Looking Backwards: Chapter 13

in communism •  4 years ago 

Looking Backwards by Edward Bellamy
Published in 1888.
Read the wikipedia, if you want to know why you have never heard of it.


Chapter 13

As Edith had promised he should do, Dr. Leete accompanied me to my bedroom when I retired, to instruct me as to the adjustment of the musical telephone.
He showed how, by turning a screw, the volume of the music could be made to fill the room, or die away to an echo so faint and far that one could scarcely be sure whether he heard or imagined it.
If, of two persons side by side, one desired to listen to music and the other to sleep, it could be made audible to one and inaudible to another.

"I should strongly advise you to sleep if you can to-night, Mr. West, in preference to listening to the finest tunes in the world," the doctor said, after explaining these points.
"In the trying experience you are just now passing through, sleep is a nerve tonic for which there is no substitute."

Mindful of what had happened to me that very morning, I promised to heed his counsel.

"Very well," he said, "then I will set the telephone at eight o'clock."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He explained that, by a clock-work combination, a person could arrange to be awakened at any hour by the music.

It began to appear, as has since fully proved to be the case, that I had left my tendency to insomnia behind me with the other discomforts of existence in the nineteenth century; for though I took no sleeping draught this time, yet, as the night before, I had no sooner touched the pillow than I was asleep.

I dreamed that I sat on the throne of the Abencerrages in the banqueting hall of the Alhambra, feasting my lords and generals, who next day were to follow the crescent against the Christian dogs of Spain.
The air, cooled by the spray of fountains, was heavy with the scent of flowers.
A band of Nautch girls, round-limbed and luscious-lipped, danced with voluptuous grace to the music of brazen and stringed instruments.
Looking up to the latticed galleries, one caught a gleam now and then from the eye of some beauty of the royal harem, looking down upon the assembled flower of Moorish chivalry.
Louder and louder clashed the cymbals, wilder and wilder grew the strain, till the blood of the desert race could no longer resist the martial delirium, and the swart nobles leaped to their feet; a thousand scimetars were bared, and the cry, "Allah il Allah!" shook the hall and awoke me, to find it broad daylight, and the room tingling with the electric music of the "Turkish Reveille."

At the breakfast-table, when I told my host of my morning's experience, I learned that it was not a mere chance that the piece of music which awakened me was a reveille.
The airs played at one of the halls during the waking hours of the morning were always of an inspiring type.

"By the way," I said, "I have not thought to ask you anything about the state of Europe.
Have the societies of the Old World also been remodeled?"

"Yes," replied Dr. Leete, "the great nations of Europe as well as Australia, Mexico, and parts of South America, are now organized industrially like the United States, which was the pioneer of the evolution.
The peaceful relations of these nations are assured by a loose form of federal union of world-wide extent.
An international council regulates the mutual intercourse and commerce of the members of the union and their joint policy toward the more backward races, which are gradually being educated up to civilized institutions.
Complete autonomy within its own limits is enjoyed by every nation."

"How do you carry on commerce without money?" I said.
"In trading with other nations, you must use some sort of money, although you dispense with it in the internal affairs of the nation."

"Oh, no; money is as superfluous in our foreign as in our internal relations.
When foreign commerce was conducted by private enterprise, money was necessary to adjust it on account of the multifarious complexity of the transactions; but nowadays it is a function of the nations as units.
There are thus only a dozen or so merchants in the world, and their business being supervised by the international council, a simple system of book accounts serves perfectly to regulate their dealings.
Customs duties of every sort are of course superfluous.
A nation simply does not import what its government does not think requisite for the general interest.
Each nation has a bureau of foreign exchange, which manages its trading.
For example, the American bureau, estimating such and such quantities of French goods necessary to America for a given year, sends the order to the French bureau, which in turn sends its order to our bureau.
The same is done mutually by all the nations."

"But how are the prices of foreign goods settled, since there is no competition?"

"The price at which one nation supplies another with goods," replied Dr. Leete, "must be that at which it supplies its own citizens.
So you see there is no danger of misunderstanding.
Of course no nation is theoretically bound to supply another with the product of its own labor, but it is for the interest of all to exchange some commodities.
If a nation is regularly supplying another with certain goods, notice is required from either side of any important change in the relation."

"But what if a nation, having a monopoly of some natural product, should refuse to supply it to the others, or to one of them?"

"Such a case has never occurred, and could not without doing the refusing party vastly more harm than the others," replied Dr. Leete.
"In the fist place, no favoritism could be legally shown.
The law requires that each nation shall deal with the others, in all respects, on exactly the same footing.
Such a course as you suggest would cut off the nation adopting it from the remainder of the earth for all purposes whatever.
The contingency is one that need not give us much anxiety."

"But," said I, "supposing a nation, having a natural monopoly in some product of which it exports more than it consumes, should put the price away up, and thus, without cutting off the supply, make a profit out of its neighbors' necessities?
Its own citizens would of course have to pay the higher price on that commodity, but as a body would make more out of foreigners than they would be out of pocket themselves."

"When you come to know how prices of all commodities are determined nowadays, you will perceive how impossible it is that they could be altered, except with reference to the amount or arduousness of the work required respectively to produce them," was Dr. Leete's reply.
"This principle is an international as well as a national guarantee; but even without it the sense of community of interest, international as well as national, and the conviction of the folly of selfishness, are too deep nowadays to render possible such a piece of sharp practice as you apprehend.
You must understand that we all look forward to an eventual unification of the world as one nation.
That, no doubt, will be the ultimate form of society, and will realize certain economic advantages over the present federal system of autonomous nations.
Meanwhile, however, the present system works so nearly perfectly that we are quite content to leave to posterity the completion of the scheme.
There are, indeed, some who hold that it never will be completed, on the ground that the federal plan is not merely a provisional solution of the problem of human society, but the best ultimate solution."

"How do you manage," I asked, "when the books of any two nations do not balance?
Supposing we import more from France than we export to her."

"At the end of each year," replied the doctor, "the books of every nation are examined.
If France is found in our debt, probably we are in the debt of some nation which owes France, and so on with all the nations.
The balances that remain after the accounts have been cleared by the international council should not be large under our system.
Whatever they may be, the council requires them to be settled every few years, and may require their settlement at any time if they are getting too large; for it is not intended that any nation shall run largely in debt to another, lest feelings unfavorable to amity should be engendered.
To guard further against this, the international council inspects the commodities interchanged by the nations, to see that they are of perfect quality."

"But what are the balances finally settled with, seeing that you have no money?"

"In national staples; a basis of agreement as to what staples shall be accepted, and in what proportions, for settlement of accounts, being a preliminary to trade relations."

"Emigration is another point I want to ask you about," said I.
"With every nation organized as a close industrial partnership, monopolizing all means of production in the country, the emigrant, even if he were permitted to land, would starve.
I suppose there is no emigration nowadays."

"On the contrary, there is constant emigration, by which I suppose you mean removal to foreign countries for permanent residence," replied Dr. Leete.
"It is arranged on a simple international arrangement of indemnities.
For example, if a man at twenty-one emigrates from England to America, England loses all the expense of his maintenance and education, and America gets a workman for nothing. America accordingly makes England an allowance.
The same principle, varied to suit the case, applies generally.
If the man is near the term of his labor when he emigrates, the country receiving him has the allowance.
As to imbecile persons, it is deemed best that each nation should be responsible for its own, and the emigration of such must be under full guarantees of support by his own nation.
Subject to these regulations, the right of any man to emigrate at any time is unrestricted."

"But how about mere pleasure trips; tours of observation?
How can a stranger travel in a country whose people do not receive money, and are themselves supplied with the means of life on a basis not extended to him?
His own credit card cannot, of course, be good in other lands.
How does he pay his way?"

"An American credit card," replied Dr. Leete, "is just as good in Europe as American gold used to be, and on precisely the same condition, namely, that it be exchanged into the currency of the country you are traveling in.
An American in Berlin takes his credit card to the local office of the international council, and receives in exchange for the whole or part of it a German credit card, the amount being charged against the United States in favor of Germany on the international account."

"Perhaps Mr. West would like to dine at the Elephant to-day," said Edith, as we left the table.

"That is the name we give to the general dining-house in our ward," explained her father.
"Not only is our cooking done at the public kitchens, as I told you last night, but the service and quality of the meals are much more satisfactory if taken at the dining-house.
The two minor meals of the day are usually taken at home, as not worth the trouble of going out; but it is general to go out to dine.
We have not done so since you have been with us, from a notion that it would be better to wait till you had become a little more familiar with our ways.
What do you think?
Shall we take dinner at the dining-house to-day?"

I said that I should be very much pleased to do so.

Not long after, Edith came to me, smiling, and said:
"Last night, as I was thinking what I could do to make you feel at home until you came to be a little more used to us and our ways, an idea occurred to me.
What would you say if I were to introduce you to some very nice people of your own times, whom I am sure you used to be well acquainted with?"

I replied, rather vaguely, that it would certainly be very agreeable, but I did not see how she was going to manage it.

"Come with me," was her smiling reply, "and see if I am not as good as my word."

My susceptibility to surprise had been pretty well exhausted by the numerous shocks it had received, but it was with some wonderment that I followed her into a room which I had not before entered.
It was a small, cosy apartment, walled with cases filled with books.

"Here are your friends," said Edith, indicating one of the cases, and as my eye glanced over the names on the backs of the volumes, Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, Shelley, Tennyson, Defoe, Dickens, Thackeray, Hugo, Hawthorne, Irving, and a score of other great writers of my time and all time, I understood her meaning.
She had indeed made good her promise in a sense compared with which its literal fulfillment would have been a disappointment.
She had introduced me to a circle of friends whom the century that had elapsed since last I communed with them had aged as little as it had myself.
Their spirit was as high, their wit as keen, their laughter and their tears as contagious, as when their speech had whiled away the hours of a former century.
Lonely I was not and could not be more, with this goodly companionship, however wide the gulf of years that gaped between me and my old life.

"You are glad I brought you here," exclaimed Edith, radiant, as she read in my face the success of her experiment.
"It was a good idea, was it not, Mr. West?
How stupid in me not to think of it before!
I will leave you now with your old friends, for I know there will be no company for you like them just now; but remember you must not let old friends make you quite forget new ones!" and with that smiling caution she left me.

Attracted by the most familiar of the names before me, I laid my hand on a volume of Dickens, and sat down to read.
He had been my prime favorite among the bookwriters of the century,—I mean the nineteenth century,—and a week had rarely passed in my old life during which I had not taken up some volume of his works to while away an idle hour.
Any volume with which I had been familiar would have produced an extraordinary impression, read under my present circumstances, but my exceptional familiarity with Dickens, and his consequent power to call up the associations of my former life, gave to his writings an effect no others could have had, to intensify, by force of contrast, my appreciation of the strangeness of my present environment.
However new and astonishing one's surroundings, the tendency is to become a part of them so soon that almost from the first the power to see them objectively and fully measure their strangeness, is lost.
That power, already dulled in my case, the pages of Dickens restored by carrying me back through their associations to the standpoint of my former life.

With a clearness which I had not been able before to attain, I saw now the past and present, like contrasting pictures, side by side.

The genius of the great novelist of the nineteenth century, like that of Homer, might indeed defy time; but the setting of his pathetic tales, the misery of the poor, the wrongs of power, the pitiless cruelty of the system of society, had passed away as utterly as Circe and the sirens, Charybdis and Cyclops.

During the hour or two that I sat there with Dickens open before me, I did not actually read more than a couple of pages.
Every paragraph, every phrase, brought up some new aspect of the world-transformation which had taken place, and led my thoughts on long and widely ramifying excursions.
As meditating thus in Dr. Leete's library I gradually attained a more clear and coherent idea of the prodigious spectacle which I had been so strangely enabled to view, I was filled with a deepening wonder at the seeming capriciousness of the fate that had given to one who so little deserved it, or seemed in any way set apart for it, the power alone among his contemporaries to stand upon the earth in this latter day.
I had neither foreseen the new world nor toiled for it, as many about me had done regardless of the scorn of fools or the misconstruction of the good.
Surely it would have been more in accordance with the fitness of things had one of those prophetic and strenuous souls been enabled to see the travail of his soul and be satisfied; he, for example, a thousand times rather than I, who, having beheld in a vision the world I looked on, sang of it in words that again and again, during these last wondrous days, had rung in my mind:

For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be
Till the war-drum throbbed no longer, and the battle-flags were furled.

In the Parliament of man, the federation of the world.

Then the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe,

And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law.

For I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs,
And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns.

What though, in his old age, he momentarily lost faith in his own prediction, as prophets in their hours of depression and doubt generally do; the words had remained eternal testimony to the seership of a poet's heart, the insight that is given to faith.

I was still in the library when some hours later Dr. Leete sought me there.
"Edith told me of her idea," he said, "and I thought it an excellent one.
I had a little curiosity what writer you would first turn to.
Ah, Dickens!
You admired him, then!
That is where we moderns agree with you.
Judged by our standards, he overtops all the writers of his age, not because his literary genius was highest, but because his great heart beat for the poor, because he made the cause of the victims of society his own, and devoted his pen to exposing its cruelties and shams.
No man of his time did so much as he to turn men's minds to the wrong and wretchedness of the old order of things, and open their eyes to the necessity of the great change that was coming, although he himself did not clearly foresee it."

I think the author gets a little too involved in the minutiae of daily management of things.
I'd leave that to the various locals to figure out for themselves.

And, seriously, who 'loves' Dickens?

The Merry Go Round goes round and round,...

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You write unfamiliar with the book and give a link to Wikipedia. We have different rumors about the United States. Supposedly, people's speech is different. Supposedly rich people have a good vocabulary. And we are talking about modern English. It is clear that in Russia I do not know all the ancient words that went out of use in the 6-15 centuries.
Is it really possible in the United States to determine whether a person belongs to an economic class by their vocabulary?

Вы пишите незнакомы с книгой и даете ссылку на википедию. У нас есть разные слухи о США. Якобы, что речь людей отличается. Якобы богатые люди имеют хороший словарный запас. Причем речь идет о современном английском языке. Понятно, что я в России не знаю всех древних слов вышедших из употребления в 6-15 веках.
Действительно в США можно определить по словарному запасу человека принадлежность к экономическому классу?

Is it really possible in the United States to determine whether a person belongs to an economic class by their vocabulary?

Yes, and no.
It will depend on their reading level, some poor people read alot and will have a better vocabulary.

Here we mostly judge people by their looks.
Jack from twitter was on tv and everybody thought he looked homeless, but he is one of the richest men in the country.
He gets all the freedom to look unkempt while living in the greatest luxury.
Most of us have to pitch a tent to get that kind of freedom.

Да, и нет.
Это будет зависеть от их уровня чтения, некоторые бедные люди будут много читать и будут иметь лучший словарный запас.

Здесь мы в основном судим о людях по их внешности.
Джек из твиттера был по телевизору, и все думали, что он выглядит бездомным, но он один из самых богатых людей в стране.
Он получает всю свободу выглядеть неряшливым, живя в величайшей роскоши.
Большинству из нас приходится ставить палатку, чтобы получить такую свободу.

It's funny about looks. The main thing is to be cleanly dressed. Wash, clothes don't matter. I have a house in the country. Very rich people live in that village, too. They are rarely dressed in expensive clothes. Of course, they have it clean, but not expensive. We have a very disrespectful attitude towards mentally ill people to gays and lesbians. Therefore, to buy expensive clothes, fashionable gay ...
Clothes should be clean and high-quality. It doesn't have to be expensive. It should not be ugly. Now fashionable and expensive things are very ugly.
Will this approach surprise your citizens?

Will this approach surprise your citizens?

The system here is designed to be a disneyland for dummies, ergo, we got lots a dummies.

The powers that shouldn't be have nearly won the war.
Most adults here are high functioning idiots.
The kids are catching on, though.
Freedom isn't dead, but it is highly confined, which is no freedom at all.

Система здесь разработана как Диснейленд для манекенов, эрго, у нас много манекенов.

Силы, которые не должны быть во главе, почти выиграли войну.
Большинство взрослых здесь - высокофункциональные идиоты.
Дети все-таки ловят.

Свобода не мертва, но сильно ограничена, что вовсе не является свободой.