A Stroll Through the Streets of Paris - Part 2 / 徒步巴黎之二steemCreated with Sketch.

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)


Musee du Louvre

Continuing on from the last part of my Parisian trip, we arrived at the world famous Musee du Louvre. Being quite a well-known attraction, the instantly recognisable glass pyramid structure brought back pleasing memories from my last visit here.

What a magnificent and unique sight!




The Louvre needs almost no introduction at all. It is home to the famous and extraordinary Mona Lisa painting, the Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, Michelangelo’s slaves, Vermeer’s Lacemaker and some of the greatest and most fascinating finds from the historical worlds of long ago.

Today, The Louvre is one of the world’s largest museums that holds 70,000 pieces of art spread across more than 650,000 square feet of gallery space. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that it is also the most visited museum with approx 8.8 million annual visitors. This and the Eiffel Tower are undoubtedly the most popular attractions in all of Paris.

The Louvre exterior is made almost entirely out of glass and metal designed by Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei, as well as having three smaller pyramids adjacent to it in the main courtyard. The large pyramid also serves as the entrance to the actual Louvre Museum itself.

I would recommend taking a short while to admire the architectural excellence that went into it's design. It really is such a visually impressive showpiece and equally enormous in size too!









Because I had paid a visit to this wonderful venue several times before and being on a strict time limited already, I decided to just observe it's beauty from the outside and continue on. But I remember the inside of the museum only too well and it is absolutely huge. Even using their detailed map as your guide, it's a place you can easily get lost in, lol. It is said that it will take around 100 days to view every single piece of art! There are so many astonishingly beautiful things to see. You either just wonder aimlessly taking in the ingeniously creative explosion of artwork or you will simply have to select and focus on a specific main area of interest.

In a place like this, time will always be of the essence!

The sheer amount of variety on offer is incredible however I personally loved the Egyptian and Ancient Greek areas in particular. An amazing place with unbelievable artwork! One of the best I have been to... If not the best.

This is one of the "must see" tourist locations in Paris. In fact, that almost goes without saying.

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Allure of The Streets of Paris

As you may have figured out by now, one of my favourite things to do is taking carefree strolls around the city and discovering the astonishing amounts of diversity and freedom big-city life in Paris has to offer.

Walking the chic, distinctive streets of Paris, is like no other place I can think of. Most neighbourhoods have been designed with a "pedestrian's view" in mind, given all the city's dizzying variety and fascinating landscape.

It's something I never seem to get bored of and so much fun. The trademark French retail outlets, plentiful designer shops, gorgeous attractions and amazing restaurants. If a burning desire of yours happens to be shopping, then this placce could be easily classified a "fashion haven". You are almost "guaranteed" to get hold of the latest and most up-to-date merchandise and accessories from the very best designer stores.

Though I have to be honest here. Sometimes instead of checking out the usual famous streets of Paris, I often feel more inclined to discover what secrets are tucked away in the backstreets and hidden passageways of more "local" Paris. Those narrow roads and alleyways can be more appealing as they hold secrets that you and you alone have to uncover for yourself. It shows me more of what actual life is like.

It all depends on your mood at the time but that's the magic of this beautiful and spellbinding place. :)







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The Power of the Spray Can

The "culture of Parisian art" seems to be everywhere you turn. I spotted so many different varieties and forms on my exploratory "hardforked" adventure to this new part of the city. It could be anything from a "Roman" style fountain to artistic contemporary designed buildings. It is like getting lost within the pages of a fascinating lost world. Here are just a few examples of what you may come across on your "random" Paris walk.








One interesting thing you are sure to see many times over are the decorative graffiti artworks dotted around. Being considered as somewhat of an anti-social pass-time, one cannot ignore the talent that went into those wonderful creations. It appears many of the works on display incorporate the existing cityscape's "unique stylization" as part of it's inspiration.

Continuing to stroll along these quiet streets, you will find it really opens your eyes to the amazing skills of those artistic individuals and what they can achieve with nothing more than an empty wall and spray paint can, lol.






Also keep an look out for certain lamp posts and traffic light poles. Often, you will find miniaturized and humorous artworks there.


Further ahead in an open square, close to Centre Pompidou, you will find a large collection of original creations from various artists. The photograph below was taken of a wall located on Rue Brisemiche. I have no idea how these artists managed to reach that high up, but it certainly creates quite a bold statement to whomever lays eyes on it!

I studied this extraordinary drawing from up close as well as from a distance. Simply incredible.


I hear the artworks are sometimes given an "update" by their corresponding graffiti artists from time to time. In order to keep the images fresh and interesting. As part of the Paris culture that represents freedom of expression, street arts are something not to be missed while you are visiting Paris.

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Departure of Paris

Thank you for joining me on this little adventure through the enchanting and colourful city. A little piece of my heart has been left behind here for when I return once more. Though I have a sneaking suspicion that shouldn't be too long... :)

It was but a short two-day visit of Paris of the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed to the max. Bye bye Paris, until next time!









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Excellent photography! I think you left no beautiful place untouched . Well described all the places. Thanks for sharing with us.

Very kind words, @kekhrie. Very sweet of you to say. :)

best reply ever
really worth it

As I know about The Louvre Museum or the Musée du Louvre, is a former French royal palace which is now one of the largest museums in the world and also the most famous museum in Paris. This museum became the most visited museum in the world, with visits of more than 8 million people in a year. The Louvre Museum contains over 380 thousand exhibition objects and displays over 35,000 works of art. The prima donna of course is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting. The other two masterpieces, the Louvre Pyramid and the Reversed Pyramid, are also increasingly popular after becoming the location setting in The Da Vinci Code novel and also the successful adaptation films.

Nice travel @rea awesome. We have same interesting in steemit. Good job and good luck.

Hi, Rea. I love your pictures. You got the many images of Paris in this article. The streets with modern and old architectures. Traditional and respected works in Louvre Museum and not so respected graffities around the city. I loved your many pictures of the museum, by the way. Thank you for sharing.

It's a great city. So much to see and do there. Thanks for dropping by. :)

Oh how i love the Louvre! Thanks for these pictures and the write up of your time there. I have never had the opportunity myself to visit Paris but I hope that changes in the not too distant future.

The Art, the Food, the Culture. Oh how i would love to visit one day! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!

謝謝 @rea 分享了那麼多旅行圖片,最喜歡玻璃金字塔,在帶著那麼重古代遺跡氣息下,玻璃設計帶點現代化建築形成強烈對比!👍🏻❤️❤️❤️


I don't think I've ever seen the exterior of the Louvre. What a contrast in the architecture...

Cool design, right? Reminds me of a transparent version of the famous "Luxor" in Las Vegas. :)

100 Days to view every single piece of art, can't imagine how many are there. Awesome post.

Too many to count all in one day, that's for sure! Thanks, @naganinja. :)

Wow you captured so much things I haven't noticed before while in Paris! Almost all the times when visiting Paris I walk from tourist attraction to tourist attraction. Next time like you did, I will wonder through the streets of paris just to see the real beauty if this city. Thanx for the tip!

I am sure yiu will be surprised, lol. Thank you @s3rg3 for dropping by. :)

Great places and photography , like the big statue and the colorful street art. Really beautiful tourist place. Hope to travel there.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Paris is a beautiful city. I hope you get to experience it first hand like me too. :)

Wow the graffiti at the end is SICK.

Yes, the artists behind the amazing efforts know exactly what they are doing.

They're amazing.


真的很好, 有机会值得再去🙂。


That brought back some fond memories from a long while ago, when i spent time in Paris.

It's all about building up those treasured memories. :)

Thank you, Rea, for this wonderful stroll through Paris. As I wrote as a reply to part 1, your story brought me a lot of memories, memories of my own visit to the city not so long ago. I thank you for this post because it's so well written and it's obvious you have spent a lot of work to make it so good. Also, the pictures are beautiful and well chosen. It was a pleasure to read it.

I am glad you enjoyed my article and thank you for the kind words @clio. :)

Lovely post The Louvre It's one of the most astonishing and Paris has a marked graffiti art, amazing artist leaving a message and also the hidden passageways of Paris. What camera did you used? Great pictures.

The Camera I used is Cannon EOS 750D with lens Cannon EFS 18-55mm. Thanks for dropping by @jokossita!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Enjoyed much! Liked the fountain .. and the one with the Musical Note was cool (Unique).

Also the SCULPTURES were divine shots u took. Gracias.
Enjoyed a 'stroll through Paris' .

Hope I get a chance to go see the #sculptures in Paris ♦♦ Also #IRELAND for its Dublin Art museum

**NOTE: I liked some of the longer remarks here (in reply to you), so I upvoted several. GOOD Discussion, people

thx for sharing

Now this makes me miss Paris :(
I must visit Paris again! :D

Fantastic shots! Paris has really beautiful architecture. Would definetely want to visit one day.

Great post i found it quite interesting and helpful as well, your journey blogging has only just begun. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Thank you very much for the post!

Thanks for stopping by and the nice words, @beingaded.

Hi ria beautiful pictures with beautiful girls in beautiful city. I am very happy to see you for your travel to Paris .keep going all over the world and post your review photo :)

Absolutely beautiful photos. Hopefully one day I'll make it to Paris.

- The photos taken are very nice -

-The drawing is very amazing-

Very interesting Person,

Such Beauty of young woman.


Upvoted @rea

Hi @rea :) great impressions from Paris! Been to Paris last year and love how you show these cool places!

Thank you. :)

I love love love Paris. I went to London, Brussels and Paris. There are so many beautiful things to see. I hope you get a chance to check out the "Louve." If you do go be prepared to spend at least 1/2 a day.

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Wishing you continued success!!!!!!!!!!!
🎀 @theprettysoul 🎀

Its a great piece of art but it seems illogical in my country where wall chalking is a crime but we all know it provides us with some beautiful arts. People pay millions to buy art made on a single picture that contain se random lines only.

The greatest service a photographer can offer is: the ability to take people to places they cannot be, to see things they may-not ever see and to show them there's something more than the pain of their own lives.

I never visit paris, but until you post about travelling in paris now i kow a beautifull place in paris thanks...

Fantastic! You won't regret the decision to go there. I highly recommend it. :)

This is brilliant! @rea

Wow.great article .upvoted and followed.
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Take me there!

Sure you deserve it @rea . Im beginning to follow you now.

Thank you. :)

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wow !
Beautiful shots !!
Nice photos my friend @rea !!!

Hello Friend @rea! Beautiful story and photos! I like to travel with you!
I want you to see my beautiful historical city! Maybe you'll want to visit it sometime!
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Pleasant trip, thank for sharing @rea,

Very exciting and admirable. I loved the way you have taken shots. Very nice. Hats off. I have also started visiting different places in India to photograph the beauty.

Thank you @ashmanm. India is a place with rich culture where I would love to go too. Good luck with your adventure!

you are welcome @rea. You are most welcome whenever you plan, let me know.



Thanks for sharing @rea .

Paris is one of the most elegant cities in our planet, your pictures are good example of that. Louvre museum has one of the highest valued collections of arts it requires more than one day to visit it. Simply amazing for whom loves paintings sculture archeology and so on. Hope to visit Paris again one day Of course I love your post

Thank you. :)

All photos are good. Most of all I was surprised by the glass pyramid, it's fantastic!

It's even more beautiful in real life. :)

Such a rich post adorned with great photos! Thanks!

I have been to Paris many times. Your pictures capture the ambiance of the City perfectly, love it...following

Very kind of you to say, @lindabasilick. Thank you. :)




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I really like your post. Nice!

Greate article. I love the Paris pictures, amazing.. :) checkout my latest picture post

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Well, for me this was travel to past since it's been so long since I've been in Paris. Lovely town, can't wait to visit it again!
Thank You!

Really good pictures and nice to read!
I liked it:)

excellent post.mind blowing picture every where. I'v followed and upvote you. at least 1 upvote me https://steemit.com/topnews/@currentnews/mexico-earthquake-survivor-floors-dropped-like-dominoes

Excellent post, I liked it, I follow you to read what you publish, you pass by my profile, maybe something that interests you too, keep posting like this :D

Impressive. Don't miss Père Lachaise tho, Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde are buried there.

This is beautiful.

Amazing place!! Keep On Steemin On!!

Paris is really an awesome place. Hope to visit this place. Thanks for sharing. Good vibes early in the morning :D

Fascinating post - thanks . Resteemed.

i am the one, who fallen in love with your photography
please keep posting
love this work

More like, a 'Scroll" through the streets of Paris

What does #cn denote?

Very beautiful city, art and architecture:)

Brilliant @rea.
your the best.

Wow! Great post.I'll certainly love to visit Paris someday.

Fantastic post. Such amazing locations. Makes me want to plan a new trip.

Streets of Paris looks amazing

Thanks. :)

Wow this is awesome art there,, and nicely pict you get it ... i like it

It's crazy how much culture Paris has. How were the people you came in contact with? Friendly for the most part?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As with any major city, I'm sure you get the good with the bad. Though I personally never had any dubious encounters whilst there.

🔥🔥🔥 great photos

nice post bro.
this is my link go there follow, vote & replay on my all post pls.

Wonderful photos, you really captured the diversity of this amazing city :)

Very cool! Loved the street art :)

Thanks @rea for this walk to paris. A wonderful city, rich in art and culture and charm. I miss a lot ... I have to come back as soon as I can!

0h rea your pictures are so beautiful, great work