymous currency is Monero, and you missed it :-)

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