2024, July

in cobrakai •  3 months ago 

Cobra Kai. Glow. Trump Shot. Cherry picking, raspberry picking Monday the first of July of 2024. Cut grass, raspberries, cherries, laptop work Tuesday. Inside-Out 2 Wednesday. Glenn Beck on Piers Morgan Thursday the 4th. Cleaned Bed Friday. Island Saturday.

Rekieta Law Responds Sunday the 7th. Cherry Picking, House of Dragon 204, Nerdrotic - Unlocking the Stargates Monday. Almost Six Hours of Cherry Picking Tuesday. Andy Griffith, Danny Thomas, Inside Out Wednesday. Farmer Hanna Video, Raspberries, Biden Vice President Trump Thursday. Five Eyes, Foodtopia 101 Friday. Trump Bullet Saturday.

Men Shut Up, Listen to Your Women Video Sunday the 14th. RNC, Cherries Finale Monday. Get Rid of Oatmeal Off Your TikTok Feed Tuesday. Blacky The Dog, One-Hour Oatmeal Challenge Wednesday. Broccoli, Kai Trump, Kathy Bike Thursday. Green Beans Truck Friday. Raspberry Bed Weeding, Cobra Kai, Star Wars Theory on FNT Saturday.

Biden Out Sunday the 21st. Did Roy destroy Oatmeal World Video Monday. Lawnmower Broke Tuesday. Lawnmower Broke Tuesday. New Lawnmower Biden Glow Wednesday. Be Your Meow Video Thursday. Pole Beans, Oatmeal World Oatmealess Until 5000 Members Friday. We Are The Warriors Song Saturday. Robin Williams Batman Video Sunday the 29th. Bacon Lamb Monday. Sick Tuesday. Mexican Eggs Wednesday.

July | 2024
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31

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Cobra Kai

Oatmeal Monthly - 2024-07 - July of 2024 | Published in July of 2024


Cherry picking, raspberry picking

2024-07-01 - Monday

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2 Broke Girls

King Biden, he was selected, not elected. Smart cars should be hybrids, there should be physical switches for turning off the auto-piloting meaning the literal wires has to disconnected/separate to prevent anything overriding, people should have the option to go totally manual or if the AI messes up or whatever, people should have the ability to turn off the AI and use the car like it was a normal car; one of the problems is like how they make it harder for people to replace batteries in smart phones; a smart car should be an optional addition as opposed to be required and infused into the car.

Jack Posobiec mentioned the divide between the right and the left, while the right is focused on principles, the left is focused on power meaning they'll take the constitution out of the context of the time it was written in, the left will do whatever they can to see how much they can get away with in their quest for more and more power which they covet and lust after.

Cut grass, raspberries, cherries, laptop work

2024-07-02 - Tuesday

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House of Dragons

Trump is winning as cases are postponed, the trials were there to interfere with the 2024 election. People like Obama would rather not run Biden and find a way to have somebody else face The Donald.

Inside-Out 2

2024-07-03 - Wednesday

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Jack Posobiec got Tim Pool a Tim puppet

They say Elon Musk cars are getting better. But not saying his cars are perfect but his cars are improving. But it's like how calculators make people unable to do math in their heads. So, even if smart cars were perfect, problem is becoming dependent on these smart cars and smart phones and smart houses and more. Riding in a smart car might be like riding in a dinosaur meaning extremely dangerous like being an astronaut. Why Oatmeal Moderating in the Oatmeal World Discord Server? You may see me demote members who are probably already too high and perhaps they broke rules, posted NSFW, lied by saying they're women when they're not which I have no problem promoting you if you're literally Steven Crowder or something; it seems many anonymous accounts got orange roles which I could demote them but then decided just to promote a few people up to those levels or higher to counter the chaos as many people have no idea who to promote and demote or the wisdom and the mechanisms that it takes but I'll try to promote people who are not too anonymous and women just so happen to be less anonymous and men tend to be more criminal in nature assuming you're not like Tim Pool or whatever which again if you're Owen Shroyer who is also a man, then hey Owen would probably become an owner of this server in seconds.

Alex Jones said he's not evergreen but Ultra Green. No, @realalexjones, let's call it wine which also gets better with time as it matures or in this case the general public matures to understand truth as the heat begins to boil the frogs to death.

Glenn Beck on Piers Morgan

2024-07-04 - Thursday

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I like my me time. Get out your popcorn. It is critical to find me time. I like watch things with my me time and perhaps snack too. I was talking to somebody about that today. It was a good conversation. Marilyn Monroe was mentioned. Things were tough in life but I focused on my dreams and kept on going.

Cleaned Bed

2024-07-05 - Friday

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Oatmeal Harry Potter

Bed. FNT. Nigel Farage said he believes in "Family, community, and country." I agree because these are fundamental pillars to society which has been a cornerstone for civilizations around the world for thousands of years generally speaking because it works. 10/ If Oatmeal World Discord Server got 100 new people each day for ten consecutive days without stop while not actually getting smaller to go up over a thousand new people after those ten days before August of 2024, I would promise to interact in general chat each day after that or at least more often than I do now and you would not even have to wait until after August 2024 for that to begin but I know that is probably not going to happen because nobody cares which means there's no reason for me to spend too much time in the general chat since it's currently too counterproductive.

Alliana Ollisari said it was very hard to find the Joey Silent Month article, oh don't tell her you can find the link on the #enter channel or by simply clicking on my Discord profile photo as there is a link to my blog in my bio on Discord and on other social media networks meaning it is always just a few clicks away and it seems too many people are unable to properly navigate the Internet like as if their brains are broken.

Island Saturday

2024-07-06 - Saturday

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Criminal Minds

I don't have a phone. I created my account on Discord in the year 2017. I created my main Discord Server back in the year 2019 and that server now has almost 2,000 members. I have emailed Discord staff many times over the years because trolls doxed me and sent police to my house over lies those trolls were spreading. Now, I cannot access my account on Discord.

Rekieta Law Responds

2024-07-07 - Sunday

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Afraid is a movie about AI

My main Oatmeal World Discord Server invite link was used 5857 times not mentioning how many times other links were used and yet the server only has 1865 members. One For Israel has a website.

Cherry Picking, House of Dragon 204, Nerdrotic - Unlocking the Stargates

2024-07-08 - Monday

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Rekieta Law on Camelot

Picked cherries for three hours. Had good conversations with people. I let people play a part in the Oatmeal World Discord Server because I need them and there is value in delegation. I liked watching Game of Thrones. Interesting to think about Star Gates. Suno glitch it would seem if some people are not getting daily credits and that includes me.

Almost Six Hours of Cherry Picking

2024-07-09 - Tuesday

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Criminal Minds GF Breakup

For the record, I don't necessarily care if haters and trolls lie about me as long as it's cleaver enough, like as long as the Oatmeal Fake News is logical enough; like regardless of whether people are intentionally or accidentally lying about me or not, it can be interesting to see people's opinions and perspective on me; the problem is sometimes it seems to me that what the trolls put out there about me is probably too surface-level and stuff. I am putting out my autobiography each day in an attempt to tell my side of the story but that does not mean everything I say is gospel but it does mean I am trying to tell people my opinions on how I saw things and everything. Facebook said, and I quote, "July 9, 2024. We removed your post. We can't show this post." No idea what Facebook removed.

I told my haters to simply get people who knew me in person to lie about me on record in video and that would likely destroy me as it would be simply my word against their words and the general public could easily side with liars and it would probably destroy me but my trolls are too lazy to even try to do this even tho they claim they want to destroy me but they refuse to go the extra mile to totally destroy me which is odd as I've linked myself to thousands of people and the trolls would just have to contact thousands of people to find just one person to go on record to lie about me and then it would probably be game over for me but trolls are all talk and no action because my trolls are losers who refuse to commit sort of like The Joker refusing to kill Batman, I am Batman to my trolls.

Andy Griffith, Danny Thomas, Inside Out

2024-07-10 - Wednesday

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Andy Griffith

Where is the line between reason to ban an individual account and reason to ban an entire server? The individual account is the poisoned drink and the server is the cup the drink is inside. Sure, the drink is bad because it is poison. But how do you determine if the cup is bad too?

Oh my, so rizz up means to seduce? I try to rizz the world with my face.

Farmer Hanna Video, Raspberries, Biden Vice President Trump

2024-07-11 - Thursday

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Criminal Minds

Covid vaccines helps eat up your liver. Hepatitis is when your liver is eaten. It seems millions of people have heard about my Oatmeal World Discord Server but only a few people have come here which tells me that all of the advertising I do tend to be really ineffective generally speaking until like proven otherwise but I do tend to think that I'm right that I might be wasting my time trying to get people to come here and the definition of insanity they say is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results and I think the results regarding this server might be clear that many of the things I tried in the past perhaps didn't really work well enough to be sustainable for building Oatmeal World into the coming decades to come.

Foodtopia 101

2024-07-12 - Friday

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Discord Invite Link used over 5000 times

Five Eyes is the agreement that these five countries can spy on each other being America, Canada, Australia, England, and New Zealand. Invite links for this server have been used over 5905 times and yet only 1885 members.

Almost 2000 members, various topics, most of the admin gods just happen to be women for whatever the reason, you don't have to be fans of Oatmeal Joey Arnold to join and in fact many who do join are probably like haters and trolls who end up lying about Oatmeal; we have different bots; this server is run by the people meaning people can work up the ranks and levels to become mods and then become admins and so on and so forth up the pyramid of power or the game of thrones so to speak.

Trump Bullet

2024-07-13 - Saturday

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Trump Bullet

Now that the world saw an assassination attempt on Trump, they'll try to make it look like Trump supporters are trying murder Biden which is a lie but this is how they want to remove Biden since Biden refuses to leave, they want to make it look like the right took out Biden. Part of the problem is it seems many either joins the Oatmeal World Discord Server knowing next to nothing about me, meaning they probably come expecting to find a train wreck here, they often come to troll, to attack, in which it becomes difficult if I'm not in the general chat, so like either that or like they accidentally come here and then they may leave not only because chat is NOT always active but because this server may not have a specific theme outside of my name (which for most people means nothing) as I'm not Will Smith or I'm not a very well known celebrity making branding this server with my name probably not effective enough at the moment since many people are not like super fans of me and most people who come here probably come here by accident which makes it very easy for them to then leave. They will try to POISON Trump, they already MURDERED 2 people while trying to take out Trump.

They just made Trump a martyr without actually killing Trump, good job liberals. Please tell General Chat if 100 new people don't come here each day for ten consecutive days before August 2024 to make it a thousand new people at the end of those ten days, then General Chat and the voice channels in the Oatmeal World Discord Server will probably never ever see me ever again. I'm probably the only person who got thousands of people to visit this server, I'd probably come back if somebody else was able to generate more traffic to this server than I'm able to do; but it looks like I'm the only one meaning the fate of this server is dependent on me; and that is the problem; see, I don't want to come back until this server is independent; this server needs to have the ability to grow without my help; that is why I was not making videos about this server during the month of July of 2024 on TikTok to prove I'm the only one who can generate the most amount of traffic to this server which means this server is doomed if I'm not here; but I really want this server to be able to blossom with or without me, period; otherwise, the server will remain a baby that is dependent on Mother Oatmeal and that is not good.

Men Shut Up, Listen to Your Women Video

2024-07-14 - Sunday

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Barron Trump

CBS reported the real victim was not Trump who got shot in the face but Biden who the crazy conservatives are on Twitter X pushing for violence, the fake news is setting the stage for a false flag on Biden. Did you know you don't need an account on TikTok to watch TikTok videos? Forbes called it an incident when they tried to murder Trump like how they murdered JFK and Abraham Lincoln. They murdered JFK 61 years ago and tried murdering Trump yesterday via a doll (Crooks) since they don't want to get their own hands dirty, they had a stand down, they will continue to try. Secret Service trains to be prepared for anything a thousand feet out and the shooter wasn't even half that far out, look at this map, police were ordered to stand down so the killer could take out Trump.

They failed to murder Trump, expect false flags in Europe to spark a third world war. ABC reported it was Trump's fault that Trump got shot in the face, Trump Hitler is trending on Twitter X, the fake news is trying to set the stage, they want to take down Biden and say conservatives did it when in reality they didn't. Roughly 450 feet away was the shooter.

RNC, Cherries Finale

2024-07-15 - Monday

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Trump Bullet

Globalists are still trying to murder Biden and blame conservatives but they also gotta really take out Trump now and we all must keep our phone cameras out to peacefully and non-violently and legally record the criminals who try to murder innocent people.

Get Rid of Oatmeal Off Your TikTok Feed

2024-07-16 - Tuesday

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Jack Black Joe Biden Obama

I pray God keeps Trump alive for the next thirty years to see past the year 2050 and to make it beyond the age of 100 years old, even as globalists try to murder Trump and Biden to blame it on conservatives for a new Jan6 false flag scam, amen. Mister Roy, people may not want to see you ever, period, which means by your own logic you should get off the Internet, period, you would totally agree with me if you chose to adhere to sound logic and reason, period, the end, I win.

I blocked Magnus week ago and Magnus is so dumb he had no idea because my trolls do not follow me at all and they never know anything because my haters are fake. Trump was almost murdered by a man who was on top of the police command center building. Secret Service head said it would have been too dangerous to put cops on that same roof the Trump Shooter was on because that roof was way too slanted and here is a free ladder; but hey, at least they had law enforcement inside of that same building, Alex Jones reporting.

Blacky The Dog, One-Hour Oatmeal Challenge

2024-07-17 - Wednesday

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Defend America

They're probably following Trump and Biden in trucks with bombs said Alex Jones, the drivers probably don't know the globalists could choose to press the button as the cornered rats they are, the foot soldiers (The Left) of the New World Order don't have to follow-through. If Crooks shot Trump, how did Crooks get passed the police who were in and around that building or did other people shoot Trump and did they just blame the shooting on Crooks?

Please like this post if you want to be my friend assuming you don't want me to block you. The Alleged Trump Shooter was identified THREE HOURS before Trump took that stage according to Timcast News, that the Secret Service knew the shooter was a threat ten minutes before Trump took that stage.

Broccoli, Kai Trump, Kathy Bike

2024-07-18 - Thursday

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Trump Biden Boobs

Looks like Trump's Truth Social shorts were doubled during the days leading up the Trump Assassination Attempt, they were suddenly betting against him, it appears as if they had Insider-Trading as 7 to 15 million stocks or shares were being shorted, that is probably billions of dollars worth of shares being shorted. But they are now saying those billions of dollars of betting, of shorting, were mistakes, they are trying to undo these shorts, they hope nobody noticed. A company did Naked Shorts betting against Trump, billions of dollars, just days leading up to the Trump Assassination, and now they're saying it was just a mistake, they want their money back since Trump didn't die, was this Insider Trading? It seems that probably over 1800+ of the 1870 members in this Discord Server are like trolls or whatever who are only here to destroy or they are here by accident or they are here because they think I'm some kind of super weirdo, like most people in this server do not care at all and joined this server for the wrong reasons which is why they are so quick to leave if you ping them.

If you dared people to send voice messages in General Chat, I'd be tempted to randomly promote some of them, can somebody share this in the General Chat? I made Freaky Freaker and Immy gods based on their voice messages because dreams do come true and I'm a psychological Doctor Oatmeal.

Green Beans Truck

2024-07-19 - Friday

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Secret Service was ordered to go to McDonald's so they could shoot Trump from the water tower and blame it on that kid, is that what happened?

How do I turn off end to end encryption for Facebook Meta Messenger?

Raspberry Bed Weeding, Cobra Kai, Star Wars Theory on FNT

2024-07-20 - Saturday

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Star Wars Theory on FNT

How do I turn off pin sync for Facebook Messenger? Sometimes you have to crawl out of windows to make it in the Wizard of Oz with storms and tornadoes.

Biden Out Sunday

2024-07-21 - Sunday

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Almost 2000 people in the prison in the Oatmeal World Discord Server are technically and actually on the Naughty List by default and that includes Kam who doesn't even know and most people don't even know they are on the Naughty List and it would drive them insane if you were to show them what is on this channel, you would only need to scroll up and take screenshots.

Did Lila Hart just ask what if the super short man owns a yacht and has a big pecker?

Did Roy destroy Oatmeal World Video

2024-07-22 - Monday

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Discord World

Secret Service Chief said she wouldn't have resigned if Trump was killed which he almost was under her watch, she is guilty of not stopping the assassination attempt which they could have stopped.

Please ping everybody saying they suck, I was disgusted by the audio messages of some of the people meaning I'm not promoting those people; tell everybody it's very easy to trick Oatmeal into promoting them into gods or even into goddamn owners like I did with Ian; like audio messages is only one of many ways to do it; thank the Oatmeal Gods most people in the goddamn Oatmeal World Discord Server are way too lazy to even try to trick Oatmeal into promoting them even as there are so many ways to do it; we can talk all day of the many different ways.

Lawnmower Broke

2024-07-23 - Tuesday

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You guys should ping everybody once every hour or once every day, come up with contests, games, challenges, like for example, you should tell everybody to send voice messages because I'm always tempted to promote based off that and I'm also running challenges on my TikTok where I challenge people to share my videos from TikTok to this Discord, you should copy and paste this message for the General Chat of Oatmeal World and you should screenshot this too.

5/ Notice how when Oatmeal Content is shown in Oatmeal World, notice how nobody cares and how everybody ignores it making Oatmeal World become Fake Oatmeal World.

Lawnmower Broke Tuesday. New Lawnmower Biden Glow

2024-07-24 - Wednesday

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The paradox of the Oatmeal World Discord Server is that it's anarchy in one hand and yet tyranny in the other meaning this server tries to tolerate as much free speech as possible (which people will then take this out of context to say I'm saying absolute total free speech which is an imaginary abstract theoretical/hypothetical concept that doesn't really exist in reality) and yet this server also empowers this pyramid of self-government which causes this friction which causes some to leave the server due to the drama which some servers may not have because some servers may not have this paradox of free speech versus this game of thrones of staff all promoting and demoting each other up and down.

Be Your Meow Video

2024-07-25 - Thursday

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Now @ allianaollisari has graduated from the Harry Potter School and has become one with the goddamn @Wizards which includes powers like Role Management, she may consider adding roles and making some changes and she has the power to directly promote and demote even beyond the level of the @GODS and she doesn't even have to use the bots to do so now that she's like a female Harry Potter.

Pole Beans, Oatmeal World Oatmealess Until 5000 Members

2024-07-26 - Friday

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Oatmeal isn't returning to chat-level-28 until Oatmeal World hits 5000 members, Oatmeal will continue ignoring his 139 DMs until that happens, please copy and paste and screenshot and ping everybody in General Chat spamming this message everywhere every single five seconds while also archiving Oatmeal Content on all the websites and while doing a bunch of other things too; Oatmeal promises to promote people to god if they're able to constantly bring in thousands of new people to the server each day for many many days consecutively; Oatmeal promises to return to the General Chat if enough of his demands are met (or at least try to meet them to get promoted, just try your best and we might notice you); remember that the challenges is also attempting to discover potential partners who may want to become owners of the Oatmeal World; I'll keep my eyes open for potential Heirs of the Oatmeal (see my blogs for more information); everybody else is free to do whatever within reason I guess; this is Oatmeal Joey Arnold, goodbye everybody forever.

Next girl to kiss me will be girl number three.

We Are The Warriors Song

2024-07-27 - Saturday

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How do I get my name on Wikipedia? Feel free to demote gods in the Oatmeal World Discord Server as you deem fit but please try to replace them when doing so whenever possible; currently, wizards like Alliana and higher can manage the yellow god roles and higher meaning you can promote and demote gods; I didn't make Jish a god because I'm not sure who Jish is; you can make Jish a god if you want maybe; that is up to you; I've talked about what I prefer for different roles but you guys have power to govern this server as you deem fit to a large extent; I'd prefer that any potential purges of any role be done gradually and I'd prefer that we try to fill every role with at least one member at all times if possible; I'd recommend finding replacements for roles before you go about demoting people; please let everybody know why you are promoting and demoting to let others know what you were thinking; same thing with the mutes and timeouts.

Robin Williams Batman Video

2024-07-28 - Sunday

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Criminal Minds

Facebook suspended my Daniel Smith account for spam which was actually my weekly photos which would summarize my daily blog, it was mostly screenshots for my autobiography. My opinion is people like #1 furry lover trwtt :smirk_cat: @ trwtt should be demoted for being illiterate and blind and unable to figure out how to promote and demote and whatever else, I'm not saying people have to demote dumb people but I would encourage everybody to at least consider demoting people who might be too incompetent. Hello everybody in General Chat, how much money do you want to bet that Oatmeal will or will not chat with everybody directly in General Chat of Oatmeal World in July 2024? Place your bets here, let's make some money everybody. Please copy and paste this message in General Chat every five seconds forever and ever, please screenshot this and please ping everybody; remind everyone not to read the articles I published which talked about this, thank you so much, I hope everybody becomes millionaires after this.

If somebody followed me on Twitter X, I have no idea if they might see my comments, my replies, my likes, or just only merely my posts instead.

Bacon Lamb

2024-07-29 - Monday

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Bill Maher and that one chick

Oatmeal World is Your World because Oatmeal personifies the jars of clay of our lives which we can form into whatever we want to make our lives into. Find your purpose in life, connect those dots, get your life back on track, make new lifelong friends, in Oatmeal World.

Sick Tuesday

2024-07-30 - Tuesday

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Time Bandits

Golden Boy Roy Merrick is like this wild card that I can't negotiate with especially since he's only here once in a blue moon, I'm guilty of trying to persuade Roy; on top of that, I'd say Roy is guilty of being deceptive; but in conclusion, Roy might be neither super benevolent nor malicious in which either would be interesting to investigate; people are free to try to milk memes and content and free shirts and unwanted books and what not out of Roy; I'm guilty of trying to reform Roy for these past 5+ years since 2019; feel free to share your thoughts on Roy; it seems the story of Roy has concluded because Roy moved on to Suno and whatever else; it seems to me that we will only see Roy maybe a few times a year at best here as Roy doesn't seem to care any more despite making it look like Roy wanted to help build Oatmeal World or at least Roy World; at the end of the day, it's up to Roy what kind of legacy Roy wants to leave on this planet which sadly there probably won't be any as Roy isn't building anything; as far as I know, Roy is an epic failure and I pray to the Roy Devil every morning to save me from this kind of fate; Roy Devil assures me everyday I'll be spared from Roy Hell; thank the Oatmeal Gods because I could not stand the thought of living an eternity with legless dogs on buses with not your Bill people with giant warts on their faces.

Racism has taken over my Discord Server, the admins there say Disney was racist but that making the Little Mermaid and other very white characters black is very anti-racist, welcome to Oatmeal World.

Mexican Eggs

2024-07-31 - Wednesday

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Natalie Portman

I run a crazy Discord Server, I publish daily blogs and videos online, I taught English in Vietnam, and God knows what else I do. I promise to interact with Roy more often if either Roy or others try harder to distribute Roy Content online. Please ask this admin if it might be racist if I said black people can run faster than me. The point of the Oatmeal Demands is to scout out new potential heirs of Oatmeal, the point of the challenges is to recruit the Rocky characters, the underdogs who are at least willing to try to overcome impossible odds which seem laughable and paradoxical at best. My PMs and Discord DMs and email and inboxes and private messages and direct messages and fax machines and Xangas and record players are closed until Oatmeal Demands are met which probably means they'll remain closed forever since people are not trying hard enough to meet them.

Hillary Clinton said anybody who did not vote for her is racist which means I'm racist. People like Ian Oat Box can take over my Discord Server, if you know people like that, here is their opportunity.

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