Pengukuran Komunitas Steem Hari Ke Hari - Senin, 16 Dec 2024

in coinmarketplace •  5 days ago 

Grup dengan diskusi (Wikimedia)

Dibangun di atas angka blockchain tujuh hari baru-baru ini (plus minus 723 artikel/207 pengirim dan 1012 sahutan/141 pengirim), kami mendapat beberapa statistik dari kegiatan komunitas Steem sebagaimana berikut ini.

Komunitas Berkembang

Kelompok yang meningkat.

KomunitasSubscribersPending RewardsActive PostersPosting per Pekan
Coin Marketplace170
Secangkir kopi Dengan Setumpuk Tugas
Jembatan Batas desa
Merpati Dan Ayam
Coin Marketplace156
SSEA-MINER : Evaluasi Minggu 17 dan Peluncuran Minggu 18
Kami, yang Tidak Baik-Baik Saja
The Diary Game | Selasa, 10 Desember 2024 - Berenang dalam Gerimis dan Belanja Off-Online
Coin Marketplace49
THE Economi c - Diary : Monday 09 2024 ll Shopping for dried anchovies and grapefruit.
The Diarygame selasa 10 Desember 2024" Menanam padi dengan memamfa'atkan musim hujan"
Menikmati Kopi Pagi Bersama Ananda
Coin Marketplace41
Contest - The Best Role in My Life
Nonton bareng Piala AFF 2024 di Guest House
The Diary Game ( Selasa 10 Desember 2024) Penuh dengan keberkahan.
Coin Marketplace40
The Diary Game, 8 desember 2024|| Aktivitas di hari libur
Evaluasi Belajar Akhir Semester Hari ke-8
Messages in a picture #1: Tiga Pekerjaan Terberat
Coin Marketplace35
Hobiku, "Memelihara kucing"
Menemani Putra ku Minum Jus Mangga dan Kami Membeli Beras Dipasar
Membawa berobat ayah, ibu dan ibu mertua
Coin Marketplace26
Takziah dan Silaturahmi
Cara melukis Kuda dengan Sebuah Pensil
Melestarikan Terumbu Karang
Coin Marketplace22
"SOA Contest : Care of animals"
Contest Winner: "My Favorite Animal"
Activist diary - Tuesday 10 Desember 2024 ll Visiting rice seeds that have been planted.
Coin Marketplace16
Digital Art Photography, Lukisan Bunga Dahlia
Mors kjærlighet til barn
Fugler som bærer larveskadedyr
Coin Marketplace14
The Diary Game Contest #63(Tempat rekreasi terbaru di kota kami"Nara Pool and Cafe" Lhokseumawe, Aceh
"Tell Your Story #26"//Berjuang demi masa depan
Contest! The Diary Game – #63 : Pergi ke acara maulid dan ke acara dakwah di malam hari
Coin Marketplace11
One Picture And One Story Week #65
One Picture and one story Week-65
Weekly contest-best diary game|Memasak ikan pepes dan membuat es Oreo
Coin Marketplace9
A very happy moment with your beloved family
Review Coffe Shop "Suwa Coffe" kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Traveling : Candi Gunung Kawi
Coin Marketplace8
It feels so good to be able to make my nephew happy.
Photography minum teh
Photography kopi sore hari
Coin Marketplace6
Melukis penari seudati budaya aceh
Melukis rumah adat budaya aceh
Title: Morning Coffee at Keude Aron: Connecting Friendships and Workshop Stories
Coin Marketplace6
Contest photo story diary:mengantarkan anak ke sekolah
Photo story diary|Pengisian nilai di e rapor
Contest photo story diary:aktivitas seharian
Coin Marketplace5
"Kontes HWC #100: Permainan Buku Harian Makanan - MINGGU -29 oleh @dewirusli (10 Desember 2024))".
"HWC contest #100: Food Diary Game - WEEK -29 by @sriiza (7 Desember 2024)".
HWC contest #102: Food Diary Game - WEEK -30 by @ifatniza(12-12-2024)
Coin Marketplace5
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.