Deputy Consul Guahngzhou, Part 3

in cointelpro •  5 years ago 

*I am the original author and creator of this content.

*I also intend to publish it to Indymedia, which I have been using since 2003.

To: Deputy Consul Guangzhou

email: [email protected]

Further still:

I've have asked you for help on more than one occasion and you have silently refused. Your actions towards me have always been of violence and of treachery, even though I came to you in good faith and with clean hands.

Clearly, satisfying the insatiable hunger of your global apparatus of terror is of more importance to you than your relations with your own nationals. Clearly, criminally asset stripping the world and controlling with an iron fist who rules its nations are your primary goals and values. YOU ARE A SOULESS MONSTER.

As long as my extrajudicial targeting and torture continues, I NEVER want to set foot on American soil again. In fact, as long as ANYONE is being extrajudicially targeted and tortured by the Corporation of The United States of America, I never want to set foot on American soil again. As long as The United States continues its campaign of extrajudicial killings of American nationals, I will never voluntarily return to the US. I WOULD RATHER BE INTERNED.

Even so long as the US maintains assets, control systems, infrastructure and personnel for extrajudicial targeting, I never want to be returned to The United States of America. So long as the US maintains a global army of social-control-vigilantes, I never want to be returned to America.

America has ALWAYS been a fascist country; but now, it is a totalitarian police-state with global reach and delusional ambitions of infinite growth. It is a house of cards that will eventually collapse under its own weight. There is NO American-dream. America is a hell-on-earth that targets bullies and beats its "eight" year old primary school children as military aged men, as it did me, starting in 1968 under the John E. Hoover FBI administration. NOTHING could be more unfair.

*The Jesuits say "give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man." NO WONDER the FBI targets eight year olds. The Jesuits have explained it all.

You have unilaterally taught not only America's youth; but the youth of the world your Masonic gang-values. You, with the British, have retooled NAZI VOLKSGEMEINSCHAFT and dared to call it COMMUNITY. It's not a real community. It never has been, either under your watch or that of the Freemason created NSDAP. What you have created is an ARTIFICIAL community of SPIES ASSASSINS and PSYCHOPATHS, whose motto is "Global Torture Through Global Community." Your own propagandists have stated this explicitly.

I am an honorably-discharged veteran of the United States Navy, yet you have shown me no mercy. The US has a long history of betraying its veterans that not only goes back centuries, but continues to the present with the recent revelation, by the Huffington Post, of the PURGING of 230,000 veterans, who needed life-saving services, which were "secretly" delayed and denied until ALL of these people died. Donald Trump even admitted to the existence of this "secret" list, shortly after coming into office and promised to end it. I pray for my fellow seaman and soldiers, that they do not meet a similar fate. They deserve better, as do I.

The VA should be a place of refuge and healing, for ALL veterans, including myself, yet you have continued your criminal COINTELPRO operations against me on VA property. Your FBI has never been able to build a proper case against me, because there never was one; so they decided to CREATE it, as they have a notorious reputation for doing, by Street-Theatre, Gang-Stalking, Reverse-Stalking, framing operations, intimidation, harassment, sleep-deprivation, torture, gang-rape, outcome-meddling, interference with both activities of daily living and life processes themselves, both on domestic and international soil. You are and have been treating me as an INSURGENT! I have NEVER been anything of the kind and have never wished to be!

As far as your feral FBI is concerned, they do NOT have a case against me and never have had; so they must torture or confuse me into confessing to whatever ridiculous nonsense they wish to present as their narrative. I have been able to discern some of it by the nature of the dirty-tricks they have used against me, both domestically and abroad, which has included getting my treatment team at the VA to characterize me as a homosexual and a psychopath. I am neither. I am primarily heterosexual and am neurotypical with high-empathy and sensitivity, which is probably why they have considered me so easy to "GAME." Such a narrative will NEVER stand up.

I hereby demand that your FBI either indict me or quit, immediately; and ANY continuation of this skulduggery will be your ADMISSION of the complete and utter lack of any evidence of an indictable offence against me, and I will so inform the court, when I appear before them.

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