The soothing effect of fish on our health

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


Studies show and my personal experience confirms that watching fish calms and soothes oneself. I’ve seen several medical offices which displayed a beautiful aquarium in the waiting room. And the reason is that people tend be stressed and anxious while waiting for their turn to be consulted, and watching fish swim in their aquarium reduces the stressful minds. This article contains a more in-depth description of the phenomenon.
I don’t know how fish feel about this human behavior, but I know that my fish are always happy when I am around. They come close to the glass and wiggle the tail just like puppies. It may be food on their mind, but their attitude makes me feel grateful for having them.

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Watching fish is a form of mindfulness. It gets people out of their heads so that they aren't stressing over the worst possible scenario; or what they have to do tomorrow; or concerns weighing on their minds.

Thank you @healthbasics for the input. Up til now I was not looking at watching fish from the mindfulness perspective, but it makes perfect sense. :)