假如Steemit上有广告会有多少收入?steemCreated with Sketch.

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

Summary: In this post, I roughly analysed the possible annual revenue generated by displaying advertisement on Steemit. The result shows that the total annual revenue is less than 2 millions US dollar based on the current website traffic, and each Steemit user contributes only 5 USD each year. The analysis demonstrates that it is not recommended to display ads on Steemit in terms of generating revenue. But I am optimistic of the bright future of Steem especially after the new proposed concept of SMTs that will greatly stimulate creators of online content.

@herlife 今天在文章提到假如Steemit上有广告


我曾经也提到Steemit要实现创造价值,展示广告是一个比较简单粗暴的手段。毕竟,Google和Facebook, Twitter这些网站目前的主要盈利方式就是通过广告。那么,假如Steemit上真的展示广告,能有多少收入?

广告收入主要来自流量,即网站的访问量。通过某些第三方网站可以估算流量,比如 hypestat.com,通过它来估计我的个人网站得到流量如下:

tumutanzi.com receives about 4,650 unique visitors and 7,905 (1.70 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $24.08/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $13,433.19. According to Alexa Traffic Rank tumutanzi.com is ranked number 95,123 in the world and 0.00093% of global Internet users visit it.

通过Google Analytics统计得到的数据, @tumutanzi 的个人网站土木坛子每天实际页面访问量约为2000。hypestat统计的数据约为真实数据的4倍。hypestat的计算理论依据是由Alexa排名,由于我的网站排名只在10万左右,所以计算误差会比较大:估算高于实际值,但好歹都在一个数量级,基本靠谱。


steemit.com receives about 176,000 unique visitors and 867,680 (4.93 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $4,520.50/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $2,568,460.69. According to Alexa Traffic Rank steemit.com is ranked number 2,130 in the world and 0.0352% of global Internet users visit it.

Image credit: Pixabay.com

每天86万页面访问量,展示广告每天能产生4520美元收入。即使按Google AdSense展示广告每千页面访问量5美元的价格,86万页面访问量也只能产生每天4300美元,和4520美元相差不大。按照目前的流量,一年365天Steemit能产生的广告收入为165万美元!

多吗?如果全部给我那够多了。但是考虑到Steem目前总市值约2亿多美元,165万美元实在是什么都算不上,好比骆驼背上的一只小蚂蚁,这点价值甚至不如我们的大鲸 @abit 前一阵子的Steem总拥有量。



不要担心,Steem目前还远未到要考虑到变现的时候,Facebook在盈利之前也是一直在烧钱,未来会有未来的创新办法。你如果还是要刨根问底,我在以前简评Steem SMTs的文章中就提到过,Steem可以通过激励内容创作这个过程本身创造价值,就好像来了一套好制度和一个好领导,使得企业的生产效率提高了,这个领导自然会拿到高薪回报,因为其创造了价值。



https://steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, Resteem (repost) @tumutanzi 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

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其实steemit不属于任何一个人,却属于每一个人,所以不存在这如何让steemit产生收入这一说法。Steemit用户已经通过自己的文章实现了变现,以后不排除steemit允许用户添加付费阅读的功能。比如转我2SBD, 会给你一个key, 通过这个key才可以看我的文章。

Hopefully the steemit evolved especially with the advent of Smart Media have Tokens (SMTs), hope we all certainly steemit increasingly popular especially in the world of education, the key to success of a platform if it is able to enter the world of education then it will be a great success like other social media earlier, and greetings @tumutanzi...., and greetings from me @slempase in indonesia

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


  ·  7 years ago 


还财路……玩了 steem 之后, 博客挂广告那点钱就不值一提了。

  ·  7 years ago 


那么挂 Derek 的广告给新洲小学募捐,感觉像是史前社会的事儿了......

  ·  7 years ago 



I have noticed this. I'm an artist 🎨 and have tried promoting my work on here to try get commissioned and sales. But to be honest I'm not truly pleased with the return I have seen in web traffic and engagement. Don't get me wrong I love Steemit and the opportunities the platform offers but that aspect isn't quite there yet but I see growth potential. 💰 Great post.. ✊💯

根据楼主的分析,按照传统物联网社交媒体的盈利方式,我们现在赚的已超出应该赚的了。但steem这个模式的确很奇特,目前steem分配用户的主要是来源于每年增发的steem吧,背后支撑其价值的是二级市场的估值,二级市场的估值背后是源于对于区块连资产的长期看涨的预期。。。这样看,现在肯定是泡沫。但,任何创新之初,想快速发展就一定会有泡沫,关键是未来如何消化。我的观点是,互联网媒体的盈利模式跟传统媒体并没有什么不同,核心点是依靠“迎合”用户吸引注意力,依靠“卖”用户注意力盈利。背后的逻辑:用户是用来出卖的(当然口号是上帝)。以广告为驱动的方式,越来越容易被少数人操控,大数据的应用,基本也是用于寡头操控大众的。这代表一种方向,虽然弊端日益突显,但或许还会走很远;steem则理应代表另一个方向,现在应利用区块连发展的红利期,去探索一条新的、颠覆性的盈利模式。或许,先壮大社区规模,提升质量,盈利模式到时自然出现 :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


不妨把所有的 steem 看作一个黑盒子,有人放现金进去,有人取现金出来。收支平衡才能维持稳定的价位。在没有第二个收入来源(比如广告)之前,steemit 公司本身的开销必然要计入其中,因为需要支取现金来付账单开工资。可以说到目前为止,都是靠投资人(泛指所有拿现金买入 Steem 的人)的资金在支持这个公司。

最近发布的 SMT 消息,其实并不能脱开这个框架。我们不要被金融手段的短期效应蒙蔽了,必须要看长期,都是谁在放现金进来,谁在提现金出去,收支是如何能维持平衡的?如果看不到维持平衡的可能性,就要警惕了!

  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 



Good share bro

I hope to advertise on steemit one day but for now just doing contest and challenges


  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 

Facebook 2016年的收入是27.64 billion USD,月活用户是20亿左右。相当于每个用户一年产生的价值是14美元,毕竟它可能更智能一些,粘度更大一些吧。

  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 


Upvoted and resteemed & followed you! thanks!

Congratulations @tumutanzi, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 229 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $5794.52. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Nice share, but unfortunately I dont understand this :((

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excellent post


Steemit may be young now but tomorrow would tell a different story.....

People would start joining steemit and indirectly through the use of SMTs....... Steemit would explode

i would have to learn this language



You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.



  ·  7 years ago 


If a platform is going to thrive on top quality content, it will do better without adverts anyway. Sure, big swingers like YouTube manage it, without turning many users away. But how much better would YouTube be without ads?

Thank you for your support on my SMT post and others @tumutanzi - I really appreciate it!
