in color •  5 years ago 

CHARLES Completely Comprehends CoronaColor-CODE-09 Cures vs “Coronvirus-COVID-19” contagion curses. Certainly cease contaminating cumulus clouds, conjured “chem-trails”. Causing cellular cancers, caustic-corrosion, cardiovascular congestion, coronary clinical complications + common colds-coughs crisscrossing contaminants. Chemical concoctions compromising cleanly cultivated culinary consumption and colorful commercialized crops, and correct cultural customs and cleansing civic citizenry causes. Thus to truly rebuild – restore innate immunity, reversing repressive radicalized rivals inciting infectious inflammation, invidious invaders, and insidious intruders inside individuals. Stop spraying strong substances, up and out into our open skies as heavy-metals + poisonous polluted particulates to properly provide positive psychological + physiological protection and Divine Decreed Dietary Defenses. No more adverse affecting atmospheric aerosol alien agents allowed antagonizing airways. Global-Geographical Engineering, “geoengineering” – energized elemental emissions + electromagnetic ejections equal = evilly evolved enemy entities each; effectively ended. Expressly expelled - eliminated exponentially everywhere. Extremist executioners of everybody's existing Ethnicity!!
CHARLES’ ConronaColor-CODE-09 Cure Counter-combats “Coronavirus-COVID-19" Contagion curse!!=.Correlating COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. "The New Wolrd Order" Officially Ordained - Organization + Optimization - Occult-Occurring Operation!!!.
CK-NWCA_space_med watermark.jpg

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