📷 #ColorChallenge SundayPurple "Amazing💜Flowers "📷

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello dear Steemians

Beauty in Purple

Here is my contribution to colorchallenge sundaypurple by @kalemandra.  


Panasonic DMC-LX 100 without editing.  

Follow @lichtblick

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Wonderful photography of nature regarding your entry for today #colorchallenge #sunday-purple hosted by @kalemandra and the result is outstanding. Good work @lichtblick.

Its look some unique type of flower and purple color indeed.

Wow its amazing to see this unique type of flower. I never seen this flower in my life. What a amazing presentation and photography. It is said to be natural and pure. Your photography skill is awesome.

Delicate and simply beautiful my friend. Thanks for sharing @lichtblick

violet flower is good colour

Hai @lichtblick

this looks very beautiful. I really like it, thanks for sharing in this community.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Flowers not only adds beauty but make our life comfortable. nice capture. keep sharing @lichtblick

Wunderschöne Blumen🤗

Wow very wonderful photography friend. I like it photography friend. thank you so much

@lichtblick nice natural photography.

good job panasonic , this shot is better than nikon and sony : )

Stunning purple! :)

What wonderful photos, @lichtblick
This plant is therapeutic and very useful.
It is called sage dubravny - Salvia nemorosa.
This name of the plant originated from the Latin words
salvus – to be healthy, salvare – to save, to protect.

Some types of sage for many centuries
effectively used in medicine.

Sage-make a great drink. It will strengthen your body )

You've got great photos!
Best wishes for you from @Singa

Bin nicht sonderlich bewandert was Pflanzen angeht.
Was ist das? Lavendel? :)
Sieht auf jeden Fall super aus :)

Hätte da gleich noch eine Frage zu der Colorchallenge,
wo findet man denn Informationen dazu? :)
Sehe zwar öfter Beiträge von Teilnehmern,
aber irgendwie bin ich zu doof Informationen dazu zu finden :D

Schon mal danke im voraus.
beste Grüße :)

Hey, lange Zeit nicht gesehen :)
..hoff bei dir läuft alles gut!?
Schön, das du noch immer soviele Naturfotos teilst :)
Man kann nie genug Pflänzchen in seiner Umgebung haben! :)

wow sehr sehr schön getroffen und die Farben leuchten so- gut heute ist eh graues Regenwetter hier...

Excellent colour challenge photography and very nice flowers . Really this flower is looking beautiful. I like it . Thank you for sharing with us D :) @lichtblick

Wow! Such a vibrant explosion! I love the atmosphere present in the pictures.

Wow! such a wonderful photography D :) friend
I love your post. Thanks for share this post.

wow...it's really amazing...

Amazing color challenge photography and very beautiful nature. I love your post. Thanks for share. .....

Very nice clicked and awesome flower photography. Thanks for share.

Very nice shot and awesome photography. Thanks for share

Wow amazing this flower by Potreit photography for you @lichtblick, so beautiful

This is beautiful and stunning at the same moment so nice :)