Dimensions are states of Perception

in consciousness •  5 years ago 

There's a difference between Nothing, Something and Everything, they are states of existence (being) that are always present.

You can perceive nothing, something or everything.
You can be nobody, somebody or everybody

0D - Nothingness



1D - Limbo


Consciousness in it's purest form - Formless

In 1D, Consciousness exists outside Space-Time (Nowhere and Nowhen in a Void, which is pure Emptiness) with an Identity (Ego)

●Somebody - Consciousness with Identity (Ego)

2D - Information (Script/Code)


Information in it's purest form - Formless

Once Information is known - then it can be

3D - Space-Time

Space cannot exist without Time, same as Time cannot exist without a Place. It is not a 1 thing, it is a combination of 2 things that are dependent on one another.

●Somebody(Identity at some point of Space-Time)

4D - Beyond Space-Time


(State of Perception, where you can observe and access the Timeline or Timelines as a whole, since everything has already happened.)

●Somebody - Consciousness with Identity (Ego)

5D - Superconsciousness


Superconsciousness - Omnipresence

(State of Perception where you are everyone, everywhere and everywhen)

●Everyone (No Identity)
●Everywhere (Outside Space)
●Everywhen (Outside Time)

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