So now Kap represents anti-America???

in colin •  8 years ago 

You know, this is total BS. I am seeing rock stars, ex-football players and more come out bashing Colin Kaepernick. I find it ironic that they are speaking out now. Where were they when the man was actually playing football? The NFL is reported to be losing money and it is no secret that people are boycotting the league. So, in my opinion, I believe they (people who make mega bucks from the No Fun League activities) are deploying their minions and dare I say prostitutes to bash the man they believe is responsible for it all - CKap. These folks are pathetic. Now, I had to push the words of Jackie Robinson and Muhammed Ali before some of the ignorant YouTubers. Both of which are held in high regards, but both spoke out against injustice in this nation and the lack of change in regards to the treatment of the so-called black man, woman and child. Jackie realized that over the course of his life he never “made it”. In essence, nothing changed over the course of 53 years. Ali chose jail over fighting for a country that refused to fight right here, on this soil, for his own people. So, I believe it would be more anti-American to not speak out against what one believes is an injustice. Let's not be coy at this point. The nation was recenlty in an uproar when the skin complexion and even sex met the public outrage criteria when a police shot and killed a person. When a white woman lost her life by the hands of a brown skin Somalian-American officer, there was complete outrage on a national level. There were some things missing though. No technicalities, no checking her background, no checking her father's background, not many questions concerning if it was her fault or not. However, when it is a brown skin person and he or she is killed by an officer, then the background checks, father's background check, technicalities and more are automatically cued in and pursued. So, just as people stood up for the white woman who was killed, C-Kap protested in a non-aggressive way as well and did it LEGALLY (by law and NFL rules). What did he protest or refuse to participate in? The honoring of the American flag and the singing of the national anthem. He had his reasons. Did he break the rules? No. Did he say he was anti-America? No. Did he say he hated the troops? No. Did he say he hated the cops? No. So, I find it very interesting how the media machine and big money people found a way to change it into just that. Oh yeah, then we have to consider the people who WORSHIP the flag. Idolaters to the core. Those folks made the protest be more than what it was. So, now what do we see? Jim Brown equates the protest to desecration of the flag. What? The flag is not on a level of a "holy" object. Or is it. Thus my worshiping of the flag comment. Now I just saw where Kid Rock stopped mid concert to give his 2 cents as well. Yep – and he is reported to be running for office soon. To be fair, there are other celebs and athletes who support the stand (or kneel) that C-Kap took. However, I believe the minions will be deployed to perform the counter fight in hopes of squashing any #NFLBoyCott, #iamwithKap movements that ultimately will continue to have an impact on what is the most important thing to the NFL and it’s investors….the “almighty” dollar.

Remember this, if his legal, non-aggressive, money where his mouth is protest be deemed as something that one should not do and be deemed as anti-American, then don't be surprised when NO ONE is allowed to speak up for anything they feel is an injustice.

Lastly, most of the people who are hating on C-Kap don't even attend the football games. The tickets are too damn high to begin with. They just don't want anyone questioning the shooting of black people by any officers. I don't have anything against officers. I am glad they are around because we need them to keep order. However, questioning their actions in certain cases and not letting our eyes deceive us or calling an unjustified deadly shooting for what it is, that is what we are supposed to do.

Now I brace myself for the responses from people who rather defend the well being of dogs than that of a man or woman who is referred to as “black”.

#NFLboycott for more than just C-Kap. The league NO WAY resembles the game most of us who watched it in the 80's and before grew to enjoy. I for one have better things to do with my time than to watch 3 hours of that any longer.

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