Bible teaching: If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will bestow her upon you. Ben Sira 1:26

in commandments •  2 years ago 

It could be said that wisdom is a universal good shared by all the peoples of the earth, but wisdom in the nation of Israel acquires a special character, because in it is the divine revelation. The commandments are the summary of all the wisdom of the people of Israel, that is why the master of wisdom Ben Sira taught: "If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will bestow her upon you" Ben Sira 1:26.
The law of Moses is more than the Decalogue, keeping the commandments means following them with fear of God. The spiritual gift of fear of God is defined as constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability.
And the Book of Deuteronomy gives us an important spiritual teaching: "Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name" Deuteronomy 6:13. The commandments cannot be interpreted literally to the letter, but through the common sense that the fear of God provides. And we have an example when David and his men, hungry and lacking in provisions, ate the bread consecrated in Nob in 1 Samuel 21:1-9. David was not a priest, but it was a matter of common sense that his life and that of his companions was the most important thing. There are situations in which the law cannot be complied with in its entirety.
The fear of God is one of the most important gifts of the old testament, and as the masters of wisdom teach, this gift along with the law is the path to spiritual enlightenment. For example, the King Solomon kept the commandments devoutly with firmness, and received the gifts of wisdom, understanding, and discernment at the holy site of Gibeon.
The teachers of wisdom like Ben Sira sought to teach us the most excellent, the correct, and the best. Carrying the law of Moses with a heart of flesh and not of stone is one of the greatest Bible teachings of Israel.
Bible teaching. If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will bestow her upon you. Ben Sira 1,26.jpg
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