Tell LIE vision

in confederate •  7 years ago 

I noticed that every time the TV god said "white supremacists" it would simultaneously show a Confederate battle flag20748363_604768916578289_8044014541239586725_o.jpg Does TV not know that General Lee had freed his slaves while General Grant refused to, saying "good help is hard to find"20819063_604768989911615_8373087562026541841_o.jpg More like he who controls the present controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future20748207_604769563244891_6956154250185535235_o.jpg More like they dont want the idea of secession to be remembered20748145_604769706578210_1882694687666126510_o.jpgbecause secession is decentralisation of power20776487_604769786578202_2267552802216898137_o.jpg and that dont gell to well with a power mad NWO

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