Knowledge Bomb. Why Terror Attacks are allowed to happen

in conspiracy •  8 years ago 


  1. [Corruption & Infiltration]

(Terror Groups, Globalists,Countries & Intel Agencies having operatives/deals/agreements on the inside)

Terror Groups & there actions are also considered "Return on Investments" for those who helped/made them.

  1. [Incompetence & Overwhelmed/Overrun]

(Not being able to handle all the situation(s) & the sheer amount/frequency/type of them(You cannot stop/intercept all the plots/attacks). An uphill battle while avalanche & mudslide/landslide is happening.)

European agency's/forces have been weakened overtime so that the EU can come in with "Solutions", such as the EU Army. That and Western Europe is on track to eventually becoming a Caliphate.

  1. [False Flag]

(Real Attack allowed to or does happen, Real Attack but with RRCA(Rapid Response Crisis Actors) used on scene/being nearby, "Drill", Government Done, etc)

Fear is a powerful manipulation tool, especially when you(or your organization/government/party) come in as the "Savior".

  1. [Terrorists are allowed to Live.]

(Instead of filling the Body Bags with the Terrorists to stop any future Terror Attacks, they end up eventually filling those Body Bags with Civilians after the Terror Attacks.)

No Quarter & No Survivors. These Networks(Pedo & Terrorist) should be "Silenced", to cause others to come out of the woodwork to try to figure out what happened to them.

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