The Return of the Spectacular Annual LFCC - Part 2 / 伦敦电影动漫展(下集)steemCreated with Sketch.

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)


Some Incredible Talents On Display

Following on from the incredible works of Will Sampson and Marv Wolfman, quite a few new and emerging talents also had their time to shine at the LFCC. Some of the artworks from these individuals were nothing short of magnificent. One guy’s exhibition stand that really caught my attention though, was that of Marc Ducrow.

Marc Ducrow:

His impressive resume includes penning many illustrated covers and posters for the famous “Dark Horse Comics” series as well as founding his own publishing company “Wisdom Comics.” He has been writing his own fictional comic book series “Standing Tall” revolving around a vigilante anti-hero who deals “financial ultimatums” to villainous criminals who either accept his offers or suffer the consequences. Very intriguing premise and I’m sure it will do very well, with a possible movie deal on the horizon too. An extremely gifted and cordial chap.





(I was stunned at the quality of some of the artwork, such as these illustrations of the icons of "The Walking Dead".


I noticed he also hand-drew personal portraits of anyone willing to participate so I opted for one of my very own. I think it came out pretty well. What do you think?

me drawing.jpg

Bron James

Whilst exploring within the same area, I came across an up-and-coming author, Bron James. He was showcasing his new series of fantasy novellas, Sam Hain - Occult Detective and gave me the rundown of the synopsis for each. A duo of paranormal investigators do battle with a host of inter-dimensional beings and other such spooky entities.

Sounds fantastic and very creative. I know he will reap the rewards of success in the near future. And I wish him all the best. A real pleasure to meet him.


The Cosplayers

As is an integral part of the event itself, the cosplayers were all out in force this year. All of our favourite stars were replicated through the amazing talents of the enthusiastic LFCC fans. Some of the costumes must have taken months to create, such as the massively structured mecha-suit from Warhammer 40,000. Or the “alien” from the popular franchise of the same name.

Stunning work indeed.


(A frighteningly realistic recreation of the "alien". Some people literally had to close their eyes in fear, lol.)


(Chrisopher Nolan's iteration of the "Joker". Perfectly realised by this cool cosplay fan.)


(I must admit, I did get a little intimidated upon seeing these guys at first. But that shows how incredible they look. Two fantastic reincarnations of "Jason" as well as the iconic "Freddy Krueger".)

(My husband informed me that these "creatures" are from a movie called They Live. Regardless, these are great make-up effects.)




(Coraline and her "demonic" alter-mother.)


(The "Warhammer" costume I mentioned before. This guy was twice the size of the people walking by, towering over anyone who came near it.)






The Monster Charity Project

Another highlight of my trip to the LFCC had to be this group of innovative and imaginative model creators. The sculpted figurehead you see below are all made from the exact same Frankenstein template. Hence, all their names ending in “stein” or starting with "Frank". The crafting is just astounding, replicated many well-known faces from comics and movies alike.

Their main objective is to raise money to fund the Make-A-Wish foundation. An initiative that looks to make the dreams of terminally ill children come true. A great cause from a great group of individuals. I hope they achieve continued resounding success in all their future projects and endeavours. It certainly looks like they will. Best of luck, boys!






An Overload of Greatness

There were so many stall and people showing off cool and inventive things. If I had my way, I'd list every single one of them in this post. But for now, here are my selection of the "best of the rest".


(These prosthetic effects are staggeringly good. This lady is part of the team repsonsible for creating the stunning make-up. "The Walking Dead" television producers, take notice!)


(Negan Solo, anyone?)





The LFCC is fast becoming a comic fans place of worship. Everything that is holy in the land of films, comics and entertainment in general, is hosted at this fantastic annual event. Each year the heaving crowds continue to grow in vast numbers, highlighting it's stark popularity. Therefore I'm sure it'll be celebrated for many years to come too.

And you can bet I'll be enjoying the festivities along with them, every step of the way...

看完Will Sampson和Marv Wolfman的杰出作品以后,我发现展会上也有不少锋芒初露的年轻漫画家,他们的作品也相当不错。Marc Ducrow 就是其中一个为我留下了深刻的印象。

Marc Ducrow

通过与Marc交谈,我得知他曾经为“黑马漫画”*编写了许多封面和海报,同时也创建了自己的漫画出版社“智慧漫画”。“Standing Tall”是Marc现阶段正在撰写的一个漫画系列,它是围绕着一个反英雄角色与罪犯进行金融交易,罪犯们如果不接受他的要求就得承受后果。听起来蛮有意思的,希望这书能火红起来,说不定还能拿到电影合同哦。

我留意到他有画人物肖像的广告,于是我毫不犹豫地报了个名儿。嘿嘿,还真的很像哦,你们说呢? 呵呵。

Bron James

在展会的同一个区域内,我还遇见了另一位年轻有才的作家Bron James。他正在推销自己新创作的幻想系列小说“神探Sam Hain”。他 为我介绍了故事概要,就是两名侦探与鬼怪斗智斗勇的故事。听起来很棒,挺有创意的。我相信他会在不久的将来获得成功!




对于我来说,展会的另一个亮点是一群有创作力和丰富想象力的模特儿创作者。以下你所看到的人像雕刻都是由完全相同的Frankenstein模板制成的,所以他们的名字都以“stein”结尾。这个项目的主要目标是为“许愿”基金会筹集资金,帮助患有疾病的儿童实现梦想。 很有意义的慈善事业和一群非常有爱心的艺术家,我衷心希望他们在未来的项目里取得持续的成功。



电影动漫展(正快速成为漫迷们的聚会场所。 这个梦幻般的年度盛事,为漫迷们带来了最喜欢的电影和漫画明星,以及一系列有趣的活动。它每年吸引的人数都在不断增长。我期待着与漫迷们一起享受接下来的每届电影动漫展,分享历程。

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These are some great photos of some really creative people and their creative work. Thanks for sharing them here.

On a related note, I think cosplaying is a great example of hard work that people do for free, that conventions greatly benefit from without compensation. I don't think cons would be as popular without cosplayers. Tickets wouldn't go for as much. Fewer people would attend. Cosplayers add value.

It's just another example of valuable work that doesn't get recognized as work, that people are only able to do when they're able to afford the costumes, and the costs of traveling to and attending conventions.

Really great piece of work Thanks !! ....(You may interested in My post ...[Surrender-To-The-Existence])

Thanks. :)

I couldn't agree more. Cosplayers are part and parcel of such a enthused and enjoyable atmosphere. Thanks for the great comments. :)

you're a lot prettier than your sketch !
some pics are bloody scary!
I admire the guts of them cosplayers I wish I could wear such costume too but I wouldn't dare :D

Rea the Steemy Girl.. Sounds like a great new character! I am gonna set up a global fan club now.... Woohoo~~~

Lol, thanks for the awesome name. Should I copyright it now? :)

Go! RSG!

WoW Very nice shots .Thanks for sharing your Valuable moments with us

This is so cool. All of them done very excellent job the most scary for me is the girl have scar on her sholder and next look very real. 😱😱😱

Love it. Did you do some too?

Lol. The make-up effects for the girl scared me more I'm sure. :)


sometimes you just miss some of the coolest stuff on Earth...

then there is the internet in which we can share our experiences...

almost as good as being there...


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So true. I've hope my post gives you some inspiration to visit some of these great events. :)

Hey Rea, really cool photos here! Thanks for sharing and hope you guys had a great time!

This post has received a 0.63 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @upboat.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

GREAT post thank for share

how can i buy some mask

very interesting event to share. in Taiwan, there are cosplayers gathering every week in Taipei Yuan Shan as well.

Would love to check out some of those costumes. Sounds amazing. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is great! No words to describe these excitement I feel skimming photo's on these post, it's like time travel back in time. In fact I love cosplay way back my good old high school days.

nice photos..upvoted and followed

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OMG the cosplayers!!! Looked sooo real! I Better than those seen in HK XD

They really put a lot of effort in making the costume. :)



Very cool stuff, like fairy tale. Everything seems so real. Thanks for sharing rea :)

Thank you. :)


reading your post just like entering a wonderful world , so amazing , thanks !

Thanks very much, it is a great world! @bxt! :)



upvoted and thumps up..BY::


Very interesting and exciting post!
So many talented people in one place!
Thank u for sharing this with us!!
Have a wonderful day! :D

@rea, good picture, vote me

This is great

Cool things :) I must go there one day too :)) and make some photography :)

These are awesome, you got some really great pictures. I can almost picture being there myself. A couple were a little scary but with such great talents I wouldn't mind. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Great job.

Lol. I'm very squeamish when it comes to gory make up effects, but I guess that's them doing a great then, right? Thank you for the great comment. :)

I agree, there are so many creative talented people that come up with and create the makeup effects. So realistic and sometimes scary. But very good.

The cosplays are excellent !

Nice post resteemed your post

no se diga que la tegnologia esta cada dia mas y mas cada vez pienso que estamos por el fin de las epocas

Super cool post. We love going to these comicons here in Florida! They are so much fun!

Greetings from Florida :)

Love your writeup @rea

Thank you. :)

amazing art dear!!!

creativity and innovations are doing their rounds in series of photos posted here...thanks

All I can say right now is - "WOW"

Great post! I love it :D

I like your post very interesting and interested greeting from @abupasi.alachy

The world of comics is fantastic .... even if it's a bit afraid in these photos: too human

lol... Thank you for dropping by @sardrt!

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hi friend nice story ......... by the way check my entry to Magnum photo competition if you like

very nice work over all post is super

Hii @rea successful greetings
Nice to meet you

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WOOOOWWWWIE, the Warhammer guy is just amazing!! I bet you had a lot of fun there @rea. I wish we would have such nice cons here where I live.

Pro drawer

GREAT T-shirt wearing skills! great photos! gets my upvote!!

great !

Very good, thanks for the input

i love

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment