你见过不会变脏的T恤和能随身体长大的衣服吗? Inventions

in cn •  7 years ago 


Shirts that don't get dirty

The Dutch company Labfresh started selling cotton shirts for men that can't be stained by coffee, red wine, soy sauce, or olive oil. They consist of 98% INDUO cotton created by using a new unique technology and 2% elastane. These materials aren't affected by all kinds of problem stains, they let the skin breathe, they don't absorb bad smells, and don't need ironing. The price of such a “smart” shirt is around €119 but it truly is every man's dream shirt.


Edible plastic

In order to solve the problem of contamination of the environment, the Indian company EnviGreencreated biodegradable plastic. It consists of 100% organic compounds (natural starch, seaweed, and oils), but it still looks like real plastic. You don't risk anything if you decide to eat such a plastic bag. It is easily digested by your body without doing any harm.


It takes from 5 years to 200 years for a standard plastic bag to decompose. It takes an organic one just 180 days and just 15 seconds in boiling water. This is great news for the countries that are faced with the plastic garbage problem.


Clothes that grow together with the child
London-based designer Ryan Yasin developed special clothes that grow together with children. The clothes are made of strong pleated fabric that can stretch.


Clothes are expensive in general, but especially children's clothes because of how quickly they need to be changed due to the fast pace of children's growth. Parents spend a lot of money on clothes for their children and it's also a shame to get rid of favorite articles of clothing that children outgrow. Yasin's invention is great for both parents and children.


Vibrating jeans

Spinali Design company created the first “smart” vibrating jeans. They have 2 inbuilt sensors that are connected to a phone via Bluetooth. They can inform the owner about what's happening on their smartphone. If you are going somewhere, the location feature will help you find the way to the place. For example, the jeans will vibrate on the side where you need to turn.


Israeli inventors started producing piqapoo — an innovative device to clean up after dogs. This is really simple: before every walk, you should attach a special bag under the tail of your dog, and once the dog does the job, you just take the bag off and put in into the trash.

以色列发明家已经开始生产piqapoo ——这是一种新型装置,可以清理狗狗的粑粑。这种装置很简单:每次散步前,你要在狗狗的尾巴下面放一个特殊的袋子,一旦狗狗拉完了粑粑,你只要把袋子取下来扔进垃圾箱里即可。

According to the creators, piqapoo is good for dogs of all breeds and sizes and they don't create any discomfort for them. This device will make the lives of dog owners much more simple and it'll also be good for those who don't enjoy seeing or stepping into what dogs leave behind.


Energy spray
An American biochemist created the first energy spray with caffeine — Sprayable Energy. It has no calories, no synthetic ingredients, and all you need to do is spray it over your body. The caffeine is absorbed by the skin and gets into the blood within a few hours. One dose makes the effect comparable with an entire cup of coffee.

一位美国生物化学家首次研制出了一种咖啡因能量喷雾—— Sprayable Energy。它不含卡路里及合成成分,你需要做的就是把这种喷雾喷洒在身体上。咖啡因会被皮肤吸收并在几个小时内进入血液。一次喷洒的效果和一整杯咖啡相当。

The energy spray works like a nicotine patch. Caffeine is a little similar to nicotine and it can get into the body through the skin cells. This is a great substitution for energy drinks.


A cup that heats up coffee
The CEO of Ember Technologies Clay Alexander created a “smart” cup. Using a special application, it can support the necessary temperature for coffee or tea — from 120°F to 145°F. Besides, the cup can support the chosen temperature mode for as long as necessary if you put it on the charging panel. Last year, the company created a wine glass with temperature control. It's possible that the new cup will be a hit. It's already being sold in almost 5,000 Starbucks cafes.

Ember Technologies首席执行官克莱·亚历山大发明了一个“智能”杯子。只要使用特殊的应用程序,杯子就可以让咖啡或茶保持在所需的温度——120°F到145°F。此外,如果将杯子放在充电面板上,杯子可以维持所选的温度模式。去年,该公司研制了一款控温酒杯。这款新杯子很可能会大卖。目前,它已经在近5000家星巴克咖啡馆里出售。

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