#13 Days : Contests Every Day By Alice - Reward: 0.5 Steem everyday >>Talk about your best friend<<

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

In yesterday's competition,My competition was held successfully. There are 7 participants in my contest and they all answered my question very well. Thank you for watching my contest. I always welcome everyone to participate in my contest. Do not forget to share this article with everyone, share my article with your friends.

Question today

Talk about your best friend

Everybody has their own close friends, which may be the ones that suit you in terms of subjects, sports or more specifically who share with you the most. happy in life.As for me, my friend is a person I love and admire, you are the person who helped me a lot in learning. Comment competition for everyone !

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Have you ever participated in my contest? You just have to comment on what you think or tell a story you like. Everyone can participate in this contest and share your living opinion. Here we are always happy and share interesting things.

Rules :

  • Upvote, ( resteem if you like, but if two people answer the exact answer, i will choose the person who completes the steps)
  • Follow me
  • The contest is only for those who have never won my contest three times.The competition is for those who have a good reputation from 25 to 60.
  • Hahhaahah my friends have a reputation over 60 , please comment on my post because this is just a fun contest
  • Maybe its better to have at least a criteria of minimum of 100 words but not exceeding to 300 words
  • The two best responders will receive 0.2 steem. And 3rd place gets 0.1 steem
  • Comment time ends after 22 hours from this article

Reward: 0.5 Steem - The contest will be held every day :D

7 previous competitions

Good luck !

The contest has been held for 13 consecutive days !

Contest by @a-alice

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My bestie no doubt is shuva! While I live like a nerd typing keyboards all the time. He lives a bohemian one
He is the most super cool dude i hv seen. We hang out a lot since our primary scools, when we were of age 3 only 😎. Nowadays also we are studying together for job, and he really helps me a lot. He is a good kinda guy with some screws missing. Lol 😂 he is not on steemit , so I can share some secrets. His lover is a very dumb girl, who knows nothing but makeup. His life has become hell with that chick, haha!

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You hate her🤣🤣. But do you give advice to your best friend?

I tried to tell him at first, bt he is madly in love with her... So its ok, no one is perfect.... Just because of I didn't like her dosen't mean she is a bad girl.... No! She is just not my tyoe. Thay are happy now and me too with my girl!

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Well Alice, my story with my best friend is very bittersweet. We met in college for having the same tastes for food, she loves pizza as much as I do. We love and hate each other for having different ideologies. In my country, Venezuela, we call us disparagingly just for fun and with great ease she and I often for insult between us to make laugh at each other. Right now, she suffers from brain cancer, but she always asks me to continue with my insults, making her laugh, for make her feel like a normal person without that sensation of being a patient of serious illness. We love each other, and we will always be together in the worst moments.

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I hope she's healthy soon. Make her happier!

I hope that. And yeah, i'm making her life funny.

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I had many friends and eventually all parted with time. I have very few friends now. Never termed as best but my college mate Rohit Gandhi is a great friend of mine. We graduated together and he moved to USA to pursue his masters.
Since then he earned a lot, worked in giant technology companies like amazon and Facebook. But whenever he visits India, I'm one of the first persons he meets.
I think I'm blessed to have a friend who remembers me and respects me even after becoming filthy rich. That's friendship for me.

oh you and he has a great friendship!

I reaaly like aI could do it in spanish, isnce so much of the shit we've done together and lived trought are quitely unspocable if not in my mother lenguage xD, like the one time we almost die 3 times in the same accident (we dodge a certain death encounter 3 times and came out with barely a scratch on us or the boat xD)
Well, We did end up with half boat out of the water XD

My best friend is called Scarlin we know each other since we began to study, we have always been very United, we've had differences, but we have always solved them on good terms; Although we take different careers at the University still we share much, she has seen me cry, laugh, succeed and fail, it is part of my life and my family even if not a us any tie of blood and is that we have shared almost all of our years of life I love it very much and I'm sure that she also feels the same... for which unites us a friendship strong and durable!!

I never believed in having a best friend until I gained admission in one of the colleges in Nigeria where I met with Patrick, at first we had a hard time staying together until I realized in all he did, he wished me well, not for any gain but because he really cared. He is a workaholic guy who have no spare time for laziness. Got to learn a lot from him , how to sing, maximize the little I have, read for a longer time and how to build proper friendship. We got to understand each other like we were born twin and shared everything like brothers (our joy, sadness, food, dress etc)

I have a best friend, the kind of friend I sometimes think "This boy is my best friend, my best friend for life" That phrase I read somewhere and stayed in my memory. I've known him since I was 11 years old, we met in high school and he was a good student like me. He did his class groups with the boys and I with the girls. Everyone had their group until the teacher chose how the groups should be conformed for an exhibition and it was with me that it was a terrible experience in which we hated each other, but in the end we were children and we let go of the matter and then with the time our classmates no longer made the same effort in class activities so we ended up in next years gathering in our own group and since then we always do things together, we are in college and we study the same thing. We have as many things in common as there are different ones, but it's nice to talk to a person that you can really be yourself with and you do not get scared.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Aquí va mi Respuesta: Mi mejor amiga se llama María Eugenia, nos conocimos hace mas de 18 años, cuando de mi trabajo me trasladaron a la oficina donde ella trabajaba y debo confesar que de principio no me llevaba muy bien con ella, me parecía una persona ordinaria y además ella no me trataba muy bien, pero después de unos meses me di cuenta que era una persona de gran corazón y ella me confesó que cuando ella se mudo a su ciudad natal porque su esposo fue trasladado a trabajar allá, pero igual seguimos en contacto y nos visitamos cada vez que podemos llegue a la oficina ella me trataba mal porque pensó que yo iba a reemplazarla en sus quehaceres, pero al darse cuenta que no era así, su trato conmigo cambio y nos hicimos las mejores amigas, estuvimos trabajando juntas por 13 años, luego, más que mi amiga la siento como una hermana, alguien que ha estado conmigo en los buenos y malos momentos; por lo que siento que nuestra amistad es inquebrantable ya que ni la distancia ha podido separarnos!! Le agradezco a @a-alice
por este tipo de iniciativas que nos animan a escribir…

hhahah can you speak english ?

no mucho!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@opb !vote reply 5sbd

Hola como estas, es mi primera vez en el concurso les voy a contar sobre mi mejor amiga.

Mi mejor amiga se llama Mariela a parte de ser mi amiga es como una hermana, nos conocimos trabajando en la parte de salud ella pertenece al sindicato de trabajadores del estado, ella fue la que me ayudo con mi trabajo comenzamos siendo compañeras de trabajo pero la amistad surgió y se hizo más fuerte yo trabajaba en epidemiología y ella iba a visitarme casi siempre, luego por enfermedad me cambie de servicio y comencé a coordinar todo lo que era el medio rural, en la coordinación comencé a conocer a cada coordinadora de la red ambulatoria he hicimos un grupo de amigas muy bonito entre ellas están Rosita, Zulay, Yubetsy, Yulmi y a medida que fuimos conociéndonos más y trabajando en conjunto se incluyeron en el grupo a Migdalia, Edilbert, Guido, Andres, Nerillen, Héctor, El Ruso y El Flaquito y eramos un grupo más grande eramos los super amigos y Mariela y mi persona coordinabamos todo el grupo para los operativos de salud salíamos todos juntos, en las intervenciones Mariela siempre nos apoyaba y ella viajaba conmigo a todas partes como nos divertiamos y gozabamos en cada paseo conociendo nuestro estado, lo más agradable era que comíamos mucho todo cambio por motivos que pasan en nuestro país Venezuela nos nos separamos por buscar un mejor futuro. Mariela y yo quedamos solas, es triste ver como un grupo de amigos que se dedicaban ayudar a niños que nos necesitaba y por la situación que presenta nuestro país no sigamos, yo tengo fe en que todos volvamos a estar juntos y cumplir con esa linda labor que teníamos Mariela y yo seguimos trabajando pero muy poco contando la historia me dio sentimiento porque soy una de las que quiere que todo sea como antes. La amistad es para siempre y los amigos son una bendición de Dios

Can you speak English ? 🤪

No hablo ingles solo español


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Talk about your best friend.

Hi everyone! Have a nice day! Its been my second time to participate this gorgeous contest of mam @a-alice, and im happy that i found this beautiful contest. So today, some of of us have friends but we have few of our friends,that we called bestfriend. So here is the bright side and other side of my bestfriend.😊

Her name is cora, she is my childhood friend and until we go to school, summer jobs and take our career,she is the one i called bestfriend. You know why? Just simply because she is the one who always there for me,not only in happiness but also in troubles she always there for me. She is my good adviser,my loyal friend and my sister to me. When she noticed that my ex- husband beat me and hurt me, she always there for me...to take care for me and nursed me when i have some of cuts. And she is the one who help to get out that life of misery from my ex husband. So i was thankful to Cora, a sister to me,my angel and my bestfriend forever!
Thats my bestfriend!😊 Thank you and God bless my bestfriend..see you soon!😊🙋


My best friend is samson, a cool headed guy, he from bayelsa, Nigeria.. Chubby and round dude..lol.. He has been very helpful and a motivation to me over the years. He can be annoying with his calls over the phone, either whatsapp call or land line call...so disturbing jeez!!!
I love him, he is a good guy