Streaming a sports game or a TV show directly to your laptop does not make big TV networks good money today.
However, that might become a thing of the past if VideoCoin, a new decentralized venture that's focusing at the price major media companies and broadcasters pay to stream content, thrives on its vision. When a broadcaster relays out a broadcast over the airwaves, a sole signal can get to numerous devices, but if it broadcasts over the internet, a single signal goes into one device.
"It's all expenditure and no revenue," CEO of Live Planet, a key video startup Halsey Minor, told CoinDesk in a dialogue at Consensus 2018. Live Planet is a premeditated partner in VideoCoin, which preannounced Wednesday the finishing of a $50 million initial coin offering (ICO) completely through private investment.
[Video] CNET Founder Closes $50 Million ICO for Video Streaming Token