Where You From

in concerns •  4 years ago 

Good evening to everyone out there in this space. I hope you are doing well today. I am taking this time to ask you some question that are very important to understand.

SNAP  - where ARe You From.jpg

The main question I am asking you all today is Where are you from and what are your concerns?

Please tell me where you are from, such as more less the country you are in. No need to say the city unless you want to which is nice as well. I also like to know what your concerns are.
Tell me your top 3 concerns right now on what is going on. Could be from the personal level, to something going on your community or as a society as a whole.

Reason I am asking these questions. I like to create content that could work with your community and your concerns. More less feedback is always helpful in which to create better directions in making content for you.

I hope you are enjoying my content so far. As I feel this is something that does help the community in so many ways.

What did you have for breakfast today? Let me know on this and why did you eat that for breakfast?

These are some concerns I would love to hear from you all.

At this point I hope you have followed all the way down. I will know if you are able to answer these 3 questions.

Again very helpful for me at all times.

Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing all your answers and concerns.

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