The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Is A Massive Scam Started By Nazi Eugenicists - Don't Give Them Any Donations!

in conspiracy •  6 years ago  (edited)

I believe we need to act to save our world from destruction but when I started to look into the providence of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) I began to see the same larger pattern of corruption and elite control at work that I see everywhere else these days.

As I don't see these elite powers doing anything but producing death, destruction and misery I don't believe their doublespeak and don't believe that the WWF is a honest foundation which aims to improve the situation in this world.

Interestingly the WWF represents the birth of the Green Movement which we can now see was started by eugenicists who's goals are to reduce the world's population

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Who Started The WWF?

The WWF was started by several powerful globalist figures which immediately gives us an insight into what kind of organization this really is. Founding members all shared the philosophy of eugenics which sees some races as more pure and inherently owning the world.

These founders included:

  • Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. This ex Nazi SS officer and lier is part of the global elite. He also was cofounder of the infamous Bilderberg Group, is part of the oil company Shell amongst others and has had serious allegations leveled at him for selling out the Dutch people during WWII.
  • Prince Philip is also part of the highest echelons of the global elite and is famous for wanting to come back in the next life as a virus to kill people. Before the founding of the WWF Philip and Queen Elizabeth went on a hunting expedition to India killing endangered animals which were later to be icons for the WWF.
  • Julian Huxley a class one eugenicist and first director of UNESCO plus part of the infamous Huxley clan. Julian believed that people should not be given too much access to medicine to keep populations down and that unemployment was a grounds for sterilization. He took these views with him to start UNESCO!

This list of seriously scary eugenicists should make you nervous!

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Prince Philip & Queen Elizabeth with their kill just months before founding the WWF!

The Befits For Large Corporations & Tax Scams

The dynasties of the two princes control many of the world's industries including much of the world's food production. The corporations they own through their shell companies are global bluechip companies and house hold names.

What is clear is that having a tax free foundation would be very useful for siphoning off money from their corporations without paying tax. This is an old scam and is still being used today.

Another significant benefit that the WWF is able to provide to their founders and the owners of these globalist corporations is access to large tracts of land taken by the WWF. This brings numerous benefits in controlling mineral rights, water rights and access to other natural resources under the umbrella of the WWF. Part of these resources are the controlled breeding of animals which no longer exist in the wild.

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The WWF Taking Land From People

Under the guise of environmentalism the WWF is able to push projects which are in the interests of its eugenicist founders. Global opinion can be manipulated over environmental issues which assist the WWF to achieve it's goals.

The WWF has been accused of taking land from indigenous populations although accurate information is hard to find in the media storm of the WWF's good works. Some commentators have even suggested that WWF land is used to harbor militant groups and create social conflicts.

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Doublespeak - Don't Feed These Murderers!

Here again we come to the concept of doublespeak. The real meanings of phrases are the opposite of what they say.

  • United Nations = Disunited Nations
  • Federal Reserve = Not Federal With No Reserves
  • World Wildlife Fund = Eugenics Movement To Depopulate The World

I completely agree with the dire need to make changes to our mother earth before she becomes too sick to heal. However the founders of the WWF are the owners of the very corporations which have treated our mother so badly. They are not to be trusted under any circumstances!

The WWF has received millions of dollars in donations from good honest people who genuinely want to make some kind of contribution for the better. This good faith is sadly misplaced. Stop giving the WWF any donations and if you know people who do donate to them suggest that they look into the WWF and other better means of giving.

This is a photo I took of a WWF project to save the Mekong Dolphin that made me mad and started me thinking about this post. I would love to save these beautiful animals but I know the WWF is not the way to do it.


If you want some further references on this you can try:

And this video sadly not on DTube:

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
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"However the founders of the WWF are the owners of the very corporations which have treated our mother so badly. "

This is classic problem-reaction-solution gov. business model right there. This SCAM is very popular in the Western crony capitalist system.

Scott Joseph (jockey) is criminal drug dealer and traffic

this is @jockey or Scott Joseph

drug man and bad man

Dont give drug dealer money to kill child. Fake good guy

Love your icon, love your message. Peace and goodwill.

Thanks! The post has been updated with the information I lost before! 😃

Scott Joseph (jockey) is criminal drug dealer and traffic

this is @jockey or Scott Joseph

drug man and bad man

Dont give drug dealer money to kill child

Respect @jockey ! And you are right! I heard a lot of bad stuff about WWF the last years... there is a book out in german called "WWF Schwarzbuch" means Blackbook translated. I still want to read that, but i am boycotting WWF already everywhere i see them. Stop their money & expose them, that hurts them the most. Thats why we are on steemit, right ;)

It makes me sad to read and hear this news.

Very important comment, Jockey! What if it is all a scam run by drug dealers! I think so!

I think you drug dealer like family guy on Bali

Guy in picture with gold is your uncle

your nama Scott Joseph and family of yours all drug criminal like guy joseph as well as scott joseph (you)

this is @jockey or Scott Joseph

drug man and bad man

I've heard this never given a penny to WWF prefer to give to genuine charities. Prince Phillip ha a lot to answer for 💯🐒