Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Augmentations...)

in contest •  6 years ago 

There were many descriptions of how people were able to step up to a situation and surprise themselves in last week's post. It's great, that when push comes to shove, we seem to be able to be the person that we need to be!

This week, I'm playing a good deal of Fallout 4 and Deus Ex: Minkind Divided, both open world games that have an element of human augmentation (well, mostly Deus Ex does...) in their narrative universes! Also, I've been entranced by the ongoing news from Cyberpunk 2077 which features a future where humans are heavily augmented.

Now, this leads to some interesting thoughts about the direction of human augmentations. Already, we have surgical procedures for fixing and enhancing things that are "wrong" with us. Things like joint replacements, hearing aids and laser eye surgery. From here, would it be such a short step to enhance our strength, reflexes, hearing or connectivity?

My Question

  1. What are your thoughts on Human Augmentation (Implants)?

  2. If you had a choice of Augmentations on your shopping list, what would you be getting as your first choice?

My sample answer

Personally, I think that the possibility of Human Implants to augment our abilities is unavoidable. It will happen, perhaps not in the near future but it will happen! I'm in a bit of a two mind state about the idea. One one hand, I'm a tech nerd, and the idea of integrating technology into our bodies and minds without the inefficiency of a physical device is really enticing to me! However, being a tech nerd, I know that our toys are far from perfect, and especially once you start going down to budget lines and brands, then things can get pretty dicey already!

However, if I did have a choice of Augmentation. I think I would take something that would integrate some sort of internet/network access and be able to project it as a HUD (display) on my retina. So, that the real world could be overlaid with additional augmented reality information. For me, I think this would be the best and least overt use of the technology, whilst being incredibly informative to the user.


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  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
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  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

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Firstly I been keeping an eye on Cyberpunk2077 for a while now and trying to figure out what kind of game it would be, its still keeping me guessing on how exactly it will all be played out.

My Thoughts on Human augmentation?
Also bit of a two state mind about it, the idea of having these enhancements of sorts can be exciting and alluring but with most technology it also ALWAYS gets used for the wrong reasons.

If I had a choice of a Augmentation?
Hmm it would probably be something to do with adding more years into ones lifespan @bengy

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Yes me too... I'm guessing that it would be a First person sort of thing (or maybe 3rd like the Witcher). Huge open world I guess as well, but I'm completely hyped for it! I might even buy it at launch!

Technology is really neutral... as long as people are using it, there will be "good" and "bad" uses... ah well, human weakness!

Adding more years? That's something I hadn't really thought about, hopefully it would also keep the mind in a good state as well! Nothing would be more terrible than a damaged mind in a perfect body!

I am Pro Augmentation.
An artificial hip is already one.
And my glasses can also be seen as one..not really implanted, but still

I would go for more ram and faster access to memory.
The things I forget, it is incredible!
This would also increase my ability with other languages.
I cannot read a French text for a 3 year old, that is already to difficult, not knowing most of the words in there.

Ah... an indelible memory! That would really help! I'm constantly dumping things out (well, or choosing not to remember...) of my brain. On the other hand, maybe being able to dump things from memory is a pretty useful thing to do!

I guess, to remember all the things one did as a baby wouldn't help anyone with his confidence

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@bengy, I do not think that implants are bad as they are able to make life better for some of us- like those who lost a limp or were born without one; What gave human augmentation implants its bad name were the people who just cannot get enough of what they have- like those who wanted to increase the size of their body parts like their breasts and butts and, kept upsizing and upsizing until humanely possible.

If human augmentation implants is available in my daily shopping, I would really need to avail sight related implants as I am near sighted.

A sight related implant would be really useful to fix our inability to see clearly (I'm also near sighted!). On the other hand, I think I would miss my glasses, they are really so much part of my identity now! Would you also choose for some other technological enhancement of your sight? To be able to see other wavelengths other than the human visible perhaps?

You know what, I would. It would be cool to see wifi reception signals once in a while- I am internet dependent sometimes. But, I would also draw the line on a psychic third eye- if its available out there. I watch and read a lot of scary stuffs these days and, I think I cannot take any more of it especially in real life- if they are indeed real.

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There was a time which people thought the hyper realistic photographs actually capture the soul of an individual. There was a time medicine considered sinful and refusing to see a doctor elevated a person to sainthood. I'm not kidding:

Illness was indisputably caused by sin. The Bible said so, and so did Church Councils. The only alternative explanations given credence were diabolical possession, witchcraft and other satanic machinations. In Christendom, from AD 300 to around 1700 all serious mental conditions were understood as symptoms of demonic possession. Since illness was thought to be caused by supernatural agents, cures had to be essentially supernatural as well. Every cure was literally miraculous, and these miracles could be effected only by prayer, penance and the assistance of saints. To claim otherwise was heretical and blasphemous.

The Christian ideal was that women should die rather than allow themselves to be helped by a physician. Some women won their sainthood for doing no more than declining medical assistance. In the fourth century Saint Gorgonia, the daughter of two saints, was trampled by a team of mules, causing multiple broken bones and crushed internal organs. She would not see a doctor, as she thought it indecent. According to Christian sources this modesty miraculously cured her, and a second such self-healing miracle assured her sainthood. Today, Gorgonia is a patron saint for people afflicted by bodily ills. We do not know how many thousands of other women with identically modest Christian scruples died following her example and are now forgotten.

By the Middle Ages, medicine had regressed on all fronts in Christian lands. Muslims who came into contact with Christians, as Usama of Shaizar did during the Crusades, were shocked by the crudity of their medicine — and it was not only medicine, but public health too. Whereas Muslims adopted public baths (hammams) and insisted on washing before meals, Christians adopted the view that it was wrong to wash. It was flying in the face of God to presume to clean off his honest Christian filth. Christians were obliged to accept the will of God and the disease and misery that went with it. Queen Elizabeth I was famously said to have bathed twice a year, whether she needed to or not.

We may laugh at these things now. But what would the future generations think of what we'd be thinking now. I don't want to be laughed at and honestly I'm a huge fan of Deus Ex (The original was far ahead its time) Ghost in the Shell, Altered Carbon and cyberpunk in general.

Safety is Key

Therefor I'd like wearable upgrades which I can put on and take off. Te biggest advantage is that I can switch what I'm going for. I can pick and choose different abilities.

Yes, I definitely agree with your sentiment there... but I guess I should point out, that there were also many things in the past that were thought to be a good/bad idea at the time... and proved with modern knowledge to be bad ideas!

Wearables would definitely be a great interim step! I had really been caught by the idea of the Google Glasses and the concept of it... however, I had much less interest in the watches and that sort of thing.. Something about watches seemed less integrated than a HUDS interface.

This is a great point! Being able to select upgrades like clothes keeps you in control!

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Have you watched the shows Continuum and Altered Carbon? They have something similar to your retina thing and what I would choose. Eye-brain devices/implantations that allow receiving chunks of data when looking at things and even talking on "the phone"

No, I've been meaning to watch Altered Carbon... Continuum I haven't heard of though! Thanks for the suggestion!

Funny that we would choose the similar augment!

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I am in favor of using technology to advance, enrich, or improve our lives/minds/bodies. In the past such things as heart replacements, lung transplants, ect. were unheard of , yet are common practices today. As a diabetic, I'd most like to see some type of technology that could take over for an inactive pancreas and regulate your bodies need and usage of insulin. That also opens up a whole realm of tech that could regulate metabolism in general and eliminate obesity and other chronic illness.

I can believe that that sort of implant would definitely remove the hassle of many things that would otherwise require your constant attention! I remember a friend being a diabetic at school, and it seemed to be such a complete hassle, to constantly have to be regulating the sugar level and keeping a close watch on your diet and any signs of an incoming problem....

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Human augmentation is an unavoidable part of the future. As long as the augmentations are used to help humanity rather than to say, control it, it will usher in a new golden age.

The augmentation I want is a body full of self-replicating nanites that essentially make me immortal and indestructible.

I don't know, I think the augmentations will be morally neutral like most technologies... there will be those who use it beneficially, and others who will abuse it and make some nasty stuff...

Haha... you want to be immortal and indestructible so that you can go jumping off bigger and faster things?!?!?!?!? I bet it would still hurt though...

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Like you, I think that human implants with improvements will exist in the future, it's inevitable, I even think they have already been implemented in secret.

Maybe it is exaggerated but I would do a complete hardware change, I would pass my brain to a new improved body.

Wow! A completely new body! Would it be an organic one or would you be going with a partly non-carbon body? Or even one that wouldn't have a human form?

With human form of course, maybe in the future science can generate totally organic bodies with regenerative properties (like wolverine) I don't know, I would even settle for a cyborg synthetic body that doesn't expire.

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Human augmentation is going to happen the questions is to what level. I like your idea a lot at would add that if it could include a zoom feature wins me over.

For me though if I could would be nice to improve the digestive track to leave out more of the bad things in food and only use the good. I feel like this would help me a lot of people be healthier.

That would be an interesting augmentation... to be able to filter in or out various materials and nutrients! I wonder if that would lead to an ability to just eat anything and still get useful energy out of it....

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Howdy Bengy! Great topic this week!

I say proceed with caution, but proceed! I have been thinking about my first augmentation, and I think I have it!

I would like some sort of nano fiber or nano bot connectivity that allows me to sample soil, 'talk' with fungis and micro life as well as plants. This really would be a type of enhanced, on site testing of soil and plants, and with the quick results of these tests I would be 'talking' to plants., By reading their biochemistry.

I imagine this being some sort of finger enhancement, but it could be feet or knees or really anywhere.

Wow, this sort of augmentation would be really useful to so many people! The ability to have such an awareness with out natural surroundings would also enhance our awareness of what our footprint does to the world around us...

I think you are right - I hope technology does help us in the future continue to connect with our planet!

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Yes it will happen, but I think only to upgrade some skills or health. Othervise I think not as we are getting to value 'back to the nature' stay away from screens mentality. At least I hope so writing it on my phone ;)

Haha... yes, although I think it would be more than upgrading... I'm afraid that some would use it to be forever lost to the "real" world!

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I'm actually in love with the idea of augmenting humans. In the Matrix, when Neo was first introduced to learning through the Matrix, I was bouncing up and down, saying, "Me next! Me next!"

It was through Doctor Who and the Cybermen that I began thinking about what uses there could be for augmentation that I didn't like the idea of.

But I'd still be first in line.

I think I would want the same as you, @bengy: an augmented reality viewer that takes information from around me, processes it and then feeds it back to me through eyesight. The second, though: I would definitely get a port so that I could learn things the way Neo does in The Matrix.

Oh yes... I think I was right up there thinking that the skills uploading in the Matrix was the best thing ever! I had stopped Doctor Who though, I really should get back to that!

A instantaneous skill learning download port would be completely one of the must have upgrades... assuming your brain doesn't melt down from information overload!

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think human augmentation has a lot of potential but also a lot of danger. I would never use an implant I can´t take off for my own, or at least turn it down, unless I can´t live without it.

The consequences of augments without stricts quality controls and approval by medical authorities terrifies me. I do not like conspiracy theories, but I think we must be completely sure the bad practices by pharmacy companies would never be possible in the augment industry.

I definitely agree that the danger is there for abuse... you do bring up good points that this sort of thing would need to be closely monitored and regulated. Perhaps it is better to stick with things that we can just take off!

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I mean, we already do have human augmentation, even of the super-future type you mean in that my wife, @stinawog's eyesight after LASIK is better than 20/20. I am all for it.

The thing that I often daydream about is little nanobots inside you that make sure you stay alive. They'll clean out your arteries and make your muscles grow correctly. If you were to break a bone, they'd fix it. They'd rebuild your teeth. Super-healing. I've read about them in some sci-fi. I can't remember what exactly... I think humans were harvesting water on asteroids in the series.

Anyways, I often imagine little nanobots helping my body stay in good health.

Really?! After Laser surgery she has superhuman vision! That's great, I had no idea that was possible! Is she going to wear a cape and her undies on the outside and go by an alter ego? Unless she did that before hand...

Healing nanobots... that would be pretty amazing... although, I think I would want them to be able to dull the pain of breaking the bone in the first place!

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Namaste, my friend.


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