Of course, if JFK Jr. really is still alive, and really did show up, no one would really know what he looks like today, since he was just 39 at the time of the 1999 plane crash (which QAnon claims was faked), and would be over 60 today. Perhaps he came to the event, but no one recognized him!
If, as some of these people also claim, JFK (the father) is also still alive, and also was going to show up at the rally, he would be 104 years old, and therefore even more difficult to recognize (he was 46 when he was assassinated in 1963). Even a very hale 104-year old looks far different than he did at 46!
Let's not forget, that there's also the cryo freezing and regenerative technology that are available to the secret elite. They both loook just like the last time you saw them!