
in comments •  8 years ago 

This is every signal comment on my steemit and instagram so watch out for your comment

Instagram comments
bobert16Hey @matvelgeak someone hacked your YouTube Chanel and I can't get in to it and then I went on my computer. AND THERE WERE HATE MESSAGES😰And there were videos that you did not even post and i now it because I watch your videos every day.I HOPE YOU GET THIS BECAUSE ALL YOUR SUBSCRIBERS ARE SO MAD😖
marvelgeak: @bobert16 I am about to check it out
bobert16 :Did you se it
marvelgeak: @bobert16 no send me a picture of it
marvelgeak: @bobert16 did you see my direct message
bobert16: Now it will not let me on
bobert16: I don't have school today do you
bobert16: Because if you do I can try to fix it for you well you are there.
bobert16: It said that I'm blocked from your Chanel😵
bobert16: 😑😑😑are you doing it
bobert16: @marvelgeak are you getting these
marvelgeak: @bobert16 I did not block you can you go into the dms and dm me a picture of you're computer screen and then I will fix it
marvelgeak: @bobert16 can you send me a link to your YouTube channel
marvelgeak: @bobert16 I will try to unblock it ok marvelgeak: @bobert16 are u there

bobert16: So cool bro

sanchez_mariah_keisha980: Wuts rong w u
marvelgeak: @sanchez_mariah_keisha980 nothing

james_landrigan: Lol

bobert16: So cool

gianni2ooo: @nate.kim18 @will.m.k

bobert16: That scooter is so nice
marvelgeak: @bobert16 thanx it is actually from 2008 it's pretty old

jackmaster69Lol they look like it! 😂😂😂

nick.tunaburg: messy hair from goodwill


bobert16: It's rock star not rick star😃😃 and I love your videos
marvelgeak: @bobert16 thanks for the support really appreciate it

noah.nickers65: Srsly I know we have opinions but don't put political stuff on a child Instagram plz
marvelgeak: This is not an opinion this is a fact
marvelgeak: @noah.nickers65

hallie.cruz.singer: Fake! And if coarse u did this

megnwallaceI: don't want to change ur username !!☺️
nick.tunaburg: Ok change it to MarvelGaek
marvelgeak: What should my username be jack
jackmaster69: It should be marvelgeakfollowjack @marvelgeak

dantdm_edit_masterr: Lol

noah.nickers65: Already addicted to that I'm a level seven what are you @marvelgeak
marvelgeak: level 2 I because I don't have mobile data but I can catch a few at my house

james_landrigan: No don't do it!!!
james_landrigan: 🤗

noah.nickers65: I agree with you marvelgeak somebody should not just swear at you and then ask you to watch there videos

rifat_joker: So cool

ltuinenburg: Awesome!!

megnwallace: You better be careful not to break anything!! Ur mom would be mad
ltuinenburg: Yeah, your mom and your aunts would all be mad, good thing you kick butt at soccer!
ltuinenburg: You're so funny!!

rifat_joker: Hey

ltuinenburg: Nintendo's as hungry as her man servant!

ltuinenburg: No, I am the boss.

ghostblock108: So you have overWatch
nintendo_betta_girl: I should play roblox

rifat_joker: Cool

nick.tunaburg: it taste good like men

ltuinenburg: Last day of testing, and only 15 days of school left!!

ltuinenburg: LOL!!!

ltuinenburg: LOL

rifat_joker: Hi

ltuinenburg: I want to see more parodies!

ltuinenburg: Dang Daniel!!

ltuinenburg: You're welcome!

megnwallaceI: already have 100 followers

ltuinenburg: 😂😂😂😂😅😅😜😹😹😸😸👊🏻👊🏻👍👍🍟

ltuinenburg: YUM!

ltuinenburg: Of course I like it! It's awesome!

Steemit comments

Upvoted and followed!

Didn't have an idea too lol. My friend sent me a facebook message with this video, gave it a try, and then the popular meme burst out of this video.. I have noticed plenty of memes on the social media thanks to this guy's crappy song lol.

You must have been born just a little after me then

tad-auker46 ·
I almost hate to admit I laughed.

jajajajaj que buen video

I like Brooke Marks these days.

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