You can perceive nothing, something or everything.
You can be nobody, somebody or everybody
0D - Nothingness
1D - Limbo
Consciousness in it's purest form - Formless
In 1D, Consciousness exists outside Space-Time (Nowhere and Nowhen in a Void, which is pure Emptiness) with an Identity (Ego)
●Somebody - Consciousness with Identity (Ego)
2D - Information (Script/Code)
Information in it's purest form - Formless
Once Information is known - then it can be
3D - Space-Time
Space cannot exist without Time, same as Time cannot exist without a Place. It is not a 1 thing, it is a combination of 2 things that are dependent on one another.
●Somebody(Identity at some point of Space-Time)
4D - Beyond Space-Time
(State of Perception, where you can observe and access the Timeline or Timelines as a whole, since everything has already happened.)
●Somebody - Consciousness with Identity (Ego)
5D - Superconsciousness
Superconsciousness - Omnipresence
(State of Perception where you are everyone, everywhere and everywhen)
●Everyone (No Identity)
●Everywhere (Outside Space)
●Everywhen (Outside Time)