RE: You are SPINNING at 1,000 MPH??? Earth is Flat and Immovable!

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You are SPINNING at 1,000 MPH??? Earth is Flat and Immovable!

in conspiracy •  7 years ago 

Lots of evidence makes me think flat, starting with water, it always finds its level. I believe there is a dome over us , crazy stuff, but what you said is pretty much on point to me , they fed us ALL LIES I believe.

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This is just my thought but I think the title says it all we're moving so fast through space right the sun basically a gigantic ball of energy hurling through time and were this ball of matter trailing behind it caught in not gravity but in the drift so we're spinning around the drift following the sun but were spinning so fast that if you were to look from afar we would be flat like when you spin something really fast it seems to expand probably way wrong though lol

@motuproprio Thats crazier than FLAT EARTH! LOL

this is just the non sense cgi fed to you by nassim harramein in THAT animation.
we're not moving, that's an idea in your head. use your God-given senses instead, and open your eyes for the first time, like neo. peace.

Does water always find it's level? If so then why are dewdrops round and not flattened out? Because it's own gravity forms a "globe" shape. Any object in zero gravity form a globe because of it's own gravity.
If you threw a bunch of water out in space guess what shape it would form. Not all splattered out flat that's for sure.

You must be a scientist to know these type of things.
What do you do for a living?

Surface tension of the water molecules

@darkpurplelight - when you put dishwasher into water, it breaks the water surface tension, leaving water flat again
the ratio that you are talking about would not keep any small object together because it needs a relatively high mass in order for it to have a little pull.
In other words, droplets are way to light