Critical thinking Required

*screenshot image via Google search

EPA faces lawsuit from 4 states & DC for keeping hazardous pesticide on market
*news via @rtnews

Reading the above article, something hit me...☆why when we already had all the herbi,insecti,rodent, & fungi-"cides" would we have something called the pesticide? Then found the decided to look into the terminology and found the above screenshot * definition of "pesticide".
Correlating the word "pesticide" and its functionality vs the "Theoretical Agenda 21/30 & Codex Ellumentarius projects", this what I've came up with as my own theory...of the word "P_E_S_T":, that the word is actually equivalent to the abriviation

P -opulation
E - xtermination
S - terilizaton
T - reatment

Could this product be actually meant for that sole purpose? Revert back to ☆ and have fun thinking about it.

Especially when (for those that have read and came across both the purposes and documentation for Agenda 21/30 & Codex Ellumentarius).

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