Coffins are for dead people NOT old people

in coffin •  8 years ago 


Today's 2nd Topic on Water

Coffins are for dead people NOT old people


Some years back, I was having a conversation with some friends and the topic went into death, something people do not like to discuss but have to face some day.

We know when we are BORN but not when we will Die.

The topic that went into how a locally "protected" enterprise are moving into the coffin business as well, having conquered the Supermarket, Insurance and other industries.

So, I said, old type Chinese designed coffins are very scary and so huge it takes 6 able men just to lift it. And these days no one watch those chinese jumping vampires movies that uses this kind of coffins as their movie set.

These days vampires and coffins are all computer CGI rendered, besides these vampires are all super dead with super powers.

Then I asked a friend "When you are old and dead, what coffin you prefer?".

He stop me dead in my tracks and said "David, look, you must understand coffins are for dead people, not for old people"

This statement shook me up suddenly.

Life is very fragile. You can die anytime, whether you are young or old.

"Coffins are for dead people NOT old people"

Thank you for the correction my dear friend, this really increase by wisdom that day alone by 50%.

People do not die suddenly. It is usually because of stroke or heart attack.

To understand how you can minimise the top 3 killers - cancer, stroke & heart attack, by just drinking clean pH 8.5 to 9.5 water free of chlorine and other harmful sediments, I like to invite you to a demo where you will witness what kind of toxic and pesticides you consume daily without knowing.

Please pm or email me for an appointment.

Thank you for reading. 

Your attendance could save your life or someone you care someday !!

David Lim. 25 November 2016.

Email: [email protected]

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