What Happens RIGHT NOW in Human Consciousness

in conscious •  8 years ago 

"A truly spiritual person lives for the Truth,
........and breathes for Love."
And answered by:
"Relative to what is said: 'we' either are Truth or 'we' are not, as Here Now has little of 'the Truth' apart from as a concept for most of the peoples of the Earth, and
Thus, when NOT living Truth we can suppose what is indicated is a truism about Truth, {like an indulgence of a conceptual snack-food called Truth while watching Human Life do its thing,}. . . and
Yet, a 'truly spiritual person' does none of what is said as we 'are' Truth with Love as a result of BE-ing Truth with no second or we are not {as no middle ground or half-Truth is possible beyond a certain point},. . . and
Truth is an effortless situation that needs no longing like 'living for' or trying to 'breath for' anything at all..... . ., and
When 'we' ARE Truth the breathing of Love just happens as ordinary human life arising . . . and
Most of the time we would not know if a 'truly Spiritual person' was sitting right next to us until we spoke with them, and
At the time of that conversation, within us is recognised that Truth effortlessly abides unencumbered by any conjecture of minds ideas of what Human Life may be, as Truth is what 'see's Human Life arise and fall away. . . and
'We' either ARE Truth or 'we' are not as no half measures apply . . . and
Even with all that said, what actualises in this Now instant for us all is that, . . . like the 0:1 of a computer flopping back and forth, our sense of Human Self can slip between the 0 of 'Emptiness/Rigpa/God state' and not realise it is happening this way, until the 'we' (that is the sense of the Human 'me') seems to entirely vanish and all that is left is Love which had {and still has} as its foundation, veracious Truth of 'what IS' as Consciousness Consciousness arising . . . and
The 1, which is the sense of Human Self, seems to glide out of the 0 and collapse back into the 0. . . and
This can happen the other way where 'we' are a strong sense of 'Me/myself/I' as the sense of Human Self and thus the 1 dominates in which the 0 seems to arise and fall away within the 1, and
The actuality IS that; 0:1 are simultaneously arising. . . and
The finality of the situation is that: 0 or 'Emptiness' is found to be that which is the eternal Presence of Conscious Consciousness, and
There is no need to clamour and climb to the vast peaks of Conscious Consciousness with vast effort as that 0 state is forever here and never went away, it just seeeeems to go away due to the activation of the mind's ideas of what Conscious Consciousness is about, and
Thus 'we' have the story that 'we' need to be 'Silent' (like it is some holy grail) so as to Realise God/or whatever you want to call IT, within us. . . and
But that IT is just a story, just another idea of what the minds idea of so-called 'Reality' IS. . . and
So relax, just STOP all of what one does, and truly REST, which some call Meditation which leads into the Non-Meditative state where 'we' can just BE 'what IS', and
Thus, "Let it BE" as The Beatles sang decades ago, and
Whatever answer the mind is clamouring for. . . . happens from 'Silence', and
This writing can go around in circles forever and would still come to the 0 of 'Stillness' every time, and
So IT IS, and
That's why our sense of 'we'/myself/I can leave all that arises 'As IT IS', and
Actually see what arises from the 0 of 'Emptiness' into our sense of the 1 of Human Life, and this sense of self is going for breakfast. .. and
Thank you for the joy of being able to read as much of the worlds population cannot read nor have access to a computer. " (c) Samnoelpearce 17051 074700 If the above needs editing it will happen some other time...

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