文憑試 英文閱讀與寫作 DSE english Reading and writing paper

in cn •  6 years ago 


PartA 就不多說了 也是一些比較簡單的東西。而part B 不知道大家知不知道,選擇B1的話就是level4 封頂 ,而B2的話就是5** 封頂,意思就是你B1滿分也只是level4而已,我本來以為大家都會選擇B2 畢竟B1太不划算了,可是收卷的時候還是看見不少人做B1,實在令人百思不解。而B2這次的文章我是覺得比過往較爲容易,從未見過的生字也不算多,可是題目那裏就比較刁鑽跟陰險,希望不會錯那麼多吧。

let’s not talk about the part a of reading paper.About part b ,maybe u guys don’t know, u are going to choose part b1 and b2, while attempting easier part b1 even u got full marks u still only get level 4,while b2 is 5**. So I don’t think people will do b1 at all previously, however today I found that quite a lot of people do b1 which make me confused . For this year passage of b2, the difficulty of passage is lowered, there are less difficult vocab that I’ve never seen, but the difficult part goes to the question, I hope that I won’t loss too many marks on there...
For writing, the question I chose requires me to write a letter of advice to a 16 years old kids, who wants to be a vet but his/her parent don’t agree with him. The question is kind of open question.

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