in collapse •  8 years ago  (edited)

Notes and Change.jpg

Turn in a Hundred Dollar Bill to receive a One Dollar Coin... That's right... When the Collapse of the Paper and Digital Fiat "Debt Notes" happens, they'll still have to be turned in to pay off the National Debt... Lucky for us, we have our Common Coinage to Bail us out of the National Debt... It's the only way... Trust me...

We've all heard that the Dollar has lost 90 plus percent of its Buying Power... I tend to think we've lost 99%... If there's only a penny's worth of buying power left, how about just turning them in and using the penny...??? The buying power of the penny will have an increased buying power once they replace the debt notes...

Not to worry, because every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar and dollar coin will increase 100 times in their current buying power... That's when the New Dollar will come into existence... Either one hundred old dollars or one hundred cents will get you one New (Debt Free) Dollar...

I'm telling you this, because I want you to start holding onto your Pocket Change... Don't go cashing it in now or you'll be very sorry you did so... You keep hearing of a "reset"... I'm telling you how it's going to happen... You can discard what I say or take heed... In my opinion, it's the only way we can come out of this Debt Bubble smelling like a Rose...

Everything will be revalued... Your wages, your pensions, your home, your savings accounts, you rare coins, gold, silver, the Platinum Group Metals, copper, zinc... Everything valued in Fiat Debt Notes will be reduced to one penny for each Paper or Digital Debt Note Dollar...

If your house is currently valued at "$500,000.00" it's value in Common Coinage will become $5,000.00... If you currently make 50 Dollars per hour at work, you'll be making 50 cents per hour after the reset... But don't let that get you down, because the buying power of the 50 cents will be increased by 100 fold, so you've lost nothing... You'll actually gain, because you'll be in a lower income tax bracket...

In conclusion... If my Theory is correct, you have everything to gain by holding onto your Pocket Change... If my Theory is wrong, at least you have some spendable money outside the Banking System when the ATM Machines stop working, when your Credit Cards no longer work and the Banks start doing their Bail-ins...

Thanks for giving my Theory some serious consideration...


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The opposite is expected to occur and I concur with the economists. Cash will be worthless. This is why the governments of the U.S. and Canada have prepared with FEMA camps, new police and military equipment, and huge amounts of ammunition. Add that with new laws (emergency laws) allowing confiscation of personal assets.

Paper and Digital Dollars are not the same as Pocket Change... They are very different... Our Coinage will have 100 times more value when the worthless paper and digital value is destroyed... People can expect anything they want, but I'm holding fast to my Theory... If you think Coinage is as worthless as Paper and Digital, then by all means, spend it now... If the Economists are blind to the only solution, why follow them...??? One thing is for sure, you won't be learning what I'm saying in College...