RE: Color challenge: Sunday purple - purple rain

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Color challenge: Sunday purple - purple rain

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago 

The death of prince hit me hard, along with Chester Bennington and Robin Williams.

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May I add David Bowie (but what an unforgettable last act) and Alan Rickman (a laudable king and a lieutenant till the very end), plus George Michael (not a great fan, but he was a phenomenon of his time). They were all relatively young, so now they are dead it, oddly, makes me feel very old.... additional edge to grief.

I so agree with your list! So many lovely artists, gone too soon. I couldn’t believe we lost Bowie and Rickman in the same year. And more recently, Tom Petty. I also still grieve Philip Seymour Hoffman. Hard to believe he passed away in 2014. Okay, that’s enough sad stuff! Let’s think of all the wonderful musicians and performers who are still living. Looking forward to the Oscars?

I will never recover from the loss of Robin Williams!