
in cn •  5 months ago 


自2014年以来,也门发生了内战。超过40万穆斯林死于它,大约一半死于疾病和饥饿,其余为暴力。即使我们对 2023 年以后的加沙地带进行最高估计,即 35-40,000 人,也门的情况也要糟糕十倍。

叙利亚内战 2010-2020?大约有60万人死亡。同样的地区,同样的宗教,更不用说大惊小怪了。


It isn’t Islam and Palestine that is the cause of the attention.

There has been a civil war in Yemen since 2014. Over 400,000 muslims have died from it, about half diseases and starvation, the rest violence. Even if we take the highest estimates for Gaza 2023 onwards, of 35–40,000, Yemen is ten times worse.

The Syrian civil war 2010- 2020? About 600,000 dead. Same region, same religion, much less fuss.

So why does Palestine get the fuss?

Because far too many people and countries hate Jews and Israel simply for existing.

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