The True Secret Behind Arm Wrestling.

in comedy •  3 years ago 

arm wrestling.jpg

The origins of arm wrestling are quite unclear, as it could have started anytime between now and anytime in the past. Yes yes, I know, that is quite vague, but hear me out. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt and is predominantly played by men.

Arm wrestling is a sport used to determine the strength of two people's arms. The match goes on for as long as no hand is pushed down to the other side of the table. You keep pushing with your arm muscles until you're overpowered or you overpower your opponent.

It’s used to settle arguments, and disputes, win over women with your strength or even potentially break someone's wrists.

It may seem like the main aim of arm wrestling is a demonstration of strength, but that's where you've got it wrong.

The truth is that the media lied to you about the essence of arm wrestling.
It’s not about showing off strength or being the strongest.
It isn’t even about the sport in any way.
Not even about who outlasts the other.

The true aim of arm wrestling my friend is the intimacy between men.

That passionate interlocking of fingers where we hold extended eye contact. Yup, that’s the real reason

It’s the one opportunity men get to lock hands and eyes simultaneously. We couldn't let the public know, hence, it was covered under the guise of strength. We men are quite crafty and y’all never knew.😂

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