Boiler Servicing - Why It Is Important

in combi •  last year 


When you have problems with your boiler, it is not just an enormous inconvenience, but can in extreme cases be very dangerous. That is why it is imperative that you take boiler servicing seriously. Most people take central heating and hot running water for granted, we only realise its worth when our boiler stops working properly. The easiest way to avert this from happening is to service the boiler regularly, this will:

Save expenditure on repairs - Repairs to your boiler can be very expensive, inconvenient and time consuming; try imaging being without hot running water in the depths of winter and you'll soon get the picture. By employing the services of a boiler servicing firm each year, preferably as summer draws to an end, you will pick up on and repair any minor faults before the problem escalates and becomes a full blown breakdown.

Regular boiler servicing will prevent carbon monoxide poisoning - Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless and tasteless gas that will poison you if it is allowed to build up in your home. A leak that goes undetected may not kill you, but it could give you a serious illness or brain damage if inhaled over a period of time. The Health & Safety Executive say that around twenty people die per year because of carbon monoxide poisoning, boiler servicing will detect any leaks and prevent this from happening.

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