Perfect contact partners are not the ones we think

in contact •  7 years ago 


Everyone agrees that the opposing characters are attracted and this applies to the old and the young, the happy and the miserable, the loneliness and the social people. But in his new book, Matthew Johnson, the relationship researcher Matthew Johnson, argues the opposite - that people are attracted to partners that are similar to each other, and with which they are far from the opposite. There have been three main theories in the discussion of the issue: the homogamy in which similar people are attracted, the heterogamy that attracts different people, and the additional third hypothesis where people are attracted by such complementary partners regardless of their similarities or opposites.

But according to Johnson, the clear winner is homogamy. Since the 1950s, social scientists have conducted over 240 studies to determine whether the similarities in attitudes, personality traits , external interests, value system, and general principles may lead to attraction. And in 2013 scientists Montoya and Horton did a meta-analysis of these studies to date and have found unmistakable pattern between the similarity between two people and the likelihood they appear attraction . And this regularity is so strong that it applies to people regardless of their culture and environment of growth and upbringing.

It is precisely because the similarity is related to attraction that we can explain why so often the partners in a relationship are so similar to all signs. The phenomenon is connected, although it is not exactly the same as the phenomenon of so-called. an assortment of partner choices where two people are selected on the basis of similar levels of education, social environment, financial opportunities, and even physical resemblance.

But none of these scenarios mean that the opposites are not attracted. According to the scientists and the other two hypotheses, about heterogamy and complementarity, are valid, and the question is more about their social distribution and the specific mechanisms that have worked in a couple that has "deviated" from the principle of homogamy .


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