Choosing the Right Pussy (Comedy Open Mic Round #18)

in comedyopenmic •  7 years ago  (edited)

When choosing the perfect pussy, there's so much to consider, so here's a bit about three different types, just to help with the decision making process.

I'm sure you've imagined the exotic type of pussy, the Egyptian Sphynx, conjuring up images of Cleopatra herself or other harem-like fantasy beauties.

But sometimes, the image you've dreamed about differs greatly from the real deal.


Interestingly enough, there's nothing exotic about this pussy, in fact, the Egyptian Sphynx's originsare none other than Toronto, Canada. We Canadians enjoy all kinds of weird pussy, too polite to say otherwise. Or maybe you thought it was an Asian Hairless, a misnomer and an oxymoron, if what I've heard is at all true. The truth is, "although they look completely hairless, they are actually covered in a fine layer of what feels like peach fuzz", for those who like to pet all things soft.

Then there's the long haired pussy, a bit out of vogue, but still loved by the older folks for it's soft mounds of fur. In fact, there's a breed called the American Curl that touts silky soft fur. A beautiful pussy indeed!
"The ears curl out and backwards making the cat look alert with a happy expression." And who doesn't want their pussy to be happy? No one. That's who. This pussy is a dream as it's "very people-orientated and wants to be in your company constantly." Now that's some pussy!

Then there's the Persian pussy, in a league all its' own! This pussy has more hair than I'd know what to do with!
"In the perfect example of the breed the coat would flow over the body to reach the floor". A bit much if you ask me, but to each his own. With that much hair, it generally "mats easily" and needs "daily grooming", so this pussy is a high maintenance one for sure! Just know what you're getting into before you decide on this one!

I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about my own pussy here, who I've affectionately named Buddy! Home-grown, domestic, short hair, with a pleasing personality and full of love. Buddy is the best and most relaxed pussy ever :) And Brian of course, loves this pussy too!!

I believe in free choice, so enjoy whatever type of pussy you love, just remember to treat it right and it'll return the favor two-fold!

I was tagged by @profanereviews weeks ago to join in the comedy fun over at openmic , then @beeyou wrote a post about watermelon nipples, @davemccoy about tight asses, @abh12345 about hot balls, and @profanereviews about dicks. I'm tagging @doomsdaychassis as well because he's been a big part of this too :) So this is my "pussy" contribution.

There! Happy now guys? I joined in on the dabauchery :)

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slow clap!

This is why we created @comedyopenmic! so nobody should go through life without a good guide to choosing a suitable and appropriate pussy!

oh yeah in my abode we're nuts about our hot-dog also named "buddy" ;p


Thanks @dj123! I appreciate the applause and am so pleased to have filled a niche here :)

And a hot-dog named Buddy!!! Our buddy has the same sausage physique :)

so glad you finally found your amazing niche!

come by our animal house full of cock and pussy too... hopefully the crazy channels will inspire you!

COM Mad House Discord Server:

thanks for the invite! I actually just joined today...the names of the channels are oddly titillating haha

Thanks for the congrats too :) It was much appreciated...I was very surprised by the overall reaction to tell you the truth!

I love my homegrown pussy the best. always loving and so cute

haha You better! :)

Was all excited about the topic...then it was about

haha gotcha!

Now that is some pussy luvin! I knew you had it in you. The Asian Hairless ROFL, and I usually just stick with LOL. It so reminded me of @doomsdaychassis's stripper story, which of course, had to be an Asian chick as well! I swear, I don't know what kinda crew I am rolling with these days!!

Back on topic, we now have all sexy body parts covered 😂! Way to go Lynn, and glad you jumped on the bandwagon with this one. I love all those pussy cats!

Don't forget to edit your post to nominate two people to join the fun!

come to think of it, that asian was hairless to.

So glad you enjoyed it! Hey, you pushed me into it too, so there was no way I was leaving out the Asian HairlessROFL :)

I have two siamese pussies of my own. They are both super soft, but can be pretty needy at times. When I am working on my computer, one of the pussies jumps on the table and rubs all over my face until I pet her until she lays down and falls asleep next to me. The other pussy just likes to get my attention at random times throughout the day for a quick rubbin but then leaves me alone for the rest of the day. They are both super soft, but pretty hairy.


This is me trying to handle both pussies at once.

I hear it's a common fantasy to handle 2 pussies at once but you have shown what the reality is lol

hahaha @derangedvisions, that's what you get for saddling up to two of them 😎 Love it! Thanks for an awesome comment!

Omg that was too funny! I myself love the Asian pussy in fact i just rescued two.
This is sake.
And this is sushi.

omg on a serious note for a moment, those are so cute!

Congratulations of rescuing some sweet pussy :) (Sorry, couldn't help myself there haha)


I have to pass on commenting on this one because the dog house in the yard doesn't have wifi hooked up . well done !

Must be in a bad position, have you tried fiddling with the box?

After reading the post I went straight to the box and bang it hard in multiple position.

here we go LOL

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

😂😂 that's the spirit!

Sometimes giving it a good hammering works wonders!

( had to remove 'fist' from the line above - even I've got limits! )

No matter how hard you hit it keeps purring and squirting , damn thing has 9 long lives

Hahaha now you've done it!


hahaha @wolfhart, I see you've forgotten about the doghouse :)

yea Asher pulled me in. I saw it comming and didn't avoid it

bahahaha @abh12345 that's always the first to try to get it fired up

Thanks for the tip! 😂

hahahaha I just saw this!! You crack me up!! :) We could just go on and on with this one I think!

Plenty of room to fit more in here!

hahaha there usually is!!

Probably a wise decision @wolfhart; it could all really go off the rails in no time! :)

to late it's all over . Pussy is out of the bag

Get that thing on a leash!


hahaha... awesome! You have completed our series spectacularly! I'm thrilled to have pussy lovers added to the delicious nipples, hot balls, tight asses and big dicks series! lol... I won't bring up the hairless jokes, that was funny for sure :P

Glad you enjoyed it Dave!! Have you read through the comments here? They're better than the post lol

@lynncoyle1 lol... I have just read through some of them and yes it is hilarious... You did a wonderful job with your dirty mind young lady! :)

And I know I told you earlier, but you deserve the nice curie on this one, it was very creative and fun as hell! (see I can cuss ;) )

Thanks Dave, I guess my dirty mind is out in the open now! I gotta say, I was really surprised with the curie! And I know you can cuss buddy haha

lol... yes I can even say "shit" and "ass" publicly ;)

You and your dirty mind deserved it, I think it is awesome that you capped off the series with a great post that included some very awesome lead up posts to it! :)

I hope you are having a nice Friday night :)

haha I feel like we're being bad, talking in church kinda thing!!

Thanks for the kudos though! Seriously, I put it off for so long because writing a 'funny' post is really a whole different ball game, isn't it? I hit "post" and thought, "please let someone like it" haha

Friday night is pretty chill here, just hanging out, but that's a good thing. Hoping the same for you! Are you finding it pretty quiet around here? This whole week even?

@lynncoyle1 cool that you had a good chill night and I am finding the same too... I hope that means I get back into the top 30, I don't like being called a slacker by the Queen :P ...

And yes I feel that way about my posts too, but yours was awesome... Also got a reader's choice award or something like that from our friends over at @comedyopenmic! Btw if you haven't voted for them for witness you should, and not because they give you a platform to air out that dirty mind either! They are legit community guys and think they are majorly helpful!

You'll never truly be a slacker to me Dave!

I should check with Asher, seeing as he's my proxy. If you're supporting them, that's good enough for me 😅

oh my hahahhahahha this completes almost all the parts needed here and I have always considered myself as a doggo person but I wouldn't have thought I have a liking to pussy hahahahha

hahaha just don't tell your dog that :)

Thanks for taking time — and doing such an excellent job — to clarify the many possibilities of pussy! Myself, I am more of a common "Street Pussy" who got lucky and found a posh place to call home.


hahaha @curatorcat, I'm so glad you approve!! :)

Hahaha! Oh you really have a great opening line there! Lol!

This post provides the answer to a gap that needed filling urgently!

Perfect comedic timing, @lynncoyle1 may have just found her calling!

And Curie aporoved too! Imagine that!

haha I can be very witty and amusing @kchitrah, but to plan a post around it is a lot more difficult than I imagined. I actually put if off for weeks, and now that I've actually done it and curie paid me a visit, the pressure to do another one is simply too much :)

beeyou told me to edit my post to nominate two people to join in on the fun. I hate putting people (you) under the spotlight like that, so let me know if you're interested :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh em geee! That is a real challenge.

I am totally like you, I can on occasion reveal my funny bone , but to work a post around!

Maybe after seeing a few more of this, I might feel more inclined, but i'll pass for now. I'll give it a shot next time round! ;)

Thank you for asking me, hahaha! Phew, appreciate not being put on the spot on this one.

It's a toughie.

You could be right! Interesting to find out how @curie like their bread buttered 😁

I'm still trying to figure that one out. And just when I think I have Curie pegged, they go and throw me off the scent! Hahaha

hahaha @kchitrah, that's exactly how I feel :)

And I think most of the commenting is done here, but you've opened yourself up to all kinds of nonsense with your "scent"comment haha

Oh boy! Certainly didn't think about that. Beauty of comedy, everything is a potential "opening". ;)

hahaha See?? You can do this :)

Right?! Kinda threw me I don't mind saying :)

In a good way I think :D

Lol, I read your comment and was thinking that Lynn completed our sexy body parts. Then here goes Lynn talking about a gap and hole that needs filling .😂 Oh my, I need to go back to pg13 topics.

Now there are fewer of us knocking about it seems like we'll get to know each other more intimately 😁

We're throwing respectability out the door with our comedyopenmic entries! 😎

COM did that when they opened Carl's Cock Room to be fair 😁

I have yet to venture into that rabbit hole, but have heard stories. Perhaps will just stick with the Boobians room. The ladies are tamed in there even though it is NSFW. 😄

I find this hole thing to be offensive and will not put out for it

hahaha you are all over this Asher! A gap, a hole that needed filling, it's ripe for the picking ;)

haha This is so out of my element, so I'm glad you found it amusing :)

You're a natural!! Lol!

hahaha I was coerced :)

I'm not saying this daily, but now I almost pee my pants ... And when I told my boyfriend why I'm laughing so hard and used the word pussy I got four dogs going crazy. That made me even more laughing. Thank you for sharing!

hahaha @hetty-rowan, I can just picture the chaos there!! :) You're welcome for the laugh...thank you for making me do the same :)

Hahhahahah good job lady! I almost wet my undies here.. This is a very good how-to pick the right pussy.. I love this entry..

Thank you so much! Sorry for the wet undies hahah

No problem at all.. I love changing them if they got wet because of laughing so hard! :) hopefully you will write another one lol, looking forward to that :) congratz on the curie loveeee ♡

Thank you!! I was so surprised and of course pleased with it!!

hahaha, this post made me laugh before I had even opened it... Thanks for the added laughs after I read it, as always you can make me cry but this time from giggling! :D

I'm so glad to finally give you tears of joy and laughter!! :)

😂😂😂 I have nothing to say because I am too busy laughing😄 I think Buddy still the best Pussy ever.

hahaha glad you enjoyed it! Yay...Buddy :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think the home pussy is far more comfortable and easy to take care of, they know when to get relax and raise its tail when needed... beside, not too hairy, not bold at all, efficient and less cost maintenance😂😂😂😂. Perfect and flexible...

hahahaha @cicisaja, you are having waayyyyy too much fun with this :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hihihi...I didn't start the fire @lynncoyle1...but I can add more fuel if you asked😜

lol. nice click bait .

haha it got you here :)

Did i just come here to see cats?
Well as for the pussy...

Make it wet, then put two fingers in it and rub gently...

Thats how you wash a tumbler

hahaha you got me @sparrowbernard!!

Now you know the feeling of somebody playing with your brain

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


That Egyptian pussy looks like it could fit into some tight spots and has had its nose in a dirty hole - still them ears are something to hold onto 🤐

Just woke up with a mild hangover and this was first on my feed - top pussy talk Lynn!

You had me laughing out loud with the 'nose in a dirty hole'. I hadn't even thought of that when I posted the picture, but now that you mention it, I've got a full video playing in my head and it ain't pretty !!

Some of your best lines come from being hungover apparently haha

Haha 😁 Those home videos, so hard to etch from the mind!

Well you've opened up a topic ripe for the picking here, right up my ally Sally 😁

Lol. Title got to me at first. Good one. I certainly wouldn't go with the hairless one. Too much skin. Ya know...

haha @pangoli, you fell for the click bait :) And yes, I know...

conjuring up images of Cleopatra herself...

No never!! Her beauty is myth, see what history suggests!

haha oh I know that @whitelite, but I certainly couldn't have put a photo of that coin in this post :)

we must always choose the pussy that suits us best!

Naturally! It's a very personal choice :)

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Thanks @c-squared!!

what is your favourite pussy? ha ha. I like the first one

hahaha well my own, of course!

Buddy :)

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Haha what an opening!

Thanks @tripswithtam!! :)

Now this is a juicy post! You had me laughing so hard :) Absolutely love this :) Much love - Carl

haha juicy indeed :) So glad you enjoyed it!

Hi lynncoyle1,

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Thank you so much :)

Thanks for your pussy contribution. I can't wait to hear your caturday and cuntday post as well.

hahaha I think you should run with those two juicy ideas :)

Oh, my! What an intro. I thought you were going a whole lot different direction with this, lol.

haha gotcha then! :)

Toooooooooooooooo funny!!! Lol. Based on your lead... there's ragdoll pussy. Scottish Fold Pussy. Lykoi, or werewolf, pussy.....main coon pussy....lolol the list just goes on and on!! Lol

To be honest, I had to do a little "cat" research for this, but of course, I should have come to you! Scottish Fold Pussy, Man, I could've taken that and run with it hahah

For sure!! There's others too,!! to have fun with!! Lol

😂 some great humour over here this morning! 🤣 Nice!!

Hey thanks @yogajill!! Glad you enjoyed my bit of coerced nonsense :)

I love this Post. Thanks for the giggles @lynncoyle1 and beautiful photos of some pussies :)

Btw, I'll be gone for a Month on Vacation in a couple of days so just letting my good Steemian friends know that my regular Commenting/Curating on their blogs that I follow might be limited.
Thanks for understanding :)

Why thank you @robertandrew! I appreciate that very much :)

Have an awesome vacation too!! Where are you off to?

Yeah we're off to Disney World, and the beach and the Mountains :)

Oh that sounds awesome!! Enjoy the's way more important than all of this :) And don't worry, I won't forget you :)

At first I had a weird look in my face and then enjoyed article. After reading the comments it was like LOL. Nice post. 😁😀

haha I can imagine your face at first @bala41288!! :) Thanks!

so much pussy. i don't know what to do with it all.

haha @yinyangmichael, I guess you can have too much of a good thing :)

I havent yet gotten to the end of this but I am already dying of laughter. I will return later to finish. Peace...@lynncoyle, you are something else I tell you lol.

Hope you made it back and enjoyed the full show haha

Indeed I did and it didn't disappoint.... Laughing all the way. Gonna check out what this comedy mic round thing is all about...... Thanks for the laugh. Btw the cloth that your pussy is resting on, is it from Mexico?

It is from Mexico!

Oh nice....I wore one of those mexican outfits the other day and it was of similar, if not the same colour. Love the colours.

Thanks! Me too; it's a great way to brighten things up a bit :)

My pussy and me say hi :)

Loved the post @lynncoyle1 ! it was hilarious! keep them coming :) !!

haha Hi right back atcha @pechichemena! So glad you enjoyed it :)

This topic drags my mind off on sighting the first pics and topic. Dont get it twisted she talking about animals(pussy cat)😀

haha so you expected something else? Dirty! :)

Hahaa!!!! This was funny and not what I expected from you!

Right?! Just when you think you know someone :)

I feel like the Brazilians pulled the biggest game of cultural appropriation in history. It should deffinatly be that you are going to get an Egyptian wax.

Right?! I've always imagined Egyptian the exact opposite. Not that I imagine that very much. Ok. A couple of times...maybe.

Yahoooo! I knew you could do it.

Now do another one.

So soon? Let me revel in some pussy galore for a while, will ya? :)

Okay, you can revel a little. Oh, and congratulations on the curie, you lucky girl.

Thank you! Truthfully, I was shocked to see them here :) I should be thanking you for not letting me sneak away from this!

I'm a strict disciplinarian. Plus I like funny things.

LMAO Best reply ever!

haha thanks @foxyspirit!

This is the best! I almost spat out my coffee! And reading all the comments! LMAO! Thank you for a great morning ^_^

haha @foxyspirit! I'm so happy it made your morning...spat coffee and all!! :)

This is a great guide for the future. I think I'm more into the Egyptian hairless pussy.

Then my public service is done for the day! Thanks :)

haha Glad to be of service :)

So many different pussies to choose from...but at the end of the day everyone thinks their pussy is the best

and so they should!! :)

LOL.....I loved it. That was great!!

thanks @tryskele! So glad you enjoyed it :)

@lynncoyle1 I don't see how anyone could not.....It catches the attention that is for sure.

Awesome post, @lynncoyle1. I simply can’t stop laughing. It is right up my sleeve, lol.
And congrats on the well-deserved curie vote! Who could have known they were into pussy?? ;0)

haha @simplymike, the expression is "right up my alley", but I like "sleeve" !!! :)

And who knew? is right!!! I was shocked and thought it was way too "low-brow" and unsophisticated for them! I guess everyone likes pussy lol whether they want to admit it or not! ;)


And you’re right; I don’t know what I was thinking writing sleeve insteadcof alley - lmao

hahaha I thought it was something lost in translation :)

I came from your other post. This was funny.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Hairs or not, pussies are always adorable! (Pity I didn't read this earlier 😂)

hahaha Is it weird if I agree? :)

It is a pity!

It's not, when something is adorable you can't deny it whatever pet they are! Thanks for the laugh 😁

It's not, when something is adorable you can't deny it whatever pet they are! Thanks for the laugh 😁